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Thursday 5 OcTOber 2023 locAl

            Episode LX (60): Maish grandi; Big corn or Zea mays

                                                                      grains  and  generating  hy-
                                                                      brids, so corn was born.

                                                                       The oldest vestiges of do-
                                                                      mesticated    corn   were
                                                                      found  in  Mexico  and  are
                                                                      8,700 B.C.
                                                                      The teosinte currently con-
                                                                      tinues  to  live  in  Mexico
                                                                      wild  along  streams  and
                                                                      slopes.  There  are  many
                                                                      types; maize is believed to
                                                                      come  from  the  Zea.  mays
                                                                      ssp  type.  Parviglumis  that
                                                                      grows  in  the  southwest  of
                                                                      the country and is the most
                                                                      similar, in genetic structure,
                                                                      to corn.

                                                                      The most impressive aspect
                                                                      of the maize story is what it
                                                                      tells us about the capabili-
                                                                      ties  of  agriculturalists  9,000
                                                                      years  ago.  These  people
                                                                      were  living  in  small  groups
                                                                      and  shifting  their  settle-
                                                                      ments seasonally. Yet they
                                                                      were  able  to  transform  a
            ORANJESTAD  —  Corn  as  Many botanists did not see  grass  with  many  inconve-
            we  know  it  today  would  any  connection  between  nient,  unwanted  features
            not exist if it weren't for the  corn and other living plants.  into  a  high-yielding,  eas-
            Amerindian  botanists  or  Some  concluded  that  the  ily  harvested  food  crop.
            expert agro engineers that  crop  plant  arose  through  The domestication process     of present day North Amer-   and also known as cudie`s,
            cultivated  and  developed  the domestication by early  must  have  occurred  in       ica, they brought corn with  testimony  of  the  presence
            many crops including corn.  agriculturalists  of  wild  corn  many  stages  over  a  con-  them.                    of  maize.  This  abundance
            It  is  a  human  creation,  a  that was now extinct, or at  siderable length of time as                            of food gave time to mas-
            plant  that  does  not  exist  least undiscovered.        many  different,  indepen-   When  Europeans  like  Co-   ter  many  arts  of  ceramics
            naturally  in  the  wild  and                             dent  characteristics  of  the   lumbus   made   contact  expressions  and  an  enor-
            will not survive without hu-  About  10,000  years  ago,  plant were modified.         with  people  were  living  in  mous  array  of  crafts  and
            man  attention,  it  can  only  Mesoamerican man found                                 the  Caribbean,  North  and  technics.
            survive if planted and pro-  that he could make hybrids  From Mexico maize spread      South  America,  corn  was
            tected by humans.            with a conical grass, made  north  into  the  Southwest-  a major part of the diet of  The  cultivation  of  corn
                                         up  of  various  grains,  and  ern United States and south   most native people. When  brought  a  whole  new  era
            The  greatest  surprise,  and  that  was  born  in  the  wild:  down  the  coast  to  Peru   Columbus   "discovered"  and  progress  to  Amerin-
            the  source  of  much  past  teosinte  (which  in  Nahuatl  and Argentina. About 1000   America,  he  also  discov-  dian  societies  all  over  the
            controversy  in  corn  arche-  means grain of God). Since  years ago, as Native Ameri-  ered  corn.  But  up  to  this  continent.  Yes,  to  those
            ology,  was  the  identifica-  then, he began to grow this  can people migrated north   time,  people  living  in  Eu-  who  cultivated  corn  suc-
            tion of the corn’s ancestor.  seed,  choosing  the  best  to  the  eastern  woodlands   rope  did  not  know  about  cessfully,  including  those
                                                                                                   corn.                        on  islands  and  mountains
                                                                                                   The  first  Thanksgiving  was  side. All These Amerindians
                                                                                                   held  in  1621.  While  sweet  group claims that their flesh
                                                                                                   potatoes, cranberry sauce  and  bones  are  made  out
                                                                                                   and pumpkin pie were not  of  Corn,  of  Maish  or  Zea
                                                                                                   on  the  menu,  however  In-  mays.    That  is  how  impor-
                                                                                                   dian  corn  certainly  would  tant this wonder plant is for
                                                                                                   have been.                   them. q

                                                                                                   For Aruba corn was of vital  To  immerse  in  what  Aru-
                                                                                                   importance  and  the  most  ba  is  all  about.  its  people,
                                                                                                   important  crop  followed  its  origins,  its  animals  and
                                                                                                   by  yuca,  beans  squashes  culture,  we  highly  recom-
                                                                                                   and  peanuts.  Corn  was  mend you to book your visit
                                                                                                   sacred  for  the  Caquetio  for  our  renowned  cultural
                                                                                                   and  respected  the  whole  encounter  session  which
                                                                                                   plant  as  their  creator  as  has been entertaining curi-
                                                                                                   the mother food and ven-     ous,  scientist  and  bohemi-
                                                                                                   erated  with  the  out  most  ans for decades.  Mail us at
                                           Article by: Etnia Nativa                                respect. Beside pollen and
                                                                                                   ceramic  buren`s,  ancient  to  confirm  your  participa-
                                           Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                      agro  ceramic  cultures  of  tion.  Our  facilities  and  ac-
                                                  your Aruban exprerience                          Aruba had left their native  tivities  take  place  close  to
                                            Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels          milling  stones  or  Metate’s  high rise hotels.
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