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A30    world news
                Dialuna 28 September 2020

                           Russian dissident Navalny recovering faster than expected

                                                                      (AP)  —  Russian  opposition  Navalny,  a  longtime  foe  of  investigation,  saying  its  own
                                                                      leader  Alexei  Navalny  is  re-  Russian  President  Vladimir  tests  found  no  trace  of  poi-
                                                                      covering from the suspected  Putin, is still receiving outpa-  sonous substances in the op-
                                                                      assassination  attempt  last  tient  treatment  and  remains  position leader's system.
                                                                      month  faster  than  expected,  under   close   protection,  The poisoning "had so many
                                                                      one of his aides said Sunday.  Volkov said.               negative  consequences  for
                                                                      Navalny, who collapsed on a  "I personally don't think that  the  Kremlin,"  said  Volkov,
                                                                      plane  from  Siberia  to  Mos-  another attack can happen in  adding  that  in  his  opinion
                                                                      cow  on  Aug.  20  and  spent  Berlin,  but  we  can  see  that  the  attempted  assassination
                                                                      nearly three weeks in a coma,  the  personal  security  has  a  couldn't have occurred with-
                                                                      was  discharged  last  week  different  opinion,"  he  said.  out Putin's approval.
                                                                      from  the  Berlin  hospital  "He is guarded quite heavily."  Navalny has said that he in-
                                                                      where  he  was  being  treated.  Germany  authorities  have  tends  to  return  to  Russia  to
                                                                      His doctors said that based on  said  Navalny  was  poisoned  resume his work.
                                                                      Navalny's  progress  a  "com-  with a powerful nerve agent  "He  understands  the  risks
                                                                      plete recovery is possible."   and called on Russia to inves-  quite  well,  and  we  are  sup-
                                                                      "He  is  doing  much  better,  tigate the attack that occurred  posed  to  think  somehow
                                                                      I  would  say  unexpectedly  on its territory.            how he can continue living in
                                                                      better,"  Leonid  Volkov,  Na-  The  presence  of  the  Soviet-  Russia," Volkov told RTL. "It
                                                                      valny's  chief  of  staff,  told  era nerve agent Novichok in  will not be so easy and many
                                                                      German broadcaster RTL. "I  Navalny's  samples  was  cor-  things  will  change,  for  sure,
                                                                      think  the  recovery  is  really  roborated  by  labs  in  France  to reduce the probability of a
                                                                      faster  than  expected,  and  of  and Sweden. But Russia has  second attack."
                                                                      course this is good news that  resisted  international  pres-
                                                                      makes us very happy."        sure  to  launch  a  criminal

                              Fighting erupts between Armenia, Azerbaijan; 16 killed

            (AP)  —  Fighting  erupted  both sides.                   tanks.                       on the sides to stop fighting.  committed  a  provocation,
            anew Sunday between Arme-    Nagorno-Karabakh  authori-   Azerbaijani  President  Ilham  The  long-unsuccessful  ne-  ignoring  law."  He  promised
            nian  and  Azerbaijani  forces  ties  reported  that  shelling  Aliyev ordered martial law be  gotiations  for  resolving  the  Turkey would stand by Azer-
            over  the  disputed  separatist  hit  the  region's  capital  of  imposed  in  some  regions  of  territory's  status  has  been  baijan  and  said,  "Armenia  is
            region of Nagorno-Karabakh  Stepanakert  and  the  towns  the  country  and  called  for  a  conducted under OSCE aus-  playing with fire and endan-
            and  a  top  territorial  official  of  Martakert  and  Martuni.  curfew in major cities.   pices.                  gering regional peace."
            said  16  people  were  killed  Armenian  Defense  Ministry  In  a  televised  address  to  the  Armenian  Prime  Minister  Turkish  presidential  spokes-
            and more than 100 wounded,  spokesman Artsrun Hovhan-     nation, Aliyev said that "there  Nikol  Pashinian  on  Sunday  man Ibrahim Kalin also con-
            while  Azerbaijan's  president  nisyan  also  said  Azerbaijani  are  losses  among  the  Azer-  said the country could reex-  demned Armenia.
            said his military has suffered  shelling hit within Armenian  baijani forces and the civilian  amine  whether  to  recognize  "Armenia  has  violated  the
            losses.                      territory  near  the  town  of  population as a result of the  Nagorno-Karabakh  as  inde-  cease-fire  by  attacking  civil-
            Armenia  also  claimed  that  Vardenis.                   Armenian    bombardment,"  pendent. Such a move would  ian  settlements  ...  the  inter-
            two  Azerbaijani  helicopters  Artur Sarkisian, deputy head  but didn't give further details.  likely obstruct further nego-  national  community  must
            were  shot  down  and  three  of  the  Nagorno-Karabakh  He  also  claimed  that  "many  tiations.                  immediately  say  stop  to  this
            Azerbaijani tanks were hit by  army,  said  that  16  people  units of the enemy's military  Foreign Minister Javad Zarif  dangerous  provocation,"  Ka-
            artillery, but Azerbaijan's de-  were  killed  and  more  than  equipment  have  been  de-  of  Iran,  which  borders  both  lin tweeted.
            fense  ministry  rejected  that  100  wounded.  It  wasn't  im-  stroyed."             Azerbaijan  and  Armenia,  Mostly  mountainous  Na-
            claim.                       mediately  clear  if  the  figure  Russian  Foreign  Minister  said "We call for an immedi-  gorno-Karabakh  —  a  region
            Heavy fighting broke out in  included  both  soldiers  and  Sergey Lavrov "is conducting  ate end to hostilities and urge  around  4,400  square  kilo-
            the  morning  in  the  region  civilians.  Earlier,  the  Arme-  intensive  contacts  in  order  dialogue  to  resolve  differ-  meters  (1,700  square  miles)
            that  lies  within  Azerbaijan  nian  human  rights  ombuds-  to induce the parties to cease  ences. Our neighbors are our  or about the size of the U.S.
            but has been under the con-  man said a woman and child  fire and start negotiations to  priority and we are ready to  state  of  Delaware  —  lies  50
            trol of ethnic Armenian forc-  had been killed in the shell-  stabilize  the  situation,"  For-  provide  good  offices  to  en-  kilometers  (30  miles)  from
            es  backed  by  Armenia  since  ing.                      eign  Ministry  spokeswoman  able talks."                 the  Armenian  border.  Local
            1994 at the end of a separatist  Another  Armenian  Defense  Maria Zakharova said.     Turkey's ruling party spokes-  soldiers  backed  by  Armenia
            war.  It  was  not  immediately  Ministry   spokeswoman,  Albanian Prime Minister Edi  man  Omer  Celik  tweeted:  also occupy some Azerbaijani
            clear what sparked the fight-  Shushan Stepanyan, said "the  Rama, chairman of the Orga-  "We  vehemently  condemn  territory outside the region.
            ing, the heaviest since clashes  Armenian  side"  shot  down  nization for Security and Co-  Armenia's attack on Azerbai-
            in July killed 16 people from  two helicopters and hit three  operation  in  Europe,  called  jan. Armenia has once again

                          France vows to protect its Jewish community after stabbing

            (AP)  —  France's  interior  a  double  stabbing  in  Paris  porters.  "Because  we  know  Paris newsroom and a kosher  Friday's stabbing was later re-
            minister promised Sunday to  blamed on Islamic terrorism.  that Jews are particularly tar-  supermarket in January 2015  leased — and his lawyer says
            protect France's Jewish com-  Interior Minister Gerald Dar-  geted by Islamist attacks and  killed 17 people, and Friday's  that he had tried to stop the
            munity from extremists after  manin  visited  a  synagogue  we should obviously protect  stabbing came as the trial into  assailant and should be con-
                                         Sunday ahead of the evening  them."                       those attacks is under way.  sidered a hero instead.
                                         start of Yom Kippur, the Jew-  Darmanin defended authori-  The  suspected  assailant  in  Lawyer  Lucie  Simon  told
                                         ish  Day  of  Atonement,  and  ties'  handling  of  a  double  Friday's  attack  told  investi-  France-Info that her client, a
                                         said  more  than  7,000  police  stabbing  Friday  outside  the  gators  that  he  was  targeting  33-year-old  French  resident
                                         and  soldiers  are  protecting  former offices of the satirical  Charlie Hebdo after it recent-  from  Algeria  identified  only
                                         Jewish services this weekend.  newspaper  Charlie  Hebdo,  ly  republished  caricatures  of  as  Youssef,  chased  the  at-
                                         France  has  Europe's  largest  saying  intelligence  services  the Prophet Muhammad, ac-  tacker. Simon said the assail-
                                         Jewish community.            have  prevented  32  potential  cording to a judicial official.  ant  threatened  Youssef  with
                                         "I came to assure ... members  terrorist attacks over the past  Two  people  were  wounded  a kitchen cleaver, so Youssef
                                         of  France's  Jewish  commu-  three years.                and  several  suspects  are  in  fled  and  told  police  —  who
                                         nity of the protection of the  Coordinated Islamic extrem-  custody.                   promptly arrested him.
                                         state,"  Darmanin  told  re-  ist attacks on Charlie Hebdo's  One  suspect  arrested  after
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