Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
LOCAL Tuesday 23 augusT 2022
Start of the Financial Education Project to empower the citizen
OranjEStad - the Minister your Home. This project is income and achieve your
of Economic affairs, Com- in the form of a course and goals?
munication, and Sustain- will address four essential This course is given in Noord,
able development, Geof- topics on how to manage Santa Cruz, San Nicolas,
frey Wever, announces the your finances daily. These Paradera, Savaneta and
start of the project "Finance topics are: Oranjestad.
in your home".
Cash at home. How to save Financial decisions require
This project is in connection and buy without emotions; a certain degree of knowl-
with the management of I pay my debts. What will edge that is part of finan-
National Financial Educa- happen if I stop paying my cial education.
tion. The goal of this project debts?
is for the people to obtain Invest in the future. Our fu- According to Minister
guidance and knowledge ture and that of our chil- Geoffrey Wever, financial
that helps them make fi- dren are important, and literacy is essential for the
nancial decisions for their how to achieve our goals; people, consumers, and
benefit. My budget. What are lux- country development.q
ury and priority? How to
Together with the Plan di budget according to your
Bida Foundation, which
developed the Finance in
your home project, it will
offer a financial educa-
tion program. The Plan di
Bida Foundation is willing
to share its expertise in this
field and contribute to fi-
nancial awareness.
According to a survey by
the Central Bank of Aruba,
3 out of 10 households in
Arubaspend more than
they earn monthly. This de-
velopment is very worrying
because it indicates that
these households have fi-
nancial challenges each
month to meet their finan-
cial obligations and needs
such as rent, food, and
personal expenses. It is es-
sential, as a consumer, to
know the impact of each
financial decision on your
wallet and family.
To facilitate support to the
citizen, the Ministry of Eco-
nomic Affairs, Communi-
cation, and Sustainable
Development will initiate
the project Finances in