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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 19 May 2023

            U.N. expert: Myanmar military imported $1B in weapons

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 lion from China, $254 million
            Associated Press                                                                                                    from Singapore, $51 million
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —                                                                                            from  India  and  $28  million
            Myanmar’s military has im-                                                                                          from Thailand.
            ported  at  least  $1  billion                                                                                      Since the coup, the report
            worth  of  weapons  and  re-                                                                                        said, 28 Russian private and
            lated  material  from  Russia,                                                                                      state-owned    companies
            China  and  other  countries                                                                                        have transferred fighter jets
            since  its  February  2021                                                                                          and  their  spare  parts,  ad-
            coup, some of which it has                                                                                          vanced missile systems, re-
            used to carry out atrocities                                                                                        connaissance  and  attack
            against civilians, according                                                                                        drones,  attack  helicopters
            to  a  U.N.  report  released                                                                                       and  other  systems  to  the
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          junta.
            The  weapons  continue  to                                                                                          The  report  identified  41
            flow to the military despite                                                                                        private  and  state-owned
            overwhelming     evidence                                                                                           companies  registered  in
            of  its  responsibility  for  the                                                                                   China and Hong Kong that
            atrocities,  including  some                                                                                        supplied the Myanmar mili-
            that amount to war crimes                                                                                           tary with an extensive array
            and crimes against human-                                                                                           of  arms,  equipment  and
            ity,  said  Tom  Andrews,  the                                                                                      raw materials between Oc-
            U.N.  independent  investi-  Myanmar military officers leave the venue during a parade to commemorate Myanmar’s 78th   tober 2021 and December
                                         Armed Forces Day in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Monday, March 27, 2023.
            gator  on  human  rights  in                                                                       Associated Press   2022,  including  advanced
            Myanmar.                                                                                                            trainer jets, light attack air-
            As an example of what he  said.                           The report documents over  ed communications equip-       craft,  tank  upgrades  and
            called the junta’s brutality,  Myanmar  is  mired  in  strife  12,500 purchases that were  ment,  radar  complexes  repairs  for  Chinese  fighter
            Andrews pointed to its April  because  of  a  political  cri-  shipped  directly  to  the  and components for naval  jets,  which  make  up  the
            11  airstrike  using  a  Russian  sis  unleashed  when  the  Myanmar military or known  ships.                      Myanmar  Air  Force  fleet,
            Yak-130 fighter jet on a cer-  military  took  power.  Its  Myanmar   arms   dealers  Andrews,  a  former  Demo-    the report said.
            emony  attended  by  some  takeover  prompted  wide-      working  for  the  military  cratic  congressman  from  They  also  supplied  alumi-
            300  opponents  of  army  spread  peaceful  protests  from Feb. 1, 2021, when the  Maine  ,  said  he  had  re-     num,  copper,  steel,  rub-
            rule, which was quickly fol-  that  security  forces  sup-  military ousted the elected  ceived  “highly  credible  ber  and  lubricants  for  use
            lowed by an attack by Rus-   pressed with deadly force,  government  of  Aung  San  and  detailed  information  in  Myanmar’s  domestic
            sian  Mi-35  helicopters  on  triggering armed resistance  Suu  Kyi,  until  December  from  confidential  sources”  weapons manufacturing, it
            those  who  came  to  help.  throughout  the  country  2022,  Andrews  said  at  a  identifying  the  major  net-   said.
            He said at least 160 people  that  the  army  has  been  news conference.              works  and  companies  in-   Unlike  with  Russia  and
            were killed, including many  unable  to  quell.  Andrews  He  said  the  volume  and  volved  in  the  arms  trade  China,  and  to  a  lesser  ex-
            children.                    said at least 22,000 political  diversity   of   equipment  with Myanmar.              tent  India,  Andrews  said
            In  addition,  the  machine  prisoners  have  been  de-   the  military  received  was  The report to the Geneva-   he  received  no  informa-
            guns  and  bombs  used  in  tained  since  the  coup,  at  “staggering,” ranging from  based Human Rights Coun-     tion  indicating  that  the
            the  attacks  included  parts  least  3.500  civilians  have  fighter  jets  and  attack  he-  cil  identifies  $406  million  in  governments  of  Singapore
            and materials from compa-    been  killed  and  1.5  million  licopters  and  drones  to  weapons and material that  or  Thailand  approved  or
            nies  located  in  Singapore,  people have been forcibly  advanced  missile  systems,  went to the Myanmar mili-    transferred  arms  to  the
            China  and  Thailand,  he  displaced.                     tank upgrades, sophisticat-  tary  from  Russia,  $267  mil-  Myanmar military.q

            Russia extends detention of U.S.

            consular worker by 3 months

            MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian  was  suspected  of  cooper-      Moscow,  the  department
            court  on  Thursday  extend-  ating with.                 said.  Shonov  is  being  held
            ed by three months the de-   The  U.S.  State  Department  in  Moscow’s  notorious  Le-
            tention of a former employ-  says Shonov is a Russian na-  fortovo  pretrial  detention
            ee of the U.S. Consulate in  tional  who  worked  at  the  center. Also held in Leforto-
            Vladivostok  on  charges  of  consulate  in  Vladivostok  vo is Evan Gershkovich, an
            cooperating with a foreign  for more than 25 years. The  American  reporter  for  The   In this handout photo taken from video released by Lefortovo
            state.                       consulate  closed  in  2020  Wall  Street  Journal.  Gersh-  District Court, Robert Shonov walks escorted by officers to the
            The  U.S.  State  Department  because  of  the  COVID-19  kovich has been in custody   court  room  at  the  Lefortovo  District  Court  in  Moscow,  Russia,
            has condemned the arrest  pandemic  and  never  re-       since his March 29 arrest by   Thursday, May 18, 2023.                Associated Press
            of  Robert  Shonov,  which  opened.                       Russia’s security service on
            was reported this week. He  In 2021, Russia ordered the  espionage  charges  that  Ukraine,  particularly  those  trial for discrediting the mili-
            was  detained  in  Vladivo-  dismissal  of  all  local  em-  he,  his  employer  and  the  regarded  as  discrediting  tary,  a  charge  that  could
            stok  on  the  Pacific  coast  ployees  from  U.S.  diplo-  U.S.  government  have  de-  the armed forces.          bring a prison sentence. But
            and brought to Moscow.       matic outposts in the coun-  nied.                        Yevgeny  Roizman,  the  for-  the prosecutor on Thursday
            The specifics of the charges  try.  From  then  on,  Shonov  The  arrests  occurred  amid  mer  mayor  of  Yekaterin-  called  for  him  to  be  fined
            haven’t been reported, in-   worked  at  a  company  a  sharp  rise  in  pressure  on  burg  and  one  of  Russia’s  260,000 rubles ($3250), sug-
            cluding  Shonov’s  alleged  which held a U.S. contract  critics  within  Russia  since  most visible and charismat-  gesting he could avoid pris-
            actions or what country he  to  support  the  embassy  in  the  start  of  the  conflict  in  ic  opposition  figures,  is  on  on time.q
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