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                Saturday 2 december 2023

             UN court bars Venezuela from altering Guyana’s control over

             disputed territory

            By Mike Corder and Regina                                                                                           region’s current and future
            Garcia Cano                                                                                                         residents.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Venezuela does not recog-
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands                                                                                            nize  the  U.N.  panel’s  juris-
            (AP)  —  The  United  Na-                                                                                           diction  over  the  decades-
            tions’  top  court  on  Friday                                                                                      old  dispute,  but  the  coun-
            ordered  Venezuela  not  to                                                                                         try’s  Vice  President  Delcy
            take any action that would                                                                                          Rodríguez      nonetheless
            alter Guyana’s control over                                                                                         characterized the ruling as
            a  disputed  territory,  but                                                                                        a  “victory  for  Venezuela,”
            did  not  specifically  ban                                                                                         given that the U.N. did not
            Venezuela  from holding  its                                                                                        order a halt to the referen-
            planned  referendum  Sun-                                                                                           dum plans.
            day on the territory’s future.                                                                                        “Guyana  went  looking
            Guyana  had  asked  the                                                                                             for  wool  and  came  out
            International  Court  of  Jus-                                                                                      sheared,”  Rodríguez  told
            tice to order a halt to parts                                                                                       reporters  in  Caracas  after
            of  the  vote,  saying  it  was                                                                                     the ruling was announced.
            aimed  at  paving  the  way                                                                                         Guyana     President   Mo-
            for Venezuela to annex the                                                                                          hamed  Irfaan  Ali  also  wel-
            disputed Essequibo region,                                                                                          comed  the  ruling.  He  said
            which makes up some two-                                                                                            in  a  statement  that  the
            thirds of Guyana.                                                                                                   decision  makes  clear  that
            Both  countries  interpreted   A woman sells fruit in front of a mural of the Venezuelan map with the Essequibo territory   “Venezuela  is  prohibited
            Friday’s  ruling  as  largely   included, in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023.   (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)  from  annexing  or  trespass-
            backing their own positions                                                                                         ing  upon  Guyanese  terri-
            on  the  territory,  which  is  legally  binding  ruling  re-  said that Friday’s order was  before the court gives its fi-  tory or taking any other ac-
            larger  than  Greece  and  is  mains in place until a case  necessary because “Vene-   nal decision.”               tions”  altering  the  Essequi-
            rich in oil and minerals.    brought by Guyana against  zuela’s expressed readiness  Venezuela  has  arranged  bo’s  boundary  set  in  1899,
            The  court  order  falls  short  Venezuela  on  the  region’s  to take action” on the dis-  a referendum to ask voters  regardless of the outcome
            of  any  explicit  mention  of  future is considered by the  puted territory “at any mo-  five  questions  Sunday,  in-  of any referendum.
            the  referendum,  but  says  court,  which  could  take  ment following the referen-   cluding  whether  to  create  At  urgent  hearings  in  No-
            that  Venezuela  must  “re-  years.                       dum” showed that there is  a  Venezuelan  state  in  Es-  vember,  lawyers  for  Guy-
            frain  from  taking  any  ac-  In  comments  explaining  “a  real  and  imminent  risk  sequibo  and  whether  vot-  ana  said  the  referendum
            tion  which  would  modify  the  verdict,  Court  Presi-  of  irreparable  prejudice  to  ers  support  granting  Ven-  was  designed  to  prepare
            that situation that currently  dent  Joan  E.  Donoghue  Guyana’s  plausible  right  ezuelan  citizenship  to  the  for a land-grab by Venezu-
            prevails”  in  Essequibo.  The                                                                                      ela. q

             Authorities in Haiti hold former rebel leader Guy Philippe after the

             US repatriated him

            By Evans Sanon               police officials told The As-  were  not  authorized  to  ly lasts 48 hours, but he has  Haiti in January 2017 while
            Associated Press             sociated Press on Thursday,  speak to the media.          not been charged and no  he participated in a live ra-
            PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)  speaking  on  condition  of  Philippe was being held un-   hearing has been held, at-   dio talk show.
            —  Authorities  in  Haiti  held  anonymity  because  they  der observation, that usual-  torney Jean Joseph Louich-  He  was  extradited  to  the
            former  rebel  leader  Guy                                                             er  told  reporters  gathered  U.S.,  where  he  was  sen-
            Philippe on Friday at a po-                                                            outside the police station.  tenced  to  nine  years  in
            lice  station  where  he  re-                                                            “Why  can’t  my  client  re-  prison after pleading guilty
            mained a day after the the                                                             cover  his  freedom  to  be  to  a  money  laundering
            United  States  repatriated                                                            with  his  family?”  Louicher  charge.  Authorities  had
            him to Haiti, his lawyer said.                                                         said,  adding  that  authori-  said he used his high-rank-
            Philippe  is  a  convicted                                                             ties  only  told  him  they  did  ing  position  within  Haiti’s
            money     launderer    who                                                             not yet have any orders to  National  Police  to  provide
            played  a  key  role  in  the                                                          release Philippe.            protection  for  drug  ship-
            2004  rebellion  against  for-                                                         Louicher said Philippe is be-  ments  in  exchange  for  up
            mer  President  Jean-Ber-                                                              ing held in a cell by himself  to $3.5 million in bribes.
            trand Aristide and also was                                                            and was given food, water  Philippe, who has stated in
            accused of masterminding                                                               and a mattress.              recent  interviews  that  he
            attacks  on  police  stations                                                          The  former  rebel  leader  intends  to  be  involved  in
            and other targets.                                                                     once served as police chief  his country’s affairs, arrived
            Philippe  has  an  outstand-                                                           for the northern coastal city  back in Haiti as it struggles
            ing warrant stemming from    Guy Philippe smiles during an interview in Pestel, Haiti, Aug. 24,   of  Cap-Haitien  and  had  with widespread gang vio-
            a 2016 fatal attack on a po-  2016. Philippe returned to Haiti on Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023, after   been  recently  elected  to  lence  and  deepening  po-
            lice  station  in  the  southern   the U.S. government deported him.                   Haiti’s  Senate  when  local  litical instability.q
            coastal  city  of  Les  Cayes,                          (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery, File)  authorities  arrested  him  in
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