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A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 21 Juli 2022
Funeral held for Ivana Trump; former president in attendance
a wonderful and beautiful Charles Kushner, a real estate ried from 1977 to 1992. In
life,” the ex-president wrote developer and the father of the 1980s, they were a power
on his social media platform, Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jar- couple, and she became well
Truth Social, before heading ed Kushner. Fashion designer known in her own right, in-
to the Mass with his current Dennis Basso, a longtime stantly recognizable with her
wife, former first lady Mela- friend of Ivana Trump’s, was blond hair in an updo and her
nia Trump. also among the mourners. glamorous look.
Donald and Ivana Trump’s The Mass was “an elegant, Ivana Trump also took part
three children — Donald Jr., wonderful send-off for Iva- in her husband’s businesses,
Ivanka and Eric — and their na Trump,” longtime friend managing one of his Atlantic
families followed Ivana’s R. Couri Hay said as he City casinos and picking out
gold-colored coffin into St. emerged. some of the design elements
Vincent Ferrer Roman Cath- in New York City’s Trump
olic Church on Manhattan’s Trump’s family announced Tower.
Upper East Side. Thursday that the 73-year-
old had died at her Manhat- Their very public divorce was
(AP) — Former President nesswoman who helped Tiffany Trump, the daughter tan home. Authorities said ugly, but in recent years they
Donald Trump paid re- him build an empire that of the former president and the death was an accident, were friendly. Ivana Trump
spects to his first wife, Iva- launched him to the presi- his second wife, Marla Ma- with blunt impact injuries to was an enthusiastic support-
na Trump, joining their dency. ples, also attended the service, her torso as the cause. er of Donald Trump’s 2016
three children Wednesday as did family friends includ- presidential campaign and
at a funeral Mass for the “A very sad day, but at the ing Jeanine Pirro, co-host of Ivana and Donald Trump met said they spoke on a regular
1980s style icon and busi- same time a celebration of Fox News’ “The Five,” and in the 1970s and were mar- basis.
Sky-high diesel prices squeeze truckers, farmers, consumers
(AP) — When long-haul juice to Amazon deliveries If they’re not rejecting jobs, fuel than, say, parts of Texas courage OPEC to produce
trucker Deb LaBree sets of diapers — are delivered many truckers are choos- do. Another factor is that more oil, which would mean
out on the road to deliver by trucks, trains or ships that ing lighter loads or working China has reduced its diesel more diesel fuel globally.
pharmaceuticals, she has run on diesel. Those inflat- longer hours to make up for exports, presumably to help Though no major deal was
strategies to hold down ed prices are then passed on money lost on fuel, accord- achieve its net-zero green- announced, Prince Moham-
costs. She avoids the West from company to company ing to interviews with truck- house gas emissions goals. med bin Salman hinted that
Coast and the Northeast, until they reach consumers ers and industry executives. Saudi Arabia could potential-
where diesel prices are in the form of costlier goods. Farmers harvesting hay and And within the United States, ly produce more oil.
highest. She organizes her planting corn with diesel- refineries that produce diesel
delivery route to mini- “People pay less attention to fired tractors are absorbing a from crude oil are essentially But expecting OPEC to ex-
mize “deadheading” — diesel prices because people financial hit. Delivery com- maxed out. The nation has 11 port more oil during high-
driving an empty truck in aren’t going to the pump and panies are installing their fewer refineries operating to- demand summer months
between deliveries. using it,” said Matt Smith, own fueling pumps to cut day than before the pandem- might be unrealistic, said
lead oil analyst at Kpler, a re- costs. Ultimately, consumers ic, according to the American Amy Myers Jaffe, an energy
And if a customer’s load is search firm. “But diesel has a are left bearing the burden. Petroleum Institute. One expert at Tufts University.
too far away or they can’t pay more far-reaching impact and refinery that had served the
more for fuel? She turns the is already having a real big “If you’re a farmer, then your East Coast closed after an ex- “The important thing,” she
job down. impact across the economy.” energy costs are higher, and plosion in 2019 and never re- said, “is to make sure that our
therefore it’s costing more opened. And some refineries allies, together with OPEC,
“It breaks my heart because I Diesel fuel is averaging $5.50 to produce grain, and that’s in California are closed for don’t decrease any flows to
either have to say, ‘No, I can’t a gallon nationally — up a pushing the price of grain up, retrofitting to process renew- the market at any junction,
afford to,’ or ’I can, but you’re scorching 68% from a year and that’s pushing the price able fuel. especially if we have some
going to have to pay some ago, when it was selling for of food up,” said Smith, the kind of disruption.”
of my fuel to get me there,’ just $3.27. By comparison, analyst at Kpler. “We use a lot of diesel, prob-
” LaBree said. “I hate doing a gallon of regular gasoline ably more than what these Even if American oil and gas
both of those things because is averaging $4.47, up 41% Even more than gasoline, refineries can produce,” said producers increase produc-
it’s not the customer’s fault. from a year ago. high diesel prices are mag- Bob Costello, chief econo- tion, tough challenges would
It’s not our fault.” nifying the costs of goods mist of the American Truck- remain — namely, finding
High gasoline prices have because the delivery cost has ing Associations. additional refinery space and
The price of diesel fuel has eased somewhat in recent risen so much. Consumer then enough pipeline capac-
skyrocketed in recent months weeks. But diesel has re- prices soared 9.1% in June President Joe Biden’s visit ity to transport any additional
— much more even than mained chronically high, compared with 12 months last week to Saudi Arabia diesel.
regular gasoline — especially with American refineries earlier, the government re- was intended, in part, to en-
after Russia invaded Ukraine operating near capacity. Un- ported last week. The fuel
in February. Moscow’s at- less prices ease, the ripple ef- oil portion of the consumer
tack led numerous nations to fects of high diesel fuel could price index nearly doubled
spurn Russian fuel, remov- worsen because the costs are from the same time last year.
ing from the market a major deterring some truck compa-
source of oil, the main com- nies from accepting jobs un- “Those energy costs are
ponent of diesel fuel, and less they can persuade their working their way into prod-
driving prices drastically up. customers to pay more for ucts, all manner of different
fuel. consumer products,” Smith
For months, motorists have noted.
felt the pain of high gasoline “There will be more logis-
prices. Many may not know tical shortages,” said Phil One reason why diesel prices
that they’re also absorbing Verleger, a longtime energy haven’t yet declined as gaso-
the impact of much costlier economist. “Americans will line has is that OPEC nations
diesel fuel. That’s because find more empty shelves and have slowed their supply of
the goods consumers buy higher prices.” oil, and Middle East oil typi-
— from cereal and orange cally produces more diesel