P. 3
LOCAL Thursday 22 February 2018
Loyal Visitor Honored at the Marriott Surf Club
consecutive annual visit to
Ms. Fox loves Aruba very
much because of the
friendly people, the weath-
er, the beaches, the restau-
rants, the Casinos, and just
about everything else! She
says being on the island
is like being in paradise
and that Aruba is truly her
The certificate was pre-
sented by Ms. Marouska
Heyliger representing the
Aruba Tourism Authority,
together with friends, fam-
ily and associates from the
Marriott Surf Club.q
PALM BEACH - Recently the of Tourism as tokens of ap-
Aruba Tourism Authority preciation to guests who
had the great pleasure of visit Aruba for and 20-to-34
honoring a very special vis- consecutive years.
itor of Aruba as a Goodwill
Ambassador at the Marri- The honoree for Goodwill
ott Surf Club. The symbolic Ambassador was Ms. Jack-
honorary title is presented pot Fox from Washington,
in the name of the Minister D.C., celebrating her 21