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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Thursday 19 december 2019

            Legacy moment: Pelosi leads 'somber' Trump impeachment

            By LAURIE KELLMAN                                                                                                   the  meeting  immediately
            Associated Press Writer                                                                                             after.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            All along, even as she de-
            House's  center  of  power                                                                                          rided  Trump's  "manhood"
            took  a  seat  toward  the                                                                                          in a private meeting, Pelosi
            back  of  the  chamber                                                                                              resisted impeaching Trump.
            Wednesday.  Her  golden                                                                                             It was too divisive, and the
            mace  brooch,  symbol  of                                                                                           country was already too di-
            the  House  and  the  speak-                                                                                        vided, she said.
            er's authority, glinted.                                                                                            But in September, a group
            Speaker     Nancy    Pelosi                                                                                         of  new  lawmakers  from
            spent  much  of  the  historic                                                                                      Trump-won districts, includ-
            day  within  a  few  steps  of                                                                                      ing  Spanberger,  gave  Pe-
            the cloakroom door, away                                                                                            losi  the  cover  to  proceed
            from  better-lit  seats  where                                                                                      with  an  impeachment  in-
            the  managers  and  mem-                                                                                            quiry. They wrote an op-ed
            bers  were  debating  im-                                                                                           published  in  The  Washing-
            peachment.    Only  briefly,                                                                                        ton  Post  supporting  im-
            she stepped into the glare                                                                                          peachment  over  Trump's
            of the well.                                                                                                        conduct toward Ukraine.
            "Today,  as  speaker  of  the   House  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  of  Calif.,  points  to  a  poster  as  she  speaks  as  the  House  of   "A  solemn  moment"  has
                                         Representatives  debates  the  articles  of  impeachment  against  President  Donald  Trump  at  the
            House, I solemnly and sadly   Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019.                                      been  Pelosi's  message  to
            open  the  debate  on  the                                                                         Associated Press   Democrats throughout the
            impeachment of the presi-                                                                                           Intelligence  and  Judiciary
            dent of the United States,"  tered  on  Trump's  pressure  He  weighed  in  on  Pelosi's   smirk-and-clap from above  Committee  hearings  that
            Pelosi said.                 on  Ukraine,  as  moderates  legacy,  too,  predicting  on   and behind him.           followed.  No  more  boasts
            Like  it  or  not,  Pelosi's  role  wanted. And a slate of oth-  Twitter she'll go down as his-  She  did  it  again  during  a  that  "we're  going  to  im-
            leading  Trump's  expected  er legislation was wrapped,  tory's "worst speaker."  In a   White  House  meeting  in  peach  the  motherf—ker,"
            impeachment will dramati-    giving all of the Democrats  letter  released  on  the  eve   October.  In  an  image  re-  as  freshman  Rep.  Rashida
            cally shape her legacy after  achievements  to  show  off  of voting, he said Pelosi "is   leased by the White House,  Tlaib of Michigan declared
            more than 30 years in Con-   at home.                     after the entire Republican   Pelosi  can  be  seen  stand-  on  her  first  day  in  office.
            gress.  So  in  a  town  where  Pelosi's hold on the caucus  Party."                   ing  and  pointing  a  finger  Democrats,  Pelosi  made
            body  language  and  prox-   made it possible for her to  Pelosi's ultimate power mo-  across a table at him, while  clear in public and private,
            imity  often  convey  power,  lead  just  by  being  there,  ment  Wednesday  was  a   the  president  says  some-  were  not  to  celebrate
            Pelosi went with a show of  rather  than  openly  twist-  stark departure from where   thing  back.  The  men  on  when the House approves
            confidence,  sitting  quietly  ing arms as she had during  she  was  a  year  ago,  after   Trump's  side  are  looking  the  articles  of  impeach-
            for  long  stretches  flipping  passage of the health care  the 2018 elections ushered   away. Pelosi walked out of  ment. q
            through other work, check-   law.  Democrats  lost  the  in a new generation of law-
            ing her phone and keeping  House  the  next  year,  and  makers. Some newcomers,
            an eye on the debate.        with it, Pelosi lost the speak-  such  as  Virginia  Rep.  Abi-
            Being remembered for im-     er's post.                   gail  Spanberger,  did  not
            peachment  is  not  some-    Back  in  possession  of  the  vote  for  Pelosi  to  return  to
            thing  she  relishes  after  a  gavel  this  year,  Pelosi  re-  the speakership.
            career  spanning  six  presi-  sisted  impeachment  until  But  many  more,  such  as
            dents,  several  wars,  pas-  a  whistleblower  report  re-  Rep.  Alexandria  Ocasio-
            sage  of  the  Affordable  vealed  Trump's  pressure  Cortez,  ultimately  helped
            Care  Act  and  her  own  on  Ukraine  to  investigate  put Pelosi back on top.
            debut  as  speaker,  second  his political rivals. That, she  What  unfolded  since  then
            in  line  to  the  presidency.  said,  the  House  could  not  has been a study in Pelosi's
            But she said Trump had left  ignore.  But  neither  would  ability  to  play  the  power
            the  Democrats  with  "no  they celebrate it.             game  against  Trump.  Ear-
            choice" other than to act.   "He gave us no choice," Pe-  lier this year, she forced him
            Pelosi arrived in the cham-  losi, clad in black, said from  to  retreat  and  reopen  the
            ber with Democrats largely  the well of the House.        government  without  the
            unified, thanks to a careful  Trump,  a  lifelong  business-  border wall he demanded.
            balancing act that played  man      now    face-to-face  She then invited him to de-
            out  over  several  months.  with an equivalent branch  liver  his  State  of  the  Union
            The  House  was  impeach-    of  government,  insists  he  speech  from  the  House
            ing  Trump,  as  liberals  had  is  the  victim  of  Democrats  chamber — but during the
            long  demanded.  The  im-    who  have  wanted  to  im-   event  threw  her  particular
            peachment  articles  cen-    peach him from the start.    brand of shade his way by
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