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A30 world news
Diahuebs 21 Juli 2022
Sunak, Truss in runoff to replace Boris Johnson as UK leader
the European Union — is a mented Wednesday when through months of scandals
favorite of the Conservatives' Johnson said his advice to his over his finances and his
right wing. successor would be not al- judgment, refusing to resign
Truss said if she becomes ways to listen to the Treasury. when he was fined by police
prime minister "I would hit over government parties that
the ground running from day All the contenders —- there broke COVID-19 lockdown
one, unite the party and gov- were 11 to start — sought rules. He finally quit after
ern in line with Conservative to distance themselves from one scandal too many — ap-
values." Johnson, whose term in of- pointing a politician accused
Sunak's campaign said "the fice began boldly in 2019 of sexual misconduct —
choice for members is very with a vow to "get Brexit drove his ministers to resign
simple: who is the best per- done" and a resounding elec- en masse.
son to beat Labour at the tion victory, but is now end-
next election? The evidence ing in disgrace. Despite remaining prime
shows that's Rishi." Johnson quit July 7 but re- minister, he has largely disap-
mains caretaker leader until peared from the scene, even
The winner of the Tory con- the party elects his successor. as Britain faces a summer
(AP) — Britain's Conser- steered Britain's economy test will not have to face Brit- On Wednesday, he faced de- cost-of-living crisis and labor
vative Party on Wednes- through the pandemic be- ish voters until 2024, unless risive opposition politicians discontent as inflation hits
day chose former Treasury fore quitting Johnson's gov- they choose to call an early and weary Conservatives 9.4%.
chief Rishi Sunak and For- ernment this month, against general election. at his last Prime Minister's
eign Secretary Liz Truss Truss, who has led the U.K.'s Questions session in the Johnson did not attend any
— a fiscal moderate and response to Russia's invasion The campaign has already House of Commons, which government emergency
a low-tax crusader — as of Ukraine. exposed deep divisions in adjourns for the summer on meetings about the heat wave
the two finalists in a party the Conservative Party at the Thursday. that brought record tempera-
election to replace depart- The two contenders will end of Johnson's scandal- tures of 40 degrees Celsius
ing Prime Minister Boris spend the next few weeks tarnished three-year reign. It was a downbeat departure, (104 Fahrenheit) to Britain
Johnson. campaigning for the votes Truss has branded Sunak a with supportive Conservative this week. Last week he took
of about 180,000 Conserva- "socialist" for raising taxes lawmakers lobbing praise and a ride in a Royal Air Force Ty-
The result came just after the tive Party members around in response to the economic opposition politicians offer- phoon fighter jet, with "Top
divisive, unrepentant John- the country, who will vote by damage wrought by the coro- ing variations on "good rid- Gun"-style footage released
son, who has plunged his postal or online ballot. The navirus pandemic and the dance." by his office, then threw a
party into turmoil, ended his winner of the party leader- war in Ukraine. Sunak has weekend party at Chequers,
final appearance in Parlia- ship vote will be announced hit back, saying that rivals in- Johnson extolled what he the country house that comes
ment as prime minister with Sept. 5 and will automatically cluding Truss were peddling called his accomplishments with the prime minister's job.
the words "Hasta la vista, become Britain's next prime economic "fairy tales" to Brit- — leading Britain out of the
baby." minister. ish voters as the country faces EU and through COVID-19, London Mayor Sadiq Khan
soaring inflation and eco- and supporting Ukraine accused Johnson of wanting
Sunak and Truss came first Sunak won all four rounds of nomic turbulence. against Russia's invasion — to "become Tom Cruise" and
and second respectively in a elimination votes by lawmak- and declared: "Mission large- urged him to resign immedi-
secret vote by Conservative ers, but is less popular with Johnson allies have been ac- ly accomplished, for now," ately.
lawmakers. Trade Minister the party's grassroots, partly cused of lobbying against before departing with Arnold "We need a full-time prime
Penny Mordaunt came in because of his previous job as Sunak, whose resignation Schwarzenegger's "hasta la minister looking after our
third and was eliminated. Britain's chief taxman. helped bring the prime min- vista" catchphrase from "Ter- country rather than some-
The race, which has already Truss, who has taken a tough ister down, and in favor of minator 2." body who's checked out,"
produced bitter Conservative line against Russian President Truss, who remained loyal. Khan said.
infighting, pits Sunak, who Vladimir Putin — and with That impression was ce- Johnson clung to office
4 dead, 13 injured in Tianjin gas explosion in north China
(AP) — Four people have The explosion occurred to identify gas leak risks and old infrastructure, with natu-
died in a gas explosion around 7:15 a.m. in the city's China's Ministry of Emer- prevent such accidents in the ral gas lines used for cooking,
that injured 13 others at a Beichen District. Photos of gency Management called future, the official Xinhua heat and power generation a
six-story residential build- the scene showed upper sto- for determining the cause News Agency said. particular concern.
ing in the Chinese port ries of the building caved in as quickly as possible and a
city of Tianjin, state me- with the roof still intact, but comprehensive screening China is replacing decades-
dia said Wednesday. no obvious damage to neigh-
boring units.
A trapped person who had
been pulled out on Tuesday Tianjin, a major port and
at 5:40 p.m., more than 10 manufacturing hub, is less
hours after the morning blast, than an hour by high-speed
had weak vital signs and died train from Beijing and has
after being taken to a hospital, long been one of China's
according to a Tianjin Daily most developed and interna-
report posted by the Tianjin tional cities.
government on social media.
The cause of the explosion
State broadcaster CCTV lat- remains under investiga-
er said the rescue work had tion, but it appears to point
been completed. It didn't to the deterioration of in-
provide any details on the frastructure following more
four deaths. The injuries than three decades of break-
to the other 13 are not life- neck economic growth. The
threatening, CCTV said in building was constructed in
an online article. the 1980s, the Tianjin Daily