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U.S. NEWS Thursday 25 april 2024
Supreme Court appears skeptical that state abortion bans conflict
with federal health care law
By LINDSAY WHITEHURST to press: "What if the pros-
Associated Press ecutor thinks differently?"
WASHINGTON (AP) — Con- Turner acknowledged that
servative Supreme Court a doctor could face a crimi-
justices appeared skepti- nal case in that situation.
cal Wednesday that state Performing an abortion out-
abortion bans after their side of limited exceptions in
sweeping ruling overturning Idaho is a felony punishable
Roe v. Wade violate feder- by up to five years in prison.
al healthcare law, though Most Republican-controlled
some also questioned the states have started enforc-
effects on emergency care ing new bans or restrictions
for pregnant patients. since Roe was overturned,
The case marks the first time and Turner said those laws
the Supreme Court has con- all have narrower excep-
sidered the implications of tions than the federal law.
a state ban since overturn- "This isn't going to end with
ing the nationwide right Idaho. This question is going
to abortion. It comes from to come up in state after
Idaho, which is among 14 state," he said.
states that now ban abor- Doctors have said Idaho's
tion at all stages of preg- abortion ban has already
nancy with very limited ex- affected emergency care.
ceptions. Anti-Abortion and Abortion-rights activists rally outside the Supreme Court, Wednesday, April 24, More women whose condi-
The high court has already 2024, in Washington. Associated Press tions are typically treated
allowed the state ban to go with abortions must now be
into effect, even in medical women have been turned ticipate in Medicare?" Alito ing to lose her reproductive flown out of state for care,
emergencies, and it was away from emergency said. Idaho contends its ban organs. She's going to lose since doctors must wait until
unclear whether members rooms care since Roe was does have exceptions for the ability to have children they are close to death to
of the conservative majority overturned. life-saving abortions, and in the future unless an abor- provide terminations within
were swayed by the Biden The Biden administration the administration wants to tion takes place," said Jus- the bounds of state law.
administration's argument says abortion care must be wrongly expand the times tice Elena Kagan. Abortion opponents say
that federal law overrides allowed in those cases un- when it's allowed to turn Conservative Justice Amy doctors have mishandled
the state in rare emergen- der a law that requires hos- hospitals into "abortion en- Coney Barrett, mean- maternal emergency cas-
cy cases where a pregnant pitals accepting Medicare claves." while, said she was "kind es, and argue the Biden
patient's health is at serious to provide emergency care But liberal justices detailed of shocked" that an attor- administration overstates
risk. The closely watched regardless of patients' ability cases of pregnant women ney for Idaho appeared to health care woes to under-
case tests how open the to pay. hemorrhaging or having hedge when asked wheth- mine state abortion laws.
court is to carving out lim- Justice Samuel Alito, who to undergo hysterectomies er the state would allow The justices also heard an-
ited exceptions to state wrote the decision over- after abortion care was de- abortions in cases like those. other abortion case this
abortion bans. Their ruling, turning Roe v. Wade, was nied or delayed in states Attorney Joshua N. Turner term seeking to restrict ac-
expected by late June, will doubtful. "How can you with bans. responded that doctors cess to abortion medica-
also affect a similar case in impose restrictions on what "Within these rare cases, can use their "good faith" tion. It remains pending,
Texas and could have wide Idaho can criminalize, sim- there's a significant num- medical judgment under though the justices overall
implications amid a spike in ply because hospitals in ber where the woman's life Idaho's life-saving excep- seemed skeptical of the
complaints that pregnant Idaho have chosen to par- is not in peril, but she's go- tion, but Barrett continued push. q
Jill Biden launches bike ride for wounded
service members, stresses need to support vets
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE harm's way and when you ter signing a $95 billion war
Associated Press return," she said of Presi- aid bill and referred to the
WASHINGTON (AP) — Jill dent Joe Biden, who is up group of riders as the "spine
Biden on Wednesday for reelection. of America."
sounded a red horn to start Jill Biden spoke about steps The Wounded Warrior Proj-
the Wounded Warrior Proj- the administration has ect was founded in 2003
ect's annual Soldier Ride taken to expand veteran to help veterans and the
from the White House lawn, access to quality home families and caregivers of
using the launch of the mul- health care, provide ben- service members who suf-
tiday bike ride to stress the efits and care for veterans fered a physical or mental
importance of supporting harmed by toxins and pre- injury or illness while serving
service members. vent homelessness and sui- in the military on or after
"My husband often says cide among veterans. She Sept. 11, 2001. Soldier Ride First lady Jill Biden, in purple, and Sharona Young, retired naval
that we have many obliga- also talked about help for began in 2004 to help raise chief petty officer, second from left, watch as wounded warrior
tions as a nation but only spouses of active-duty and awareness for injured vet- riders begin the Wounded Warrior Project's Soldier Ride on the
one sacred obligation: to retired servicemembers. erans. The tradition of start- South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, April
support you and your fami- President Biden unexpect- ing the ride from the White 24, 2024.
lies when we send you into edly joined the first lady af- House began in 2008.q Associated Press