Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18
The taste of New England with
Caribbean flair
January 9, 2023
T: 582-7800
Page 8
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Speaker McCarthy: A weakened Cruise ship EVRIMA of
leader or emboldened survivor? the Ritz-Carlton Yacht
Collection arrives in Aruba
for the first time
Page 11
Torch Parade full of music,
lights and excitement
Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of Calif., receives the gavel from House Minority Leader
Hakeem Jeffries of N.Y., on the House floor at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, early Saturday, Jan.
7, 2023.
Associated Press
By LISA MASCARO and a new generation of gested as he rounded to-
AP Congressional tea party-to-Donald Trump ward victory.
Correspondent hard-liners preferring al- McCarthy endured a gru-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- most no big government at eling weeklong fight to get
publican Kevin McCarthy all. The chaos that erupted here, a speaker’s election
is the new House speaker, in four days of House vot- like no other since the eve
but as bruising as it was for ing, halting start of the new of the Civil War. A coalition
him to seize the gavel in a Congress, is a prelude to of 20 holdouts refused to
history-making election, it the highly uncertain path support his speakership un-
may be even more difficult ahead as McCarthy tries less he yielded to their de-
for the embattled leader to to lead an unruly Republi- mands to give away some
do much with the powerful can majority to achieve its power. He was forced to
position — or to even keep priorities and confront Presi- roll through 14 ballots be-
it. Like the two most recent dent Joe Biden’s agenda fore he finally won a major-
Republican speakers, John — and maybe even keep ity vote on the 15th vote,
Boehner and Paul Ryan, the government from shut- but not before the final
McCarthy takes the helm of ting down. chaotic scene of shouting
a restive, rebellious majority “This is the great part: Be- between allies and hold-
split in much the same way cause it took this long, now outs pushed balloting into
as the party itself, between we learned how to gov- early Saturday.
what’s left of the Grand ern,” McCarthy, who was Page 11
Old Party conservatives first elected in 2006, sug- Continued on Page 3