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A30    world news
                      Diamars 8 maart 2022

                                   Former Pakistani President Rafiq Tarar dies at 92

                                                                      (AP) — Rafiq Tarar, a for-   the  country’s  military  chief,  Tarar to continue working as
                                                                      mer  Pakistani  judge  who  Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa.       President until 2001 when he
                                                                      served  as  the  country’s                                forced Tarar to resign and re-
                                                                      President  from  1997  to  Tarar  was  elected  the  coun-  placed him.
                                                                      2001,  died  on  Monday  in  try’s president after the party
                                                                      the eastern city of Lahore  of  former  Prime  Minister  Musharraf  is  currently  liv-
                                                                      after a prolonged illness at  Nawaz Sharif backed him in  ing in self-imposed exiled in
                                                                      the age of 92.               the  presidential  election  in  Dubai  after  being  forced  to
                                                                                                   1997. Tarar was a close friend  resign  in  2008  when  politi-
                                                                      Tarar’s grandson, Azam Tarar,  of Sharif, who won the par-  cians  backing  him  lost  par-
                                                                      announced  on  Twitter  that  liamentary elections in 1997.  liamentary  elections.  Sharif,
                                                                      his grandfather had died.                                 who was ordered out in 2017
                                                                                                   Sharif  was  ousted  from  by  a  court  over  charges  of
                                                                      Pakistan’s President Arif Ali,  power  by  a  former  military  corruption, has been living in
                                                                      Prime  Minister  Imran  Khan  dictator  Pervez  Musharraf  exile in London.
                                                                      and prominent politicians ex-  in 1999 in a bloodless coup.
                                                                      pressed their grief, along with  However, Musharraf allowed

                        Stung by criticism, UK’s Johnson speeds up Russia sanctions

            (AP)  —  U.K.  lawmakers  are  set  true  owners,  an  attempt  to  crack                                   to overrule concerns about Lebedev.
            to pass a bill on Monday aimed at  down on money-laundering and the  “There are a lot of Russians with very
            toughening  sanctions  on  Russia  use  of  shadowy  shell  companies  to  close links to Putin who are well in-  Oliver Bullough, an expert on mon-
            and rooting out ill-gotten money  buy businesses and properties.        tegrated  into  the  U.K.  business  and  ey-laundering whose new book “But-
            from the British economy.                                               social scene, and accepted because of  ler  to  the  World”  explores  Britain’s
                                                Initially,  the  legislation  gave  busi-  their wealth,” the report said.  relationship to global wealth, said the
            Prime  Minister  Boris  Johnson  said  nesses 18 months to comply. That has                                 new  legislation  contained  multiple
            the  Economic  Crime  Bill  will  let  been shortened to six months — but  Transparency  campaigners  say  the  loopholes  and  would  not  choke  off
            British  authorities  ”pursue  (Russian  critics say it should be even shorter.  governing  Conservatives  have  re-  dirty money.
            President  Vladimir)  Putin’s  allies  in  Labour  Party  business  spokesman  ceived  2  million  pounds  ($2.7  mil-
            the U.K. with the full backing of the  Jonathan Reynolds said the grace pe-  lion) in donations from people linked  He said that for decades Britain had
            law, beyond doubt or legal challenge.”  riod amounted to a “get out of Lon-  to  Russia  since  Johnson  became  prioritized “the fees that its financial
                                                don free card” for oligarchs.       prime  minister  in  2019.  The  party  services  sector  could  earn  from  oli-
            Johnson,  who  met  Canadian  Prime                                     says all its donors are registered U.K.  garchs over checking the origin of the
            Minister  Justin  Trudeau  and  Dutch  Opposition lawmakers are urging the  electors, as the law demands.   money.”
            leader Mark Rutte on Monday to dis-  government to immediately seize oli-
            cuss toughening the West’s response  garchs’ properties in Britain, emulat-  Opposition  politicians  are  demand-  “It is not surprising that the capacity
            to  the  invasion,  said  the  new  law  ing Italy, which has seized 143 million  ing  to  know  why  Johnson  gave  a  to do anything about checking it now
            would  “whip  aside  the  veil  of  ano-  euros ($156 million) in luxury yachts  noble title and a seat in Parliament’s  should  be  so  degraded,”  Bullough
            nymity” used by oligarchs to obscure  and villas from rich Russians.    House of Lords to Evgeny Lebedev,  said. “It’s as if I was asked to suddenly
            ownership of properties.                                                the Russia-born owner of two British  go  out  and  run  a  200-meter  sprint
                                                The  government  says  the  new  law  newspapers. His oligarch father Alex-  against  some  top  sprinters  having
            But critics say the British government  will also make it easier to slap sanc-  ander Lebedev is a former KGB agent,  spent the previous 30 years slugging
            is trying — belatedly — to fix prob-  tions on people and firms who have  and the Sunday Times newspaper re-  around eating crisps on the sofa.
            lems of its own making. Opposition  already been sanctioned by allies in-  ported that British intelligence agen-
            politicians and anti-corruption cam-  cluding  the  U.S.,  Canada  and  the  cies had expressed concerns about the  “We  lack  the  state  capacity  to  track
            paigners say Johnson’s Conservatives  EU. Critics say the current rules in-  2020 appointment.              oligarchs’ money, we lack the people,
            have  allowed  ill-gotten  money  to  volve too much legal red tape that can                                the experts in government, who are
            slosh into U.K. properties, banks and  be used to forestall sanctions.  Johnson’s office said all peerages are  able to know how to craft useful sanc-
            businesses for years, turning London                                    vetted by an appointments commis-   tions,” he added. “All of those things
            into a “laundromat” for dirty cash.  Britain’s  Conservatives,  in  power  sion, and Johnson denied intervening  are, frankly, an embarrassment.”
                                                since 2010, pride themselves on mak-
            Johnson has repeatedly claimed that  ing  the  U.K.  an  attractive  place  for
            Britain is leading international efforts  the world’s wealthy to live and invest.
            to punish Putin over the invasion of  Many of the ultra-rich own London
            Ukraine. The U.K. has slapped sanc-  mansions, send their children to Eng-
            tions on a host of Russian banks and  lish private schools and employ fleets
            businesses, measures the government  of PR consultants and lawyers to tend
            says  have  curtailed  more  than  250  their reputations — helped by Brit-
            billion pounds’ ($330 million) worth  ain’s claimant-friendly libel laws.
            of  Russian  economic  activity.  So
            far, though, it has sanctioned only a  The  anti-corruption  group  Trans-
            handful of Kremlin-linked individu-  parency  International  says  Russians
            als with assets in Britain, fewer than  linked to the Kremlin or accused of
            either  the  European  Union  or  the  corruption  own  1.5  billion  pounds’
            U.S.                                ($2  billion)  worth  of  London  prop-
            That  has  drawn  heavy  criticism,
            which  appears  to  be  having  an  ef-  In a damning 2020 report whose re-
            fect.  Two  weeks  ago,  Johnson  said  lease was delayed for months by the
            the  Economic  Crime  Bill  would  be  government,  Parliament’s  Intelli-
            passed in the fall. On the weekend,  gence  and  Security  Committee  said
            he  announced  it  would  be  rushed  that since the 1990s Britain has “wel-
            through Parliament on Monday.       comed Russian money, and few ques-
                                                tions — if any — were asked about
            The  bill  will  require  overseas  firms  the  provenance  of  this  considerable
            with assets in Britain to reveal their  wealth.”
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