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How Aruban beaches came to be!
                                                                                      July 13, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800

                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r                                                                     Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Pelosi and Democratic leaders try to guide their party through Biden uproar

            By LISA MASCARO
            AP  Congressional  Corre-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Nan-
            cy Pelosi's phone lit up the
            night of President Joe Biden's
            debate performance with a
            question that has yet to be
            fully resolved: Now what?
            Calls kept coming the morn-
            ing after Biden's agonizing
            face-off against Republican
            Donald Trump, and anxious
            lawmakers surrounded Pelosi
            later on the House floor.
            Two weeks on, the situation
            shows no signs of letting up.
            The uproar that has shaken
            the  2024  election,  and  si-
            phoned  attention  away
            from Trump and his MAGA
            agenda, leaves Democrats
            at a painful standstill, at odds
            over  whether  to  stick  with
            Biden as their presumptive
            nominee or press on with the
            once-unthinkable option of
            trying to persuade the presi-
            dent  to  end  his  reelection
            Pelosi as the former House   Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., left, greets President Joe Biden at the Columbia Metro Airport, in West Columbia, S.C., Jan. 27, 2024.
            speaker, along with Rep. Jim                                                                                                    Associated Press
            Clyburn, a veteran leader of
            the Congressional Black Cau-  frank concerns to Biden. Their  ate Majority Leader Chuck  Democrats fear not only the  front Trump and the far-right
            cus,  are  playing  oversized   work, in public and private,  Schumer to navigate the Bi-  White House, but control of  Project 2025 agenda, which
            roles as generational allies   is  giving  space  to  the  cur-  den question and the party's  the House and Senate in Con-  they warn is a dire threat to
            of the 81-year-old president   rent congressional leadership  political future.        gress,  could  be  wiped  out  American democracy.
            but also trusted voices from   headed  by  House  Leader  Watching in disbelief at what  this November, leaving them
            Capitol Hill who can bring   Hakeem  Jeffries  and  Sen-  the past weeks have brought,  essentially powerless to con-       Continued on Page 2
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