Page 8 - ATA
P. 8
Friday 15 April 2016
Divi Entertains CATA Delegates for a Fun Evening Under the Stars
DRUIF BEACH – Delegate This year’s delegates from
of the annual CATA tour-
ism conference, hoteliers Colombia, Argentina,
and members of the Aruba
Tourism Authority enjoyed a Chile, Brazil, Paraguay,
spectacularly orchestrated
evening offered by Divi Re- Peru, Bolivia, Panama,
sorts, hosted by Managing
Director Alex Nieuwmeyer Venezuela, Mexico & Su-
and the General Manag-
ers of Divi’s six local resorts, rinam, met, mixed and
with Marin Bijl, Divi & Tama-
rijn All Inclusives, and Gerrit mingled with airline rep-
Griffith, Divi Phoenix Beach
Resort, among them. Also resentatives and hoteliers
on hand to meet the dig-
nitaries Tabitha Fecunda, to further help promote
Island Marketing & Promo-
tion Manager, and How- Aruba in Latin America.
ard Maduro, Divi’s Latin
America Sales Director. Both, Ronella Tjin Asjoe
The evening took off with
and the Minister of Tourism
shared the island’s market-
ing strategy with the guests
and encouraged them to
make as many contacts
as possible here and asked
them to support the island
to their best ability once
they return home.
Pictured here unforgetta-
ble party moments.
a short presentation, pool- Aruba’s hottest hits, over a
side at Divi’s new sixty-room delicious, rich and varied,
wing, seamlessly incorpo- interactive buffet dinner,
rated into the existing re- bottomless libations, and
sort. The official part of the dancing. The invited CATA
evening featured short ad- delegates, all travel profes-
dresses by the Minister of sionals from Latin America,
Tourism, Otmar Oduber, were enchanted with the
Ronella Tjin Asjoe, CEO of set up and the music. They
the Aruba Tourism Author- were invited to the island
ity, Jim Hepple, President in order to experience
of AHATA, and Howard Aruba’s vacation product
Maduro, who talk about first-hand and were very
the host resort. The party impressed with the level of
later moved to the beach hospitality Divi Resorts of-
where Upgrade Music en- fered and the beauty of
tertained delegates with their resort surroundings.