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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 February 2023
            Republicans set to oust Rep. Omar from Foreign Affairs panel

            By  LISA  MASCARO  and                                                                                              are  united  that  she  should
            KEVIN FREKING                                                                                                       be  seated  on  the  com-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    mittee,  said  Rep.  Gregory
            WASHINGTON (AP) — New-                                                                                              Meeks  of  New  York,  the
            ly  empowered  House  Re-                                                                                           ranking  Democrat  on  the
            publicans  are  preparing                                                                                           committee.
            to  oust  Democratic  Rep.                                                                                          The  resolution  proposed
            Ilhan  Omar,  a  Somali-born                                                                                        by Rep. Max Miller, R-Ohio,
            Muslim lawmaker, from the                                                                                           a  former  official  in  the
            House Foreign Affairs Com-                                                                                          Trump  administration,  says
            mittee  over  her  past  com-                                                                                       “Omar’s  comments  have
            ments critical of Israel  and                                                                                       brought  dishonor  to  the
            as  payback  after  Demo-                                                                                           House of Representatives.”
            crats booted far-right GOP                                                                                          Texas  Rep.  Michael  Mc-
            lawmakers  from  commit-                                                                                            Caul, the committee chair-
            tees  for  their  incendiary,                                                                                       man,  argued  against  her
            violent remarks.                                                                                                    inclusion  on  the  commit-
            A procedural vote Wednes-                                                                                           tee  in  a  recent  closed-
            day  showed  unified  Re-                                                                                           door  meeting  with  fellow
            publican  support  for  mov-                                                                                        Republicans.  “It’s  just  that
            ing against Omar, who has                                                                                           her worldview of Israel is so
            apologized  for  comments                                                                                           diametrically  opposed  to
            that she has said she came                                                                                          the  committee’s,”  McCaul
            to understand were viewed    Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan.   said.  “I  don’t  mind  having
            as  antisemitic.  It  was  ap-  25, 2023, in Washington.                                                            differences  of  opinion,  but
            proved on party lines, with                                                                        Associated Press   this  goes  beyond  that.”
            all  Democrats  opposed.  A  of the chamber in January.  late  Tuesday  to  consider  waiting  for  Democrats  to  Having her on the commit-
            final  vote  was  expected  Unlike  most  committees,  the move against Omar.          formally nominate Omar to  tee, he said, “creates dys-
            Thursday.  House  Speaker  appointments  to  the  Intel-  McGovern  argued  that  the  committee,  which  she  function.”  Omar  said  the
            Kevin  McCarthy  has  been  ligence Committee are the  Democrats  had  removed  served  on  during  the  last  issues  Republicans  have
            eager  to  flex  Republican  prerogative of the speaker.  Reps.    Marjorie    Taylor  Congress.  Once  the  com-   cited  in  opposing  her  are
            power to remove the Min-     “This  is  about  vengeance.  Greene,  R-Ga.,  and  Paul  mittee  roster  is  approved  a pretext to justify their ac-
            nesota  Democrat  after  he  This  is  about  spite.  This  is  Gosar, R-Ariz., from commit-  by the House, then Repub-  tions.  In reality, “it is about
            blocked  Rep.  Adam  Schiff  about  politics,”  said  Rep.  tees  for  remarks  that  were  licans  would  move  to  strip  revenge.  It’s  about  ap-
            and  Rep.  Eric  Swalwell,  James  McGovern  of  Mas-     far more extreme and vio-    her of the seat.             peasing  the  former  presi-
            both California Democrats,  sachusetts,  the  top  Demo-  lent against fellow lawmak-  Democrats  have  little  re-  dent,” Omar said a recent
            from  rejoining  the  House  crat  on  the  House  Rules  ers  than  those  for  which  course at this point and are  news  conference  at  the
            Intelligence    Committee  Committee, as Republicans  Omar had apologized.             planning to formally submit  Capitol, referring to Donald
            once the GOP took control  called  a  hurried  meeting  Republicans said they were  their lineup for a vote. “We  Trump.q

             20 attorneys general warn Walgreens, CVS over abortion pills

             By JIM SALTER               legal action he would take  have the power to do so in  greens  said  the  company  confidentially  storing  drug
             Associated Press            if  the  pharmacies  begin  defiance of U.S. Food and  is  not  currently  dispensing  prescribing records.
             ST. LOUIS (AP) — Attorneys  selling abortion pills to Mis-  Drug Administration policy.  mifepristone, although they  “We  fully  understand  that
             general in 20 conservative-  sourians by mail.           A  physician  and  a  com-   are working to become eli-   we  may  not  be  able  to
             led states warned CVS and  “I  will  enforce  the  laws  as  pany  that  makes  the  pill  gible through an FDA-man-  dispense Mifepristone in all
             Walgreens  on  Wednesday  written,”  Bailey  said  in  a  mifepristone filed separate  dated  certification  pro-  locations  if  we  are  certi-
             that  they  could  face  le-  statement  in  response  to  lawsuits last month seeking  cess, requiring pharmacies  fied under the program,” a
             gal  consequences  if  they  questions  from  The  Associ-  to strike down bans in North  to meet specific standards  statement from spokesman
             sell abortion pills by mail in  ated  Press.  “That  includes  Carolina and West Virginia.  in  shipping,  tracking  and  Fraser Engerman read.q
             those states.               laws  protecting  the  health  For more than 20 years, the
             A  letter  from  Republican  of women and their unborn  FDA  limited  dispensing  of
             Missouri  Attorney  General  children.                   the drug to a subset of spe-
             Andrew  Bailey  to  the  na-  The FDA rule is in direct vio-  cialty offices and clinics be-
             tion’s  largest  pharmacy-  lation  of  federal  law,  and  cause  of  safety  concerns.
             dispensing companies was  the unelected bureaucrats  But  since  the  start  of  the
             co-signed  by  19  other  at-  at  the  FDA  have  no  au-  COVID-19  pandemic,  the
             torneys  general,  warning  thority  to  change  Missouri  agency  eased  restrictions,
             that  sale  of  abortion  pills  law,  either.  The  people’s  eliminating  the  in-person
             would  violate  federal  law  elected   representatives  requirement for the pill and
             and abortion laws in many  have spoken on the issue of  allowing  brick-and-mortar
             states.  Missouri  is  among  abortion  in  our  state,  and  pharmacies  to  dispense  it.
             states  that  implemented  we will fight to uphold that  At  least  one  lawsuit  filed
             strict  abortion  prohibitions  in court.”               by abortion opponents ar-
             last  summer  after  the  Su-  Nineteen  states  have  im-  gues that the FDA has over-  Boxes of the drug mifepristone sit on a shelf at the West Alabama
             preme  Court  ruling  over-  posed restrictions on abor-  stepped its authority in ap-  Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa, Ala., on March 16, 2022.
             turning Roe v. Wade.        tion pills, but there’s a court  proving the abortion drugs.                                      Associated Press
             Bailey  didn’t  specify  what  battle  over  whether  they  A  spokesman  for  Wal-
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