Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19
local Monday 9 January 2023
Aruba Birdlife Calendar 2023 handed to minister of Nature
ORANJESTAD – Minister of Transport, Integrity, Nature and Senior Affairs,
Mr. Ursell Arends received the Aruba Birdlife Calendar 2023 from Greg
Peterson, of the Aruba Birdlife Conservation Foundation.
This year marks 15 years of the publication of Aruba Birdlife Calendar
published by Aruba Birdlife Conservation. Once again, no less than nine
nature photographers contributed with their bird pictures. They are Da-
milice Mansur, Ross Boss Wauben, Peter Sprockel, Albert Peterson, Mich-
iel Oversteegen, Michael Tromp, Patrick Peña, Glenda Tromp and Greg
The calendars are available for purchase at Best Deal in Paradera; Toko
Dakota in Dakota; at four different pharmacies: Botica Eagle, Botica
Noord, Botica Maria and Botica Sero Preto; and also at the Op=Op stores
in Italiëstraat, Paradera and San Nicolas. Proceeds from the sale of the
calendars are used by the foundation for the purpose of conservation.
Greg Peterson, president of the Aruba Birdlife Conservation Foundation is
very satisfied with the new calendar and very thankful to all those giving
their contribution.
The proceeds will be invested in awareness projects and nature conser- Minister Ursell Arends receiving the calendar from Greg Peterson of the Aruba
vation. One of the projects known in Aruba to which funds will be des- Birdlife Conservation Foundation.
tined will be the Conservation of Shoco – Aruba’s endemic burrowing
owl – where artificial nests will be installed in order to improve the pos- Donations are also welcome, and these can be done in the name of
sibility of procreation for Aruba’s Shoco which is currently in danger of Foundation Aruba Birdlife Conservation
extinction. Also preparations are being made for a website with informa- Aruba Bank NV
tion about the birds of Aruba. Account number 2402860190. q
Cruise ship EVRIMA of the Ritz-Carlton Yacht
Collection arrives in Aruba for the first time
tomary, the ship was sa- people. It is not a big cruise, ry experience.
luted by water cannons. but it is a luxury cruise and
This cruise line came to our it is arriving in our island Minister of Tourism, Mr. Dan-
port in Oranjestad for the with affluent tourists who gui Oduber said in a press
first time, and will continue will contribute to the local release that he is very glad
coming to Aruba in the economy. that the Ritz-Carlton cruise
near future. According to line set Aruba on its itiner-
a press release by the Min- Evrima is a cruise ship that ary. The minister is glad that
istry of Tourism, what is no- can carry a maximum of the cruise tourism in 2022
table is that the Ritz-Carlton 300 people. Its rooms con- saw a recovery of almost
cruise line is very new, and sist of only suites, and the 74 percent. For 2023, the
already they set Aruba on price for one is not below expectation is for Aruba
ORANJESTAD – Saturday the Ritz-Carlton Yacht Col- their itinerary. five thousand dollars per to receive around 800,000
morning, Aruba received lection at our dock. person. It is a cruise that of- cruise visitors, which is
the first call of the Evrima The cruise ship arrived in fers its passengers the first very positive news for our
cruise ship that belongs to During arrival, as it is cus- Aruba with a bit over 200 class treatment and a luxu- island.q
First Council of Ministers for 2023 held in San Nicolas
ORANJESTAD – Last Friday, According to a press re-
January 6, the government lease, during Wever-Croes
of Aruba organized the first I and II Cabinets, this is the
Council of Ministers for the fourth time that they orga-
year 2023 in San Nicolas, in nize a Council of Ministers
order to discuss various dif- in San Nicolas to deal spe-
ferent projects in San Nico- cifically with issues regard-
las. ing San Nicolas. There is a
lot of work still to be done,
Together with the San Nico- and the pandemic hin-
las Business Association generate a flow of tour- Wever-Croes on this oc- received the presentations. dered many things, while
(SNBA), Department of In- ism and customers for San casion expressed that the I am very confident that all the delicate financial situa-
frastructure and Planning Nicolas. The goal of the projects are very interest- the projects will become tion of Aruba also created
(DIP), Department of Public projects is to create jobs for ing, and they were for hous- a reality and thus create difficulty. But there is faith,
Works (DOW) and ministers those living in San Nicolas ing, tourism, agriculture, the progress and wellbeing vision and determination to
of the Wever-Croes II Cabi- and create economic de- and more. “I am extremely that we are searching for achieve the development
net, five interesting projects velopment for Aruba. thankful to SNBA for help- Aruba in general, but spe- desired by the people of
were presented, with the ing us set up the meeting cially for San Nicolas.” San Nicolas, according to
expectation that they will Prime minister Mrs. Evelyn and that through them we Wever-Croes.q