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A32 sports
Diamars 8 maart 2022
Labor relations experts following MLB negotiations from afar
(AP) — Allen Sanderson grew up and Boston Red Sox fan who follows
in Idaho. He played high school baseball more closely when it gets to
baseball and worked for a minor the postseason.
league team in Twin Falls, pro-
viding a ride home for Dick Allen “Collective means working together,
long before he became a feared and that I think is what has broken
slugger with the Philadelphia down here.”
Wheaton also took issue with what he
That’s part of how Sanderson sees called “deadline bargaining,” waiting
baseball’s labor strife, as a longtime until the last minute for substantive
baseball fan. But he also follows along negotiations in hopes of creating big
from a different perspective, one of a movement. After Major League Base-
sports economist at the University of ball locked out its players in early De-
Chicago. cember, the sides didn’t meet again
until Jan. 13.
“What is the right division between
the owners and the player? How “It’s not an unusual tactic. I just don’t
much should the players get? How find it a very helpful tactic,” he said.
much should the owners get?” Sand- “You add a lot of extra stress and high
erson said. “There’s no right answer MLB reacts angrily to locked-out unions about negotiations and how to risk, which some people like because
to that question. There may well be players, season still off bargain, so anything when it comes to it forces the other side to make a deci-
to you making French fries at Mc- MLB talks resume Sunday; Scherzer contract time I keep an eye on.” sion. But it’s not always the best way
Donald’s or something like that. favors playoff 'ghost win' to make a good, rational economic
There probably is a right answer to 3 more minor leaguers suspended for Manfred, Deputy Commissioner decision by waiting until the last
that question about what’s a reason- positive drug tests Dan Halem and NHL Commis- minute, throwing all these numbers
able amount in a competitive market- The sides met for 95 minutes on Sun- sioner Gary Bettman each graduated around.”
place for you to earn. day, largely restating their positions to from the ILR School at Cornell.
each other. Negotiations broke off The long-term effect of the lockout
“But once you’re in the sports world last week after nine days of talks in When Wheaton looks at the baseball remains to be seen. It took baseball
or the entertainment world, some- Jupiter, Florida, and Commissioner talks, he sees a process bogged down years to recover the last time it can-
thing like that, you know just all bets Rob Manfred canceled the first two by a complicated mix of audiences celed games because of a labor action,
are off. It’s largely a function of how series of the season for each team, a that includes big- and small-market and Manfred is likely to wipe out
well can I negotiate our side in this.” total of 91 games. owners, players with a wide range more of the schedule if there isn’t a
of salaries and agents attempting to resolution soon.
That last part isn’t going very well at While the sides try to chart a path for- indirectly influence the negotiations
the moment, not for Major League ward, hoping to get baseball back on from afar. “I think that what baseball is doing is
Baseball or its locked-out players. the field, some experts in labor rela- turning off the casual fan and turn-
tions and sports business are watch- ADVERTISEMENT ing off the young fan,” said Stephen
Baseball’s ninth work stoppage ing the dispute from an academic Greyser, a marketing and commu-
reached 96 days on Monday. It is the viewpoint. “If you can make it collective bargain- nications professor in the Harvard
sport’s first labor conflict to cause ing where everybody on the compa- Business School and a a longtime
games to be canceled since the 1994- “I look at it through the collective ny side and everybody on the union Red Sox season-ticket holder.
95 strike wiped out the World Series bargaining lens,” said Art Wheaton, side are trying to solve the difference,
for the first time in 90 years. the director of labor studies in the that’s a whole lot better than having “The reality is those people are not
Buffalo Co-Lab for Cornell Univer- all of the different owners pushing going to be getting any more inter-
MLB sity’s industrial and labor relations their own buttons and all of the dif- ested in going to games or watching
Labor relations experts following school. ferent agents also trying to change games on TV by not having games at
MLB negotiations from afar “The lens, I do a lot of training for it,” said Wheaton, a Cincinnati Reds all and not having the season start.”
After 1st losing season since 1957, 11-0 Clemson riding high
(AP) - Clemson’s 11-0 The Tigers are out to their Atlantic Division. They walks and average 9.8 runs The top three teams in the
start following a three- best start since Jack Leggett’s opened with an impressive per game. Cooper Ingle is rankings
game sweep of in-state 2002 team opened 13-0 and sweep of Indiana, but they batting .463 and has a .603 were unchanged. No. 1 Texas
rival South Carolina has finished 54-17 with two wins emerged nationally over the on-base percentage. (11-1) lost for the first time,
quickly put the Tigers’ in the College World Series. weekend with wins of 3-2, to UCLA at the Shriners
first losing season since 10-5 and 5-2 over the Game- Mack Anglin is allowing 1.69 College Classic in Houston.
1957 in the rearview mir- The Tigers were 25-27 last cocks. hits per nine innings to rank No. 2 Mississippi (10-1) took
ror. season and picked fifth this third nationally, the team two of three from Central
year in the seven-team ACC “To find a way to sweep the ERA is 2.34 and Ryan Am- Florida. No. 3 Arkansas (7-
Gamecocks is just one of mons is fourth nationally 3) bounced back from a Fri-
those things I’ll never for- with four saves. Clemson’s day loss against Southeastern
get,” coach Monte Lee said. fielding percentage is a tidy Louisiana to win the three-
“Just a special moment in the .986. game series.
The Tigers entered the na- Baseball America’s top three
The sweep was Clemson’s tional rankings this week as teams also remained the
first in a series of three or high as No. 19. They will same, with Texas followed by
more games against South be tested again this week- Stanford and Notre Dame.
Carolina since 1996, when end with three home games Stanford (8-3) won two of
the Tigers took four straight. against Northeastern. The three over Cal State North-
Huskies raised eyebrows this ridge and the Irish (8-1) beat
The Tigers have been solid past weekend with a three- Illinois, Michigan State and
offensively and defensively, game sweep at a ranked Minnesota at the Cambria
They’re batting .309, have North Carolina State. College Classic in Minne-
drawn an ACC-high 85 apolis.