Page 23 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 23
A18 Ronaldo staying
at Real Madrid,
SPORTSThursday 10 December 2015 defends Benitez
Leicester Column: TALES AZZONI
AP Sports Writer
At post-Blatter FIFA, can World Cup vote be clean? MADRID (AP) — Cristiano
Ronaldo on Tuesday dis-
JOHN LEICESTER ball associations of Argen- openness and a degree Rescheduling the vote for missed rumors that he
tina and South Africa, also of accountability, which 2026 will be a job for Blat- wants to leave Real Ma-
AP Sports Columnist named in DOJ indictments, at the moment there just ter’s successor, to be elect- drid and said coach Rafa
and the figure rises to 18. isn’t.” ed in February. Benitez is doing a good job
PARIS (AP) — Perhaps the That is 18 out of the total of Wheatland was one of If he’s smart, the new pres- at the club.
209 national football asso- three authors of a Trans- ident will use that ticking Ronaldo spoke after scor-
only thing scarier than the ciations that are affiliated parency International re- clock as leverage: tell all ing four goals in Madrid’s
with FIFA. Or, put another port last month that found member federations that 8-0 rout of Malmo, when
scale of corruption that way, approaching 10 per- many FIFA associations are those which fail to reform, he became the first player
cent of the electorate in fu- shockingly poor at letting that don’t have websites, to score 10 goals or more
U.S. investigators are un- in the group stage of
the Champions League.
covering in football is the He netted 11 goals in six
games, surpassing the nine
thought that a sizeable scored by Luiz Adriano with
Shakhtar Donetsk last sea-
chunk of those indicted son. Ronaldo also scored
nine times in the 2013-14
administrators might soon season.
The striker says he is happy
also have laid paws on and will stay with Real Ma-
drid despite widespread
the sport’s crown jewel, reports that he is negotiat-
ing a transfer to Paris Saint-
the World Cup. Germain.
“It’s speculation, it hap-
Back in 2013, it seemed like pens every year,” Ronaldo
said. “People should be
a smart move when the used to this by now. But this
club has helped me great-
power to decide where ly since I’ve arrived and I’m
very happy here.”
soccer’s showcase tourna- He said his brief sideline
meeting with PSG coach
ment is played was taken Laurent Blanc during a
recent match at the San-
away from Sepp Blatter tiago Bernabeu Stadium
didn’t mean anything.
and the FIFA president’s “What happened with
Blanc is simple,” Ronaldo
discredited Executive said. “If somebody treats
you well, you talk to that
Committee. person. If someone from
Chelsea, Manchester or
Their scandal-tainted se- Barcelona is nice to me,
I’ll talk to that person. Ob-
lection behind closed viously, it means nothing. I
have a contract with Real
doors of not just one but two Madrid and I will stay.”
Ronaldo hadn’t talked
dubious World Cup hosts — much publicly since Real
Madrid became engulfed
Russia for 2018 and Qatar in a crisis following a humili-
ating 4-0 home loss to Bar-
for 2022 — had caused a celona and an embarrass-
ing disqualification in the
reputation-shredding stink Copa del Rey because of
an ineligible player.
for FIFA. So at a May 2013 Ronaldo said “it’s normal”
for a club such as Real
congress on the Indian Madrid “to be criticized
when things go wrong,”
Ocean island of Mauritius, and expressed his support
to coach Benitez, who has
200 of FIFA’s member asso- been constantly jeered by
fans at the Bernabeu.q
ciations approved by 198 A man stands in front of the logo at the FIFA headquarters “Home of FIFA” in Zurich, Switzerland.
(Walter Bieri/Keystone via AP)
votes to 2 that from now
on they would make future ture votes to choose World the outside world know publish full accounts and,
Cup hosts. Although that exactly how they account for good measure, don’t
World Cup hosting deci- doesn’t necessarily mean for their revenue and mil- have term limits and integ-
that entire associations lions of dollars the Zurich rity checks for their top of-
sions themselves. must be riddled with cor- HQ gives them to work and ficials or publish their sala-
ruption or that future World grow football. One in five ries simply don’t deserve
A larger electorate, the Cup votes will be, that so FIFA members don’t even to have a hand in picking
many of them are oper- have a website, TI found. future World Cup hosts.
thinking went, could be ating under DOJ clouds is “That’s the first step on the After all, if FIFA members
bad for trust, confidence ladder of being able to can’t run themselves prop-
harder for World Cup bid- and credibility in the whole hold these people to ac- erly why should they be
system. count,” Wheatland notes. trusted at all? Short answer:
ders to bribe and otherwise So reforms that FIFA is now “If they don’t even have they shouldn’t.
applying to the way it does that then they’re just not Given that its decision will
corrupt and influence than business must also go be- playing ball at all.” impact how taxpayers’
yond the governing body’s Even FIFA recognizes there money is spent in the coun-
the smaller Executive Com- headquarters in Zurich. To are problems, telling its 209 try selected, the World
turn FIFA into something member federations in a Cup electorate should be
mittee of two dozen mem- other than a byword for letter released this week squeaky clean.
bad management and of “major deficiencies” in So should the vote. That
bers. abuse of power will also their handling of tens of should mean completely
require rooting out bad millions of dollars in project open ballots so federations
So the change seemed management lower down money this year. can then be asked after-
football’s pyramid, among The next vote for a World ward to explain why they
like a modest victory for FIFA’s membership. Cup was expected in May voted as they did.
Having one without the 2017, to choose the host for There also should be rules
reform, accountability and other would be like putting 2026. But that timing now to ensure that bidders’
lipstick on a pig and won’t looks unlikely, thrown off spending is transparent,
transparency in an orga- fool anyone. by the U.S. and Swiss cor- limited and accounted for.
“It’s not just FIFA,” Ben ruption probes that have “You can’t just trust these
nization that desperately Wheatland of anti-corrup- brought down Blatter, who people to make this deci-
tion watchdog Transpar- is suspended from FIFA and sion behind closed doors,”
needed industrial-strength ency International says. under investigation by Swit- Wheatland says. “Even if
“It needs to be on every zerland’s attorney general most of them aren’t cor-
doses of all those things. level. There needs to be for suspected criminal mis- rupt, the opportunity for
that transparency, and the management. corruption is there.” q
Based on what U.S. justice
officials are now turning
up, the guardianship of
the World Cup still looks far
from safe. So far, 16 of FIFA’s
member associations have
been implicated in the
ongoing U.S. Department
of Justice investigation of
decades of soccer bribery
and graft, by virtue of the
fact that either their presi-
dents or ex-presidents — or
both in the cases of Brazil,
Honduras and Guatemala
— are among those indict-
ed or who have pleaded
guilty. Throw in the foot-