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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 25 april 2024
            Russia vetoes a U.N. resolution calling for the prevention of a

            nuclear arms race in space

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 one  abstention  because  it
            Associated Press                                                                                                    failed  to  get  the  minimum
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —                                                                                            9  “yes”  votes  required  for
            Russia  on  Wednesday  ve-                                                                                          adoption.
            toed a U.N. resolution spon-                                                                                        The  defeated  draft  resolu-
            sored by the United States                                                                                          tion  said  “the  prevention
            and  Japan  calling  on  all                                                                                        of  an  arms  race  in  outer
            nations  to  prevent  a  dan-                                                                                       space would avert a grave
            gerous  nuclear  arms  race                                                                                         danger  for  international
            in outer space.                                                                                                     peace  and  security.”  It
            The vote in the 15-member                                                                                           would have urged all coun-
            Security  Council  was  13  in                                                                                      tries  carrying  out  activities
            favor, Russia opposed and                                                                                           in exploring and using outer
            China  abstaining.  Russia                                                                                          space to comply with inter-
            dismissed  the  measure  as                                                                                         national  law  and  the  U.N.
            politicized and said it didn’t                                                                                      Charter.
            go  far  enough  in  banning                                                                                        The  draft  would  have  af-
            all  types  of  weapons  in                                                                                         firmed  that  countries  that
            space.                                                                                                              ratified  the  1967  Outer
            The  resolution  would  have                                                                                        Space Treaty must comply
            called  on  all  countries  not                                                                                     with their obligations not to
            to  develop  or  deploy  nu-                                                                                        put in orbit around the Earth
            clear  arms  or  other  weap-                                                                                       “any  objects”  with  weap-
            ons  of  mass  destruction  in  U.S. Ambassador to United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks on Thursday, April 18, 2024,   ons  of  mass  destruction,
            space,  as  banned  under  in Tokyo.                                                                                or  install  them  “on  celes-
            a  1967  international  treaty                                                                     Associated Press   tial  bodies,  or  station  such
            that included the U.S. and  the  question  of  what  the  Putin  declared  later  that  “absurd and politicized.”   weapons  in  outer  space.”
            Russia, and to agree to the  government  may  be  hid-    Moscow has no intention of  Nebenzia     proposed    an  The treaty, ratified by some
            need to verify compliance.   ing.Thomas-Greenfield’s  deploying  nuclear  weap-        amendment  to  the  U.S.-    114 countries including the
            U.S.   Ambassador     Linda  announcement of the reso-    ons in space, claiming that  Japan draft saying an arms  United  States  and  Russia,
            Thomas-Greenfield      said  lution on March 18 followed  the country has only devel-  race in outer space should  prohibits  the  deployment
            after the vote that Russian  White  House  confirmation  oped  space  capabilities  refer  to  all  kinds  of  weap-  of  “nuclear  weapons  or
            President Vladimir Putin has  in February that Russia has  similar to those of the Unit-  ons  not just nuclear weap-  any other kinds of weapons
            said Moscow has no inten-    obtained a “troubling” an-   ed States. Russia’s U.N. Am-  ons and other weapons of  of mass destruction” in orbit
            tion  of  deploying  nuclear  ti-satellite weapon capabil-  bassador  Vassily  Nebenzia  mass destruction. It was de-  or the stationing of “weap-
            weapons in space, but that  ity, although such a weap-    told the council before the  feated by a vote of 7 coun-  ons  in  outer  space  in  any
            the  country’s  veto  raises  on is not operational yet.  vote that the resolution was  tries in favor, 7 against and  other manner.”q

            China blasts U.S. military aid to Taiwan, saying the island is

            entering a ‘dangerous situation’

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on  “sends  a  wrong  signal  to  Strait and also boost confi-
            Wednesday  blasted  the  the  Taiwan  independence  dence in the region.”
            latest package of U.S. mili-  separatist forces.”         The  package  has  had
            tary  assistance  to  Taiwan  Office  spokesperson  Zhu  broad  congressional  sup-
            on Wednesday, saying that  Fenglian  added  that  Tai-    port  since  Biden  first  re-
            such  funding  was  pushing  wan’s  ruling  pro-indepen-  quested  the  money  last
            the  self-governing  island  dence  Democratic  Pro-      summer.  But  congressional
            republic into a “dangerous  gressive Party, which won a  leaders  had  to  navigate
            situation.”                  third  four-year  presidential  strong  opposition  from  a
            The  U.S.  Senate  late  Tues-  term in January, is willing to  growing number of conser-
            day  passed  $95  billion  in  “become a pawn for exter-  vatives  who  question  U.S.
            war  aid  to  Ukraine,  Israel  nal forces to use Taiwan to  involvement in foreign wars
            and Taiwan after months of  contain China, bringing Tai-  and  argue  that  Congress
            delays and contentious de-   wan into a dangerous situ-   should be focused instead
            bate over how involved the  ation.”                       on the surge of migration at
            United  States  should  be  in  On Tuesday, Taiwan’s Presi-  the U.S.-Mexico border.   In  this  photo  released  by  the  Taiwan  Presidential  Office,  from
                                                                                                   left  Mark  Alford,  a  member  of  the  House  Armed  Services
            foreign  wars.  China  claims  dent-elect Lai Ching-te told  The package covers a wide   Committee,  U.S.  Democratic  Congressman  Dan  Kildee,  Lisa
            the  entire  island  of  Taiwan  a visiting U.S. Congressional  range of parts and services   McClain,  secretary-general  of  the  Republican  Caucus  of  the
            as its own territory and has  delegation  that  the  aid  aimed  at  maintaining  and   U.S. House of Representatives meets with Taiwan President-elect
            threatened  to  take  it  by  package  would  “strength-  and  upgrading  Taiwan’s     and Vice President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, Taiwan on Tuesday,
            force if necessary.          en  the  deterrence  against  military  hardware.  Sepa-  April 23, 2024.                                   Associated Press
            The  mainland’s  Taiwan  Af-  authoritarianism in the West  rately,  Taiwan  has  signed  main  battle  tanks  and  the  Taiwan  has  also  been  ex-
            fairs Office said the aid “se-  Pacific  ally  chain”  and  billions in contracts with the  HIMARS   rocket   system,  panding its own defense in-
            riously  violates”  U.S.  com-  “help  ensure  peace  and  U.S. for latest-generation F-  which the U.S. has also sup-  dustry, building submarines
            mitments  to  China  and  stability  across  the  Taiwan  16V fighter jets, M1 Abrams  plied to Ukraine.            and trainer jets.q
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