Page 11 - HOH
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26      LOCAL NEWS                                          AWEMainta                                    Diahuebs, 5 October 2023

          Employee Benefit Program HOH

         SUN SHARES Becomes a Reality

       “HORACIO Oduber Hospital, one of the largest organiza-                     HOH’s commitment to the environment. The HOH Board of
       tions on our island with no fewer than 1,100  employees,                   Directors recently surprised the entire HOH team with this
       focuses  on caring for patients  and clients, but also on                  tremendous news, which has been in the works for a long
       taking care of our employees and the environment. Taking                   time to make it a reality.

       into account one of HOH’s foundations is to be financially
       sustainable, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was                       Now, every colleague at HOH who is interested in having
       recently  signed  with  the  local  company  B-Energy  to  offer           their own solar panels at home can have this thanks to their
       solar panels as a benefit to our employees. This is a signifi-             employer at a better price and lower interest through the

       cant moment where the employee program called HOH SUN                      internal program HOH SUN SHARES. This renewable energy
       SHARES is finally introduced.                                              source will save colleagues energy, reduce electricity bills,
                                                                                  be beneficial for the environment, and increase the value of
       A few months ago, an internal survey was conducted to                      their homes.

       gauge interest among employees in acquiring solar panels
       for their homes. Due to the tremendous responses received,                 Now that HOH has signed this  agreement  with the  local
       the management  team began negotiations with various                       company B-Energy, information sessions will start in October
       local companies that offer solar panels. Finally, the company              to introduce this program to all employees.

       that came up with the best offer for HOH and its employees
       turned out to be the local company B-Energy.                               The Hospital Board of Directors, together with the manage-
                                                                                  ment  team, is  extremely  proud of this  step taken  to  add
       This  is  an  extremely  important  and laudable moment                    more  benefits  for  our  employees,  making  HOH  a  profes-

       because it not only positions HOH as an employer providing                 sional company that cares for patients and clients, as well
       benefits at a better price and lower interest, but also shows              as our employees and the environment.
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