Page 6 - aruba-today-20230519
P. 6
Friday 19 May 2023
Ecuador lawmakers denounce
president’s disbanding of National
“We require, we demand nearly paralyzed the coun- a private tanker company.
an immediate pronounce- try with protests. They argued Lasso knew
ment from the Constitution- Lasso can now govern for the contract was full of ir-
al Court,” Saquicela said. up to six months by means regularities and would cost
Meanwhile, the National of decrees on economic the state millions in losses.
Electoral Council is mov- and administrative issues During impeachment pro-
ing forward with setting a under the oversight of ceedings Tuesday, Lasso
The president of Ecuador´s dissolved National Assembly Virgilio
Saquicela, center, surrounded by other lawmakers, speaks date for elections. Council Ecuador’s Constitutional noted that the contract
during a press conference in Quito, Ecuador, Wednesday, May President Diana Atamaint Court. The National Elector- predated his administra-
17, 2023. told the Teleamazonas al Council is required to set tion. He also said that the
Associated Press television network that the a date for presidential and state-owned company ex-
electoral body has until legislative elections within perienced losses of $6 mil-
QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Ec- suit filed Thursday by the Wednesday to decide. The seven days from Lasso’s lion a year before he took
uadorian lawmakers who assembly’s former head, tentative date is Aug. 20. decision. Lawmakers want office, and that it has seen
were ousted when Presi- Virgilio Saquicela, argues If needed, a runoff would the court to issue a ruling $180 million in profits un-
dent Guillermo Lasso dis- that Lasso’s move violated take place Oct. 15. before the council makes der his watch. Lasso had
solved the National Assem- the constitution because The constitution allows the a decision, because after clashed from the start of
bly denounced the move the country was not ex- president to dissolve the as- the election date is set “no his four-year term with the
Thursday and argued it periencing any social up- sembly when it oversteps its authority may interfere in opposition-led National As-
wasn’t legal because the heaval. Instead, Lasso’s mandate under the con- the carrying out of the pro- sembly. He accused them
country wasn’t facing any detractors have argued, stitution or during times of cess,” lawyer and electoral Wednesday of focusing
urgent crisis. The conser- the president chose to dis- “serious political crisis and analyst Medardo Oleas “on destabilizing the gov-
vative president, who had band the chamber merely internal commotion.” said. He added that if the ernment.” On Tuesday, he
sparred with the left-lean- to avoid his own ouster. In Minister of Government Constitutional Court inter- had dismissively referred to
ing assembly over his pro- an interview with The As- Henry Cucalón defended fered, its members “could their impeachment allega-
business agenda since tak- sociated Press, Saquicela Lasso’s decision during a be dismissed.” tions against him as stretch-
ing office in 2021, disband- slammed Lasso’s move as news conference Thursday, The council was scheduled ing “the limits of human
ed the chamber Wednes- a last-minute ploy to avoid arguing that the constitu- to meet Thursday night to imagination.”
day just as it tried to oust his removal once it be- tion makes it clear that the discuss the election. Saquicela accused Lasso’s
him on mismanagement came clear that was under dismissal is up to the presi- Those elected would fin- government of being “in-
allegations in an impeach- way. “When he saw that he dent’s “judgment, criteria, ish the terms of Lasso and capable of solving the real
ment trial. didn’t have the votes, he discretion and reason,” the lawmakers he ousted, problems of Ecuadorians”
Lasso was making first use got scared.” and that it does not require which had been set to end including health, transpor-
of a 2008 constitutional pro- Saquicela’s lawsuit — and approval of any other en- in May 2025. Lasso, a for- tation and security issues.
vision that allows the presi- two other challenges filed tity. The president appears mer banker, can choose to He rejected any shared
dent to dissolve the assem- previously — are before to have the support of the run in the election. responsibility for the tur-
bly during times of political the country’s Constitution- armed forces, but faces Lawmakers had accused moil affecting the country
crisis, with the requirement al Court, which is known pushback from critics in- Lasso of not having inter- arguing that the assem-
that new elections be held to act slowly. Lawmakers cluding a powerful con- vened to end a contract bly had complied with its
for both lawmakers and the have been urging the pan- federation of indigenous between the state-owned constitutional obligation to
president. However, a law- el to act quickly this time. group that previously has oil transport company and legislate.q
Car rushes Vatican gate; driver apprehended after reaching courtyard
ROME (AP) — A car driven immediately arrested by ican statement said that
by someone with appar- Vatican gendarmes. The as soon as the gendarmes
ent psychiatric problems Vatican said the driver was sounded the alarm of an
rushed through a Vatican about 40 years old and was incursion, the main gate
gate Thursday evening and in a “serious state of psy- blocking access to the pi-
sped past Swiss Guards into chophysical alteration.” He azza in front of Francis’ ho-
a palace courtyard before was being held in the Vati- tel was shut.
the driver was apprehend- can barracks. The incident was a rare in-
ed by police, the Holy See It wasn’t clear if Pope Fran- cursion into the city state,
said. cis was anywhere near the much of which is off limits to
Vatican gendarmes fired a incident, which occurred the general public, espe-
shot at the speeding car’s after 8 p.m. at the Santa cially at night.
front tires after it rushed the Anna gate, one of the While visitors can access
gate, but the vehicle man- main entrances to the Vati- St. Peter’s Basilica and the
aged to continue on its can City State in the heart Vatican Museums during
way, the Vatican press of- of Rome. business hours, and people Pope Francis pauses during his weekly general audience in the
fice said in a statement late Francis lives on the other with doctors’ prescriptions St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Thursday. side of Vatican City at the can go to the Vatican Associated Press
Once the car reached the Santa Marta hotel, where pharmacy, permission is which houses the papal guarded around the clock
San Damaso Courtyard at that hour he would nor- required to get into other apartments, key recep- by Swiss Guards and gen-
of the Apostolic Palace, mally be having dinner and buildings in the enclave. tion rooms, the Vatican darmes who man various
the driver got out and was retiring to his room. The Vat- The Apostolic Palace, archives and offices, is checkpoints.q