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WORLD NEWS Friday 7 February 2025
Future looks dire for U.N. Palestinian refugee agency, says UNRWA
By ABBY SEWELL halted since January 2024
Associated Press when the Biden adminis-
BEIRUT (AP) — The head of tration stopped it following
the U.N. agency for Pales- accusations by Israel that
tinian refugees said Thurs- UNRWA staffers in Gaza
day that while an Israeli took part in the Oct. 7,
ban has not yet forced the 2023 Hamas-led attack on
agency to cease opera- southern Israel that sparked
tions, it faces an “existential the war in Gaza.
threat” in the long run. Israel had alleged that 19
“I have been very clear that out of UNRWA’s approxi-
despite all the obstacles mately 13,000 staff in Gaza
and the pressure the agen- took part in the attack.
cy is under, our objective is UNRWA said it fired nine
to stay and deliver until we staffers after an internal
are prevented to do so,” U.N. investigation found
Philippe Lazzarini, commis- evidence that they could
sioner general of the U.N. have been involved.
Relief and Works Agency, While several other donor
also known as UNRWA, said countries also suspended
in an interview with The As- funding at the time, all but
sociated Press during a visit the U.S. decided to resume
to Beirut. Commissioner-General of the U.N. agency for Palestinian Refugees Philippe Lazzarini speaks funding.
Israel last week formally during an interview with The Associated Press in Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025. Lazzarini called the loss of
banned UNRWA from op- Associated Press U.S. support “a challenge,”
erating on its territory. As a but said the agency is ap-
result, Lazzarini said, inter- other services provided by Trump in recent days pro- ing, “We are talking about pealing to Gulf Arab coun-
national staff have had to UNRWA “are continuing, posed permanently reset- forced displacement. tries and other donors to in-
leave East Jerusalem be- though not necessarily at tling the approximately 2 Forced displacement is crease their contributions.
cause their visas expired, the same scope it used to million Palestinians in Gaza a crime, an international He described his agency
but in Gaza and the West be.” in neighboring Arab coun- crime. It’s ethnic cleans- as the target of a “massive
Bank there has been no im- UNRWA is also likely to face tries and suggested the ing.” disinformation campaign”
mediate impact on opera- increased pressure from United States taking long- Trump announced Tuesday with a politically motivated
tions. the United States under the term control of Gaza. that Washington will not re- objective of dismantling
Even in East Jerusalem, new Trump administration. Lazzarini called the propos- sume funding for UNRWA it.q
he said, health care and U.S. President Donald al “totally unrealistic,” add- which had already been
China’s Xi and Thailand’s leader vow to crack down on scam
networks that plague Southeast Asia
By HUIZHONG WU Thailand’s reputation, as Paetongtarn echoed that, Xi said China was willing the Laos-China high speed
Associated Press multiple high-profile stories saying “Thailand is willing to work on a new railway railway. He also said they
BANGKOK (AP) — China’s of Chinese people being to strengthen law enforce- project between the coun- hoped to deepen coop-
leader Xi Jinping and vis- lured to work in Bangkok ment cooperation with tries. On Tuesday, Thailand eration in electric vehicles,
iting Thai Prime Minister only to be trafficked into a China and other neighbor- approved a $10 billion rail- with Thailand being an
Paetongtarn Shinawatra scam compound in Myan- ing countries and take res- way project that will even- emerging market for Chi-
vowed to crack down on mar have surfaced, with olute and effective mea- tually connect Bangkok to nese automakers.q
the scam networks that Chinese actor Wang Xing sures to combat cross-bor-
plague Southeast Asia as being the latest such vic- der crimes such as online
the two leaders met on tim. Thai and Chinese of- gambling and fraud.”
Thursday in Beijing. ficials have taken public Ahead of her visit, Thailand
Myanmar, Cambodia and steps to address the scam cut off electricity to some
Laos, which are south of issue, including a reported areas in Myanmar by its
China and share borders visit to the border region border to try to disrupt the
with Thailand, have be- by Liu Zhongyi, China’s operations of the scam
came major centers of vice minister of public se- compounds. The effect of
online scam operations curity. that is unclear as the com-
where people lured by “China appreciates Thai- pounds often have their
false advertising of well- land’s strong measures to own generators.
paid jobs are trafficked combat online gambling The visit to China was Pae-
to secretive compounds fraud. Both sides should tongtarn’s first as prime
where they are forced to continue to strengthen minister and comes as the
work by criminal groups law enforcement, security, two countries celebrate 50 In this photo released by the Thailand’s Government
Spokesman Office, Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, shakes
that run online scams tar- and judicial cooperation,” years of establishing diplo- hands with Thailand’s Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra
geting people all over the Xi said, according to state matic relations. in Beijing, China, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025.
world.That has impacted broadcaster CCTV. On other bilateral issues, Associated Press