Page 24 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 24

                                                                                                                              Thursday 10 December 2015

Skier Fenninger eyes WCup return at start of 2016-17 season 

In this March 2015 photo, Anna Fenninger of Austria competes during the first run of an alpine  the season-opening giant      Initially “in shock” when
                                                                                                slalom in Soelden.            doctors informed her on
ski, women’s World Cup giant slalom race, at the World Cup finals in Meribel, France. Two-time  “My recovery goes ac-         the extent of her injury,
                                                                                                cording to plan,” Fenninger   Fenninger said she tried
overall champion Fenninger says Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, she is recovering well from knee       said on Wednesday, add-       to look forward as soon as
                                                                                                ing she had been walking      possible.
surgery and aims to return to the World Cup for the first race of the 2016-17 season.           without crutches for one      “Every day is like strength
                                                                                                week. “Today was the first    training. I’ve lost a lot of
                                17 season after a year-long (AP Photo/Shinichiro Tanaka)        time I woke up and forgot     muscle mass and need to
                                                                                                that I am injured. The next   build it up again,” she said
                                                                                                couple of months will be      at a sponsor event. “To
                                                                                                very tough but I will keep    be able to walk without
                                                                                                on fighting. Soelden 2016 is  crutches has been the big-
                                                                                                my goal.”                     gest moment during my re-
                                                                                                The Olympic super-G           covery so far.”
                                                                                                champion had surgery on       The 26-year-old Fenninger
                                                                                                the medial collateral and     won the overall title the
                                                                                                the cruciate ligament as      past two seasons, and
                                                                                                well as the patellar ten-     earned gold in super-G
                                                                                                don. Austrian team doctor     and giant slalom at the
                                                                                                Christian Hoser said after    world championships in
                                                                                                the operation seven weeks     Beaver Creek this year. She
                                                                                                ago that Fenninger would      has won eight medals in to-
                                                                                                need nine to 12 months of     tal at Olympics and world
                                                                                                recovery before getting       championships, and has
                                                                                                back on skis.                 won 14 World Cup races.q


Associated Press                injury layoff.

VIENNA (AP) — Two-time The Austrian skier was ruled

overall champion Anna out for up to 12 months

Fenninger is expecting to after damaging her right

return to World Cup skiing knee in a training crash on

for the first race of the 2016- Oct. 21, three days before

AP: Federer, Edberg coaching
deal ends, Ivan Ljubicic hired 

The Associated Press            extend the partnership
Roger Federer says his          through this year, which
coaching relationship with      I really appreciated. He
his “childhood idol” Stefan     taught me so much and his
Edberg has ended, and           influence on my game will
the six-time Grand Slam         remain.”
singles champion will not       Edberg said he knew 2015
travel with him next year.      would be his last as Feder-
In a statement to the ATP       er’s coach.
website, Edberg said:           “After an amazing 2014,
“Roger and I had a won-         I decided to continue on
derful two years together       for another year, but with a
... it became very clear        clear understanding that it
from the start that this was    would be my last year giv-
going to be a special part-     en the time commitment,”
nership, working with the       Edberg said in his state-
greatest ambassador ten-        ment to the ATP.
nis has ever seen.”             “Roger still has a lot left to
Severin Luthi will remain Fe-   give to the  sport  of tennis
derer’s head coach, and         and is capable of winning
joining the Swiss star in 2016  the big events. Roger and
will be Croatian Ivan Ljubi-    I will remain close friends
cic.                            and I will always feel part of
“After 2 very successful        the Federer team. I hope to
years, I would like to thank    try and come watch Roger
Stefan Edberg, my child-        play some tournaments in
hood idol, for agreeing         2016.”
to join my team,” Federer       Federer will make his 2016
said on Facebook and on         debut at the Brisbane In-
his personal website. “It       ternational, which begins
was a dream come true.          Jan. 3. Federer reached
Although it was supposed        1,000 career match wins in
to only be for 2014, Stefan     Brisbane last year en route
was great and agreed to         to the title.q
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