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Wednesday 10 July 2024
Support for legal abortion has risen since Supreme Court eliminated
protections, AP-NORC poll finds
Continued from Front day it's her choice and her National bans on abortion
body and her life." are broadly unpopular:
Full bans, with limited excep- He said he would support na- Around 8 in 10 Americans say
tions, have gone into effect in tional protections for abortion Congress should not pass a
14 GOP-led states, while three rights.Views on abortion have federal law banning abor-
other states prohibit abortion long been nuanced and tion. About three-quarters say
after about six weeks of preg- sometimes contradictory. there should not be a federal
nancy, before women often The new AP-NORC survey law banning abortion at six
realize they're pregnant. shows that even though the weeks, and 6 in 10 oppose a
They are also overwhelm- country is largely antagonistic federal law banning abortion
ingly against national abor- to restrictions on abortion, a at 15 weeks.
tion bans and restrictions. substantial number of people Most Republicans — about
And views toward abortion hold opinions and values that two-thirds, according to the
— which have long been are not internally consistent. survey — say a nationwide
relatively stable — may be Demonstrators protest outside the Wisconsin Capitol, May 3, About half of those who say abortion ban should not hap-
getting more permissive. 2022, in Madison, Wis. a woman should be able pen.
Vincent Wheeler, a 47-year- Associated Press to get an abortion for any On the campaign trail, Trump
old Republican from Los An- reason also say their state has courted anti-abortion
geles, said abortion should be issue should be left up to the who identifies as an "inde- should not allow abortion voters by highlighting his ap-
available for any reason until states. But even that stance pendent liberal," has believed after 24 weeks of pregnancy pointment of three Supreme
viability, the point at which is likely to be unsatisfying to that abortions should be al- and about one-quarter say Court justices who helped
health care providers say it's most Americans, who con- lowed for any reason since their state should not allow overturn Roe. But his strategy
possible for a fetus to survive tinue to oppose many bans he was an 18-year-old high abortion after 15 weeks of on abortion policy has been
outside the uterus. on abortion within their own school senior, because "life pregnancy. to defer to the states, an at-
"There's so many reasons as state, and think Congress is full of gray situations." He But the vast majority of Ameri- tempt to find a more cautious
to why someone may want should pass a law guaran- recalls reading stories as a cans — more than 8 in 10 stance on an issue that has
or need an abortion that it teeing access to abortions teenager about women who — continue to say abortion become a major vulnerabil-
has to be up to that person nationwide, according to the died trying to get an abor- should be legal in extreme ity for Republicans since the
of what they have to do in poll. Seven in 10 Americans tion before the 1973 Roe v. circumstances, such as when 2022 Dobbs decision.
that specific circumstance," think abortion should be legal Wade decision provided a a patient's life would be en- Despite Trump's statements,
Wheeler said, acknowledging in all or most cases, a slight constitutional right to the dangered by continuing the Penny Johnson, 73, from
that some fellow Republicans increase from last year, while procedure. pregnancy. About 8 in 10 say Sherman Oaks, California,
might disagree. about 3 in 10 think abortion "Pregnancy is complicated," the same about a pregnancy said she is still afraid Repub-
Likely Republican presidential should be illegal in all or most he said. "Women should caused by rape or incest or licans might pursue a national
nominee Donald Trump has cases. make the choice with the when a fetal anomaly would abortion ban if they win the
declined to endorse a nation- Robert Hood, a 69-year-old advice of their doctor and prevent the child from surviv- White House and Congress
wide abortion ban, saying the from Universal City, Texas, family, but at the end of the ing outside the womb. in November.q
Vice President Kamala Harris leads new campaign
effort to reach out to Asian American voters
Asian American voters, put- grown since Biden's stum- around our country, just as
ting Vice President Kamala bling debate performance we need to make sure that
Harris at the forefront of the last month raised questions those voices are represented
effort with events in Nevada about whether he would in all levels of government,"
and Pennsylvania this week. withdraw his candidacy and Harris said in a video released
AANHPIs for Biden-Harris Harris would take his place. by the campaign Tuesday.
(AANHPI stands for Asian Harris will also deliver a key- "Asian Americans must be in
American, Native Hawaiian note address Saturday at the rooms where the deci-
and Pacific Islander) will kick a town hall in Philadelphia sions are being made."
Vice President Kamala Harris takes a photo with Sen. Mazie
Hirono, D-Hawaii, left, and others, in the Rose Garden of the off with an event in Las Ve- hosted by APIAVote, an ad- The fresh effort focusing
White House in Washington, May 17, 2022, during a reception gas on Tuesday with former vocacy group focused on on Asian American voters
to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific "Top Chef" host Padma Lak- mobilizing Asian American comes after the Biden cam-
Islander Heritage Month. shmi. Harris is the first person voters. paign had already launched
Associated Press of South Asian descent to "We need to make sure that coalition groups focusing on
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- campaign is launching its for- serve as vice president, and AA and NHPI voices are Black voters and Latino vot-
dent Joe Biden's reelection mal outreach campaign to the spotlight on her has only heard at the ballot boxes ers. q