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Saturday 26 September
Caribbean Sea Jazz Festival Night II:
Red Hot ‘Grupo Niche’ to Bring the House Down Tonight!
ORANJESTAD – After an ex- ble, unique experience. geared up their plans to telé, Roberta Gambarini, Essoville, The Market Al-
citing first night of the Ca- Locals as well as Inter- be concentrated around Johnny Scharbaay, the hambra, De Palm Tours ac-
ribbean Sea Jazz Festival national visitors have both days of the festival. Franklin Granadillo Big tivity desks, Red Sail Sports
at the Renaissance Festival The Purple Entertainment Band, Live Xpressions, activity desks, and Pelican
Plaza featuring The Earth, Group transformed the and Robert Jean D’or. Adventures activity desks.
Wind & Fire Experience Renaisance Marketplace Tickets are still available This is a unique opportu-
with the Al Mckay Allstars, area into a massive fes- but are limited as the per- nity to enjoy great mu-
the Mike Stern Band, Roy tival site. We are talking forming artists are very sic, art and gastronomy
Hargroves’ RH Factor, The about three stages for popular and in demand during a fun-filled week-
Ploctones, Fuente, Delbert the unbelievable line- under the local commu- end for the 2015 Carib-
Bernabela, Michael Bremo, up of performing artists! nity as well as the visiting bean Sea Jazz Festival.
and The Failures, tonight For the finale tonight, the tourists. Tickets are on sale For more information, feel
promises to be a Saturday lineup includes headlin- in Aruba for adults at Su- free to call 588-0211, or visit
night to remember! ers Grupo Niche, as well per Food, Plaza Bookshop, www.caribbeanseajazz.
This annual festival ignites as Jessy J, Maite Hon- Valero Boulevard, Valero com.q
Aruba’s music scene with
an impressive lineup of In-
ternational and local jazz,
Latin, soul, and funk musi-
cians at Renaissance Mar-
ket Place. It is not only
about music; the vibrating
atmosphere, tasty food
stands, and numerous bars
make this an unforgetta-