Page 27 - MIN VOS 7 DEC 2015
P. 27
LOCALMonday 7 December 2015
Continued from Page 13 all over the world and the
lonesome life led in the
With these achievements face of extreme conditions
Sarah-Quita Offringa ac- such as Icelandic cold and
complished her vision the heat of the Australian
which was to compete on desert. The movie “Ca-
the full 2015 PWA windsurf beibusha” – The curly gem
tour in all three disciplines – premieres in Aruba early
namely slalom, freestyle January 2016.
and waves and to com-
plete the mission to make it
onto the overall podium of
each discipline by focusing
on one event at a time.
In between the 13 wom-
en’s events of the year Sar-
ah-Quita also produced
a movie with film maker
Julien Robinet which is a
documentary of her life as
a windsurfer in search of
perfect windsurfing spots