Page 26 - MIN VOS 7 DEC 2015
P. 26
Monday 7 December 2015
PWA Slalom Airwaves Noumea PWA Dream Cup:
Sarah-Quita Offringa Wraps Up a Dream Season for 2015!
fall and had a lot of work
to do in order to finish in the
top 4 to qualify for the final
race. Although there was
no pressure on SQ enter-
ing the final day this was
not the way SQ had envi-
ORANJESTAD/NEW CALE- manta ray or sea cow on sioned to run the last race. a done deal to obtain the 3rd Lena Erdil 2034 pts
DONIA - Noumea deliv- the course. Each day the The Aruban gem wanted world title as it was impossi- With this result at the event
ered world class racing on course would be a 4 or 6 to end the event on a ble for her to now finish out- in Noumea , new Caledo-
the last day of the event as buoy slalom race making high. For a while it looked side of the top 8. The last nia Sarah-Quita Offringa
trade winds between 20- it an endurance race for as though she may miss winners’ final was a drag accumulated a total of
30 knots provided another the sailors. As the days pro- out on the final winners’ fi- race between the top four 6267 pts of the 6300 giving
exhilarating day of slalom, gressed Sarah-Quita alter- nal of the week, however sailors Cousin, Erdil Offringa her the 2015 PWA Women’s
which saw the women’s nated for a day the lead the Aruban wizard some- and Unlu. Finishing in third Slalom World Champion
fleet totaling 19 women position with Delphine. Fa- how made her way back saw Sarah-Quita become title which according to a
hailing from almost each tigue started to set in as the through the field turning on sub-champion of the event post on her FB page was:”
continent complete a to- daily dose of races were the afterburners to blitz her in Noumea. something I wanted badly
tal of 20 races of which 10 physically demanding. way from second last at -Overall Standings of the since I finished my studies” .
qualifying races during six The second to last qualify- buoy 3 to make it into the 2015 Airwaves Noumea -Overall Rankings of the
days. ing race (#19) saw Sarah- last qualifying all important Dream Cup - Women’s 2015 PWA Slalom World
The conditions were tough Quita collide at the start fourth spot to compete in 1st Delphine Cousin 2100 Tour - Women’s
and challenging at the and then go down hard at the winner’s final. With the pts 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa
same time due to the the third buoy and was not points accumulated until 2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa 6267 prs
chops and trade winds able to recover quickly in then it was mathematically 2067 pts 2nd Delphine Cousin 6102
with an occasional turtle, her usual manner from this pts
3rd Lena Erdil 6032 pts
4th Marion Mortefon
5th Fulya Ünlü
Sarah-Quita Offringa now
has two slalom world titles
to her name and this caps
off a magnificent 2015 sea-
son for the Aruban gem,
who won an incredible 8th
freestyle world crown ear-
lier in the year, and a third
place on the prestigious
podium in the waves for
the first time in her career.
Continued on Page 16