P. 2
Thursday 22 February 2018
ATA Honors Loyal Guests at the Marriott Ocean Club!
PALM BEACH - Recently the honoring a group of loyal dors at the Marriott Ocean
Aruba Tourism Authority and friendly visitors of Aru- Club. The symbolic hon-
had the great pleasure of ba as Goodwill Ambassa- orary title is presented in
the name of the Minister of weather, the beaches, the
Tourism as tokens of appre- restaurants, the Casinos,
ciation to guests who visit and just about everything
Aruba for 20-to-34 consec- else!
utive years. They say being on the is-
land is like being in para-
The honorees were Family dise and that Aruba is truly
Essa, Mom Margaret Essa their ‘home-away-from-
together with daughters home.’
Joan Essa and Cynthia Essa The certificates were pre-
from Virginia and North sented by Ms. Marouska
Carolina, and Leslie and Heyliger representing the
Susan Gladstone (happy Aruba Tourism Authority,
rock) from Florida. together with friends, fam-
All of the honorees love ily and associates from the
Aruba very much because Marriott Ocean Club.
of the friendly people, the Congratulations to all!q