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Saturday 13 July 2024
Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
The staircase that run on the be a work out to get on top.
side of the hill was first built In addition, there is now a
in 1951, when Mr. Eduardo gazebo placed halfway up
Tromp constructed it. At that the stair for a little rest. The
time, the staircase consisted view at this resting stop is also
of 900 steps. Over time, as a sight to see.
the steps faced erosion, The best time to climb the hill
the government decided would be early in the morn-
to renovate these stairs in ing or right before sunset, as it
1991. This new project de- may not be as hot. However,
livered the newer staircase the hill is of course open all
with only 587 steps. However, day, every day.q
don’t be fooled—it may still
(Oranjestad)—If you are a in Venezuela, providing one
regular hiker, or maybe want of the best views you can get
to spice up your morning on Aruba.
work out session, then you
might enjoy one of the most located at the center district
popular climbing sites on the of the island, Santa Cruz, the
island: The Hooiberg Hill. Ac- Hooiberg Hill is the second
companied with a 600-step highest point on the island at
staircase, this hill overlooks 165 meters above sea level
a great part of the island, (or about 540 feet above
the Caribbean sea, and sea level). The highest point
sometimes even the Santa is Jamanota Hill at 189 me-
Anna mountain located in ters (620 feet), located in the
the coastal state of Falcon Arikok National Park.
How Aruban beaches came to be!
(Oranjestad)—We’ve talk- reefs over time, resulting stream. However, in areas
ed about the best beaches in its gradual breakdown. where it’s shallow and the
to visit on the island before, Fish that feed off corals stream is weaker, the sand
but have you ever won- also contribute to this, one tends to sick to the bot-
dered how Aruba got its small bite at a time. Over tom faster. This is why the
white, sandy beaches, and the course of thousands beaches in the south—the
why there’s a clear differ- of years, as waves contin- areas with weaker stream
ence between the northern ue to crash and fish con- and shallower ocean
and southern shores? Here tinue to eat off the corals, floors—has sand that
are some fun facts about sand starts to accumulate stretches for miles. In con-
the development of Aru- around the area. Howev- trast, the northern area,
ban beaches. er, whether the sand stays where the stream is much
there is another question stronger and the ocean
How did Aruba get its to be answered, and this is floor is much deeper, there
white, sandy beaches? where we highlight the big- is no sand present—they Aruba is a continental ally deeper in the south,
Aruba’s beaches have de- gest difference between were swept away with the island. The island actu- whereas the ocean floor in
veloped over the span of the northern and southern current! ally forms part of South the north runs steeply to the
thousands of years. Waves coast of the island. America, and the space bottom.
crashing on the rocky for- Why north deep, but south between Aruba and the
mations along our coast The sand that accumulates shallow? South American continent Source: archival document
line (which consists mainly around a torn coral reef Ah! Good question…and is simply referred to as land provided by the National
of coral reefs) have start- is swept away along with interesting phrasing. that runs under the ocean. Archive of Aruba (ANA).q
ed to wear and tear the the debris by the ocean This is why it gets gradu-