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                                                                                                                    Friday 15 April 2016

Galla Family Honored at the Holiday Inn Beach Resort

                                                                                           Margot are looking forward    Aruba Tourism Authority to-
                                                                                           to many more visits to their  gether with Mrs. Adela and
                                                                                           beloved Aruba.  The certifi-  staff members representing
                                                                                           cate was presented by Mr.     the Holiday Inn Beach Re-
                                                                                           Ernest Giel representing the  sortq

PALM BEACH - Recently        in the name of the Minister    at the Holiday Inn Beach
the Aruba Tourism Authority  of Tourism as a token of ap-   Resort. They love the friend-
had the great pleasure of    preciation to guests who       ly people of Aruba, the
honoring a very nice cou-    visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con-  climate, beaches, restau-
ple whom are loyal and       secutive years.                rants, and Aruba feels like
friendly Visitors of Aruba,  The honorees were Mr. Al-      a second home, but most
at the Holiday Inn Beach     bert and Mrs. Margot Galla     of all they love the associ-
Resort, as Ambassadors       from Germany. Albert and       ates from their resort, like
of Goodwill. The symbolic    Margot love Aruba very         Mrs. Adela, who is like a
honorary title is presented  much and are loyal guests      family to them. Albert and
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