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LOCAL Wednesday 10 July 2024
Best spots to view the sunset
(Oranjestad)—Today we the California Light House along the entire western
celebrate Valentine ’s Day, hill not only offers a tremen- coast of the island starting
and what can be more ro- dous view of the sunset, but from behind Bucuti & Tara
mantic than surprising your also a breath taking scen- Beach Resort up to the
partner with a date watch- ery of most of the island. In Amsterdam Manor round-
ing the sunset. Aruba’s sun- the distance you can spot about. The sunset on these
set leave many speechless, all the hotels, the west- beaches is truly breathtak-
and luckily, the best spots ern shoreline and the wild ing; the sky and ocean look
to view the sunset are en- waves that crash on the so big and spacious, and
tirely accessible and easy northern side of the island. paired with the orange/
to find. Here are some of pink hue of the sunset, the
the best places to view the Manchebo & Eagle Beach white sandy beaches and miles, lending a spectacu- incredible scenery.
sunset on the island. Speaking of the western the soft sounds of waves lar canvas for the sun to
shoreline, the best spots crashing—it can only be create a masterpiece of Casibari Rock Formation
California Light House for viewing the sunset on described as an experi- orange, pink and purple If you’re a rock climber, you
Of course, being one of the the beach has to be either ence!* hue. might enjoy watching the
highest point easily acces- Manchebo Beach or at sunset on top of the Casi-
sible to locals and tourists, Eagle Beach, which stretch Arashi Beach Hooiberg Hill bari Rock Formation. It’s no
Another beach that has to These last two options are Yosemite, but it does offer
be considered as another for more active couples. If a fun little exercise to get
great spot to view the sun- you and your partner like to to the top. But if you pre-
set. Arashi Beach is the last hike, the Hooiberg Hill may fer not to get your hands a
beach you will find along be a great place for you to little dirty, you can always
the western coast line, just get your daily workout in use the stairs in the back.
before you drive up the and enjoy a beautiful view
hill to the California Light of the sunset and the island Editor’s note: This spot may
House. A favorite for surf- as a little reward. Climb on be my personal favorite, if
ers and body boarders, the top the 587-step stairs and you couldn’t already tell…
Arashi sky stretches out for reach the top to enjoy this q
Why You Should Not Miss Aruba’s Free City Center Street Car Tour
ORANJESTAD - Aruba’s City hydrogen fuel cells, which The tram will bring you close and ends at Plaza Nicky. departs from the cruise port
Center Street Car - or as we are charged by the island’s to different museums, histori- The first ride starts at 10:00 at 5:00pm. Don’t miss this tour
call it in Dutch; “Tram van year-round trade winds. cal plazas, monuments, the am sharp with intervals of of the beautiful Aruba’s City
Oranjestad’ - is a single track Protestant church, Aruba’s 25minutes. The last trolley Center– it is free for all!q
tram line in Oranjestad, the Caya Betico Croes, mostly high- end mall, retail shops,
capital city of Aruba. It was referred to as our “main and a variety of local and
inaugurated on 22 Decem- street” has been developed international cuisine restau-
ber 2012, being the first and into a pollution-free pedes- rants. The “I love Aruba”
so far the only passenger trian mall. The double-decker trademark also belongs to
rail service on Aruba and offers you a 360 degree view that list. The third stop on the
the rest of the Dutch Carib- of the down town area with route is close to a 5-minute
bean. There are two trolleys, a picture perfect scenery of walk to the famous Renais-
a single-deck one with 42 the island’s clear blue skies. sance Marina showcasing
seats and a double-decker Who would not enjoy a ride luxurious yachts and Aruba’s
with 64 seats. The line was on this beautiful and naturally blue waters.
inspired by the popular air-conditioned vehicle? The
battery-powered streetcar tour consists of a total of 9 The “Tram van Oranjestad”
operation at the Grove in stops approximately 200 me- starts from a balloon loop
Los Angeles, USA. Aruba’s ters apart from each other; near the Port of Call and
streetcars are powered by all stops are clearly marked. serves the downtown area