Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
local Tuesday 23 augusT 2022
Minister of Nature visited Jimmy’s garden
tion, experience and love
for the art of agriculture!”
Those were the words ex-
pressed by minister of Na-
ture, Transport, Integrity
and Older Persons Affairs,
Ursell Arends, after a visit to
Cunucu di Jimmy.
During his visit, the minis-
ter said they exchanged
ideas and spent some nice
time to know the different
kinds of dragonfruit hybrid
that Mr. Jimmy has, as well food security is a priority in will find solutions to pro-
as learning about his ex- order to improve Aruba. mote local production”,
perience growing various the minister said on his
crops. The minister could “We are very thankful for Facebook page.
also see various fruits and the opportunity, and for
vegetables that are grow- sure we will continue the To find out more about
ing in Jimmy’s small planta- conversation with farmers Cunucu di Jimmy, visit our
tion. and listening to their com- Facebook page: https://
mon worries and recom- or
According to the minister, mendations. Together we scan the QR code.q
Opening of workshop for creators and cultural organizations
Presented by Creative Europe Desk
ORANJESTAD – From yes- port and collaborate with which she thanked Cre-
terday, 22nd of August the players in the creative ative Europe Desk for their
and until Thursday the 1st world and local organiza- availability, and Cede Aru-
of September, representa- tions on the cultural sector ba for organizing this.
tives of Creative Europe on an international level.
Desk from the Netherlands, Everyone active in this field Creative Europe is a sub-
Mr. Jelle Burggraaff and Mr. who has a interest was al- sidy program for seven
Albert Meijer are in Aruba, lowed to attend the work- years, promoting and sup-
Bonaire and Curaçao for a shops. Information was porting international coop-
working visit. provided on the Creative eration in the creative cul-
Europe program, and who tural sector. This program
The representatives of Cre- is it for, what European sub- is directed to all artists and
ative Europe Desk will meet sidies ara available, what organizations in the field of
with creators and organi- DutchCulture does, and music and all other forms of
zations and will give work- how they can help creators creative arts.
shops on the opportunities and cultural organizations Aruba is a small island, but and due to lack of funds, tunity to push our cultural
for our artists and cultural expand their network of in- we have a large amount of they cannot continue de- sector, particularly right
organizations to receive ternational contacts. talent, the minister recog- veloping their talents and now with the delicate fi-
funds. The workshops will Aruba’s minister of Culture, nized some of them during our creative cultural sector. nancial situation our coun-
offer information on how Xiomara Maduro, gave an the opening. These talents The program for European try is going through, ac-
DutchCulture can sup- opening speech during enrich our cultural sector, funds is a significant oppor- cording to the minister.q