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A32    sports
                 Diahuebs 17 Februari 2022

                          Unvaccinated Djokovic could skip French Open, Wimbledon

                                                                      Asked  if  he  would  be  pre-                            record surge in infections fu-
                                                                      pared  to  miss  the  French  An  ensuing  back-and-forth  eled by the highly contagious
                                                                      Open  in  May,  he  repeated:  raised  questions  of  whether  omicron variant.
                                                                      “That  is  the  price  that  I  am  Djokovic  was  unfairly  given
                                                                      willing to pay.”             special treatment  or unfairly  The French government last
                                                                                                   singled out because of his ce-  week gave an end-of-March,
                                                                      Also asked if would be ready  lebrity status.             beginning-of-April   time-
                                                                      to skip Wimbledon, he add-                                frame for the possible lifting
                                                                      ed: “Yes.”                   Speaking to the BBC, he said:  of  its  vaccine  requirement
                                                                                                   “I  never  used  my  privileged  that, at the moment, puts un-
                                                                      Djokovic has won the French  status to get into Australia by  vaccinated  players  at  risk  of
                                                                      Open  twice,  including  in  force  or  do  anything  in  this  missing the French Open.
                                                                      2021, and has six Wimbledon  entire process.”
                                                                      titles, including the last three.                         From  Tuesday,  anyone  who
                                                                                                   A  court  initially  ruled  on  is  not  vaccinated  against  the
                                                                      Nadal  won  this  year’s  Aus-  procedural   grounds   that  coronavirus  will  need  to
            (AP) — If forced to choose,  If need be, not defending his  tralian  Open,  giving  him  Djokovic could stay, but Aus-  show proof they tested posi-
            Novak  Djokovic  said  he  titles  at  Roland  Garros  and  one  more  major  title  than  tralian Immigration Minister  tive  for  COVID-19  within
            would  skip  the  French  Wimbledon and missing oth-      Djokovic and Roger Federer.  Alex  Hawke,  who  has  wide  the  previous  four  months
            Open  and  Wimbledon,  er tournaments is “the price  Djokovic  was  deported  be-      powers,  later  decided  to  de-  —  down  from  the  previous
            foregoing  the  chance  to  that I am willing to pay,” said  fore he could play.       port  him.  The  government  six-month  window  —  in
            overtake  Rafael  Nadal’s  the  34-year-old  Serb,  com-                               said  his  presence  could  stir  order to enter sports venues
            record  haul  of  21  Grand  ments likely to further boost  Djokovic went back over the  up anti-vaccine sentiments.  in  France.  The  French  law,
            Slams  titles,  rather  than  his  hero-status  among  some  deportation  drama  in  de-                            which operates under the as-
            get  vaccinated  against  opponents of vaccination.       tail with the BBC and made  His  threats  to  skip  the  next  sumption that you have some
            COVID-19.                                                 clear his displeasure at how it  two majors may prove to be  protection  from  the  virus  if
                                         Djokovic  said  he  is  not  op-  turned out.             moot.                        you’ve recently had it, aims to
            And  the  No.  1-ranked  ten-  posed  to  vaccinations  and                                                         bar  unvaccinated  individuals
            nis player is also still smart-  sought  to  distance  himself  The   saga   began   when  New  rules  in  force  in  Eng-  from  stadiums,  restaurants,
            ing about being deported last  from  anti-vaccination  cam-  Djokovic was granted an ex-  land  since  last  week  allow  bars and other public places.
            month  from  Australia  in  a  paigners, saying: “I have nev-  emption to strict vaccination  unvaccinated people to enter
            drama  about  his  vaccination  er said that I am part of that  rules  by  two  medical  pan-  with  tests  before  and  after  Djokovic has previously said
            status that polarized opinion  movement.”                 els  and  Tennis  Australia  in  their arrival.           that he tested positive in mid-
            worldwide.                                                order  to  play.  That  exemp-                            December. If the four-month
                                         But  he  said  “everyone  has  tion, based on evidence that  Vaccination  rules  in  France  requirement stays in force, it
            Speaking  in  an  interview  the right to choose, to act, or  he  recently  recovered  from  could  also  change  in  the  is likely to rule him out of the
            broadcast  Tuesday  by  the  say what ever they feel is ap-  COVID-19,  apparently  al-  months   before   Roland  French Open unless he gets
            BBC,  the  20-time  Grand  propriate for them” and that  lowed him to receive a visa to  Garros,  possibly  allowing  vaccinated  or  tests  positive
            Slam champion said he is still  he  believes  in  “the  freedom  enter Australia. But upon ar-  Djokovic to play. The coun-  again  within  four  months
            not vaccinated, and prepared  to choose what you put into  rival, border officials said the  try has started to ease some of  of the start of the clay-court
            to sacrifice titles to stay that  your body. And, for me, that  exemption was not valid and  its  health  and  travel  restric-  Grand Slam on May 22.
            way.                         is essential.”               moved to deport him.         tions  as  it  recovers  from  a

                           HBCUs to glitter on NBA’s All-Star stage with game, events

            (AP) — This year’s NBA’s                                                               vince  blue-chip  athletes  to  kids  you  can  make  it  from
            All-Star  stage  isn’t  re-  “I’m  excited  about  it,”  said  In all, the league and NBPA  come  play  in  front  of  less  anywhere in the world.”
            served  for  just  LeBron  Phoenix  Suns  guard  Chris  donated  $3  million  to  the  than 1,000 fans while a Pow-
            James,  Steph  Curry  and  Paul,  a  12-time  All-Star  and  HBCU  community  for aca-  er 5 school can promise sold-  HBCU players have made it
            the league’s other top per-  former president of the NBA  demic scholarships, advance-  out  arenas,  trips  abroad  and  to the world’s best league in
            formers.                     Players  Association.  ”It’s  a  ment  initiatives  and  other  state-of-the-art facilities.  the past with Charles Oakley,
                                         great stage for them. It’s the  programs  last  year.  Those                           Avery Johnson, Rick Mahorn
            There’s  another  game  in  education of it. A lot of peo-  funds are expected to grow in  That’s  why  the  NBA’s  All-  and  Ben  Wallace  among  the
            town,  one  that  can  make  a  ple don’t understand the im-  2022  with  TNT  and  ESPN  Star invitation is so vital.  most  notable.  Robert  Cov-
            much longer-lasting impact.  portance of HBCUs and why  broadcasting Saturday’s game                                ington  (Tennessee  State),
                                         they were formed. To contin-  from Cleveland State’s cam-  “They’re like the big brother,  traded  last  week  from  Port-
            When basketball’s best gather  ue  to  elevate  them  and  give  pus.                  and we’re the little brother,”  land  to  the  Clippers,  is  the
            in  Cleveland  to  dunk,  fire  them a stage and a platform is                         said Morgan State coach Kev-  only HBCU alum currently
            3-pointers  and  hobnob  with  very important.”           And while the financial wind-  in  Broadus.  “They’re  bring-  in the league.
            corporate  partners  as  the                              fall  is  essential,  the  All-Star  ing  us  in  and  showing  the
            league celebrates its 75th an-  Paul  played  a  major  role  in  stage also provides an oppor-
            niversary  this  weekend,  an-  broadening  the  league’s  ties  tunity for the institutions to
            other  group  of  players  will  with  HBCUs,  a  partnership  promote their histories while
            get  a  chance  to  shine  amid  that  goes  back  35  years  to  serving as a recruiting tool —
            the glittering stars.        former Commissioner David  for academics and athletics.
                                         Stern  serving  as  a  founding
            Morgan State will play How-  board member for the Thur-   Attracting  high-profile  play-
            ard on Saturday in the inau-  good Marshall College Fund.  ers  has  been  a  decades-
            gural  NBA  HBCU  Classic,                                old  challenge  at  HBCUs.
            a  matchup  that  will  provide  The  HBCU  experience  was  They’re  rarely  on  national
            major exposure — and fund-   celebrated  at  last  year’s  All-  TV, typically get one or two
            ing  —  for  historically  Black  Star  Weekend  in  Atlanta,  teams in the NCAA Tourna-
            colleges   and   universities  where marching bands trum-  ment and rarely get past the
            while expanding the league’s  peted players onto the floor,  first round.
            longtime  commitment  to  step  teams  performed  and
            HBCUs,  a  nationwide  net-  the league used NBA referees  It’s a tough sell for a coach,
            work of 107 schools.         who attended HBCUs.          who might be trying to con-
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