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Tuesday 28 January 2025
Po-Ke Ono Azure launches exclusive breakfast menu
Available every morning at
Po-Ke Ono Azure, the new
breakfast lineup is ideal for
early risers and those look-
ing for a unique start to
their day.
About Po-Ke Ono Azure
Since its inception, Po-Ke
Ono has quickly become a
culinary landmark in Aruba,
known for its signature fu-
sion of Hawaiian and Asian
flavors. With two locations
across the island, Po-Ke
Ono continues to innovate
and delight, with Po-Ke
Ono Azure offering exclu-
Asian Omelet. Designed to ingredients that highlight sive breakfast options at
bring unique flavors to Aru- the vibrant, Asian-inspired the iconic Eagle Beach.q
ba’s breakfast scene, the flavors we’re known for.”
menu also includes fresh
coffee, mimosas, and tropi-
cal juices, perfect for pair-
ing with the restaurant’s
relaxed beachside atmo-
Po-Ke Ono Azure is proud to announce the
launch of its exclusive breakfast menu, invit- “Our goal was to create a
ing guests to experience mornings infused breakfast experience that
with Asian-inspired flavors, fresh ingredients, captures the essence of
and a touch of tropical paradise. Po-Ke Ono and brings a
fresh twist to mornings here
Located at the scenic Azure Residences at Azure,” said Executive
at Eagle Beach, Po-Ke Ono now offers an Chef Urvin Croes, founder
exceptional morning menu with options of Po-Ke Ono. “Each dish is
like the Thai Breakfast Bowl, Acai Bowl, and crafted with care, featuring
The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history
(Oranjestad)—The Bushiribana Gold Under the leadership of Mr. Pau- At the same time, the Aruban gov-
Mill Ruins is one of the most visited lus Printz, a three-year search was ernment took immediate actions,
places by tourists on the island, as conducted on Aruba, to no avail. and informed Curacao that gold was
it lies along the northern coast line Though they found some gold, it was found. At first, everyone could look
near the mini pool and on the way to enough to motivate a further search, for gold, as long as they sold it to the
the Natural Bridge. Despite its seem- and the assignment was discontin- government. However, after some
ingly plain appearance, this ruin rep- ued by Printz himself. time, the government decided to clumps of gold behind. The next step
resents one of the most important implement stricter rules and banned was melting the gold and letting it at-
histories of the island: The Aruban It wasn’t until 100 years later, in 1824, local search parties. tach to quicksilver in order to obtain
Gold Rush. when a young boy found a lump of pure gold. All these processes were
gold while out herding his father’s Over the years, concession-holding done at the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
Built in 1872 by English company sheep. His father took it to a local had seen different companies from
Aruba Island Gold Mining Company merchant who then sold the lump for around the world, all of which used The gold mill itself had a short life-
Ltd, the gold mill at Bushiribana was $70. Unbeknownst to the boy and his primitive methods to dig and carve span: only 10 years in service, but
constructed in the area where most father, they quite literally struck gold, out gold from the rocks. Aruba Island its structure remained relatively solid
gold was found by locals. The story of and as word got out, a gold fever Gold Mining Company Ltd. was no till this day, and is now a historical
gold on Aruba actually dates back spread among the locals who started different, but used a unique method remnant. q
to 1725, when a first exploration for searching for more gold. About 25 that involved grinding the rocks and
gold on the island was commissioned pounds worth was found. letting the dust be blown away by Sources: Etnia Nativa & goldminer-
by the Dutch West India Company. the strong northeast wind, leaving