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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 17 Februari 2022

                         EU can withhold funds from Hungary, Poland, top court rules

            (AP) — In a ruling hailed  Europe  Minister  Clement  of judges – called the court’s
            as  a  boost  to  democrat-  Beaune  told  the  EU  legisla-  move a turning point.
            ic  values,  the  European  ture. “The rule of law is our
            Union’s highest court said  treasure.”                    “It is a gloomy date that will
            Wednesday that the 27-na-                                 be  written  in  the  history
            tion bloc can suspend sup-   The  court  decision  was  the  books,”  Ziobro  said.  “From
            port payments to member  last  legal  impediment  to  an area of freedom, the EU is
            states  if  they  breach  rule  EU  institutions  withhold-  changing into an area where
            of law principles.           ing  funds  from  any  govern-  it will be possible to use un-
                                         ment  they  consider  to  be  at  lawful  violence  in  order  to
            The    right-wing   govern-  odds  with  core  democratic  take this freedom away from
            ments  of  Hungary  and  Po-  principles. The rule, seen as  member states and limit their
            land,  which  had  challenged  the EU’s most potent weap-  sovereignty.”
            the  EU’s  right  to  take  such  on  to  prevent  a  democratic
            action, responded by arguing  rift  from  deepening  within  Hungarian  Justice  Minister
            that the rule lacked a proper  the  bloc,  was  approved  14  Judit  Varga  called  the  court  reached  with  Wednesday’s  The  court  argued  however
            legal basis and would funda-  months  ago,  but  the  execu-  ruling  a  “political  judge-  ruling. The reactions showed  that  democratic  backsliding
            mentally interfere with their  tive  European  Commission  ment” and proof that the EU  how  the  democratic  dis-  had  not  only  a  political  im-
            running of national business.  waited to apply it.        was abusing its power.       course in the EU is polariz-  pact but also affected budget-
                                                                                                   ing and splitting the bloc.  ary matters.
            Both nations, large recipients  EU  Commission  President  “The ruling is another appli-
            of EU funds, have come un-   Ursula von der Leyen prom-   cation of pressure against our  “This ruling is a milestone,”  “The  sound  financial  man-
            der increasing criticism over  ised to “act with determina-  country  because  we  passed  Belgian  Prime  Minister  Al-  agement  of  the  Union  bud-
            the past few years for veering  tion,” and EU legislators im-  our  child  protection  law  exander  De  Croo  said.  “It  get and the financial interests
            away from democratic norms  mediately  urged  her  to  start  during  the  summer,”  Varga  becomes  ever  more  difficult  of the Union may be serious-
            with  policies  such  as  exert-  enforcing  the  rule  against  wrote,  referring  to  legisla-  for  member  nations  to  say  ly compromised by breaches
            ing excessive control over the  Poland  and  Hungary  within  tion approved last year which  these  (democratic)  rights  do  of the principles of the rule of
            judiciary, stifling media free-  days, not months. Withhold-  forbids children from media  not  entail  obligations  and  law committed in a member
            dom  and  denying  the  rights  ing any funds could take until  content  that  depicts  homo-  that they can be pushed aside  state,” it said.
            of LGBT people.              the end of the year because of  sexuality or gender changes.  at will.”
                                         institutional rules and a tor-                                                         Because of extended financial
            When it comes to democratic  tuous  approval  process  that  The EU’s passage of the rule  Both Hungary and Poland say  vetting not directly linked to
            principles,  “the  European  needs  majority  approval  of  of  law  funding  mechanism  the  court  was  overstepping  Wednesday’s  ruling,  Poland
            Union  must  be  able  to  de-  member states.            predates  the  Hungarian  law,  its  authority  in  approving  a  has  yet  to  receive  some  $41
            fend those values, within the                             which many critics have de-  new  mechanism  that  is  not  billion  euros  from  the  EU’s
            limits of its powers,” the Eu-  The  reaction  from  Hungary  cried  as  a  violation  of  LG-  described  in  the  EU’s  own  pandemic  recovery  fund,
            ropean Court of Justice said  and Poland was swift. Polish  BTQ rights.                treaties.  They  said  making  while  Hungary’s  $8  bil-
            in Wednesday’s ruling.       Justice  Minister  Zbigniew                               a  link  between  finances  and  lion was also held up. Those
                                         Ziobro – who is responsible  European  officials  on  the  the legal decisions of national  funds  could  now  be  further
            “We have the legal authority  for many of the changes seen  other side of the debate also  governments  amounted  to  held back because of the rul-
            that  is  necessary,”  France’s  as eroding the independence  felt a tipping point had been  blackmail from Brussels.  ing.

                             Macron: Europe needs to defend its sovereignty in space

            (AP) — Europe needs a bold-  that  Europe’s  sovereignty  is  competitiveness.         recent events had shown how
            er space policy, French Presi-  at stake if it falls behind rival                      crucial it is to be able to mon-  Macron  said  Europe  needs
            dent Emmanuel Macron de-     powers in a key field for tech-  Speaking at a meeting in Tou-  itor  troop  movements  from  to consider whether it wants
            clared  Wednesday,  warning  nology,  science  and  military  louse,  France,  Macron  said  orbit — a reference to satel-  to pursue that path, and if so,
                                                                                                   lite images showing Russia’s  what the goal should be. One
                                                                                                   mass  military  deployment  option would be to follow the
                                                                                                   near Ukraine that raise fears  United  States  in  aiming  for
                                                                                                   of an imminent invasion.     Mars,  while  another  would
                                                                                                                                be to focus on a replacement
                                                                                                   “There  is  no  full  power  or  for  the  aging  International
                                                                                                   autonomy without managing  Space Station.
                                                                                                   space,”  Macron  said.  “With-
                                                                                                   out  (it)  you  can’t  conquer  With hundreds of thousands
                                                                                                   new frontiers or even control  of  jobs  tied  to  the  space  in-
                                                                                                   your own.”                   dustry,  Macron  warned  that
                                                                                                                                Europe  faces  tough  compe-
                                                                                                   Europe  has  a  strong  record  tition  not  just  from  major
                                                                                                   when  it  comes  to  launching  powers but also emerging ri-
                                                                                                   satellites for telecommunica-  vals such as India and private
                                                                                                   tions, global positioning ser-  companies  like  Blue  Origin
                                                                                                   vices  and  scientific  research.  and SpaceX.
                                                                                                   But it has lagged behind rivals
                                                                                                   such  as  the  United  States,  “Unfortunately  they’re  not
                                                                                                   Russia and China on human  European,  but  they  took  a
                                                                                                   spaceflight, having no ability  bet,”  he  said,  adding  that
                                                                                                   to launch crewed missions of  the companies had benefited
                                                                                                   its own.                     from significant public fund-
                                                                                                                                ing  in  the  form  of  govern-
                                                                                                   The  head  of  the  European  ment-sponsored   launches.
                                                                                                   Space  Agency  last  month  Macron  said  Europe  should
                                                                                                   backed  calls  to  develop  its  consider that option, too, for
                                                                                                   own  crewed  spacecraft,  al-  its  home-grown  launchers
                                                                                                   though  member  states  have  like the upcoming Ariane 6.
                                                                                                   yet to approve.
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