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Tuesday 4 april 2023
‘Schmigadoon!’ gently mocks Broadway musicals in new season
By MARK KENNEDY Schwartz and a Sondheim
AP Entertainment Writer toy shop. There’s even an
NEW YORK (AP) — Aaron intersection of Lloyd and
Tveit has starred in some Webber streets. “This is a
amazing Broadway shows, loving satire. It has to come
but some of the classics from a place of love, be-
have eluded him. So he cause if it doesn’t, then it
was delighted to speed his just gets ugly,” says Cinco
way through many of them Paul, who co-created and
in the second season of co-wrote the series with
“Schmigadoon!” Ken Daurio, as well as all
The Apple+ series that gen- the songs. “We tease some
tly mocks Broadway musi- of these shows and some of
cals cast Tveit in a role that the lyrics and some of the
has snatches of “Pippin,” tendencies of these writers.
“Godspell,” “Hair” and “Je- But it is all coming from a
sus Christ Superstar” and place of genuine love.”
put him again alongside If Tveit got to play many
a who’s-who of Broadway classic theater characters,
veterans. Krakowski got to play with
“It’s just a dream,” says the “Chicago,” a show her par-
Tony Award winner. “It’s so ents took her to when she
much fun and we have a was only 8 or 9. In Schmi-
blast doing it. I’m very, very This image released by Apple TV+ shows Aaron Tveit, left, and Keegan-Michael Key in a scene cago, she’s a showboating
fortunate to have had this from the second season of “Schmigadoon!” lawyer like Billy Flynn from
come my way when it did. Associated Press “Chicago” and gets to say
And I just can’t believe we Krakowski. “I think it’s com- lust/Men that you shouldn’t a fabulously sarcastic nar- things like, “The law is 10%
keep getting to do it.” pletely accessible to peo- trust/And orphans that rator, like the Leading Play- precedent and 90% wow.”
“Schmigadoon!” returns ple who are nonmusical. don’t wanna die,” go the er from “Pippin.” Cumming, “I think we all go in with
this month, tackling the mu- But for people who know first song’s lyrics. “Mysteries the dandy mayor last sea- such a love of musical the-
sicals of 1965-1979 with the musical theater, I think you and magic/Endings that son, is now the town’s di- ater that it’s more of a lov-
same two main stars Cec- enjoy it in a whole other are tragic.” “This is not the sheveled, bloody-aproned ing tribute than even paro-
ily Strong and Keegan-Mi- level.” The season picks off kind of musical I want to butcher from “Sweeney dy,” says Krakowski.
chael Key and many of the where the first one ended, be in!” Strong’s character Todd,” and Tveit plays the “We’ve now hit the mu-
same stage talent that en- with Strong and Key play- warns her partner, hoping hunky leader of a bohemi- sicals that were the musi-
livened the first season, like ing a modern-day couple to turn back. “These mu- an-hippie commune. cals that inspired me as a
Tveit and Jane Krakowski. who long to return to the sicals don’t have happy “This is a much more am- young person, just going
If the first season skewered simple, apple-cheeked endings.” Returning along- bitious season,” says Tveit. to see Broadway shows
such splashy musicals as town of Schmigadoon and, side Strong, Key, Tveit and “The scale of the show is and dreaming of being up
“Brigadoon,” “Hello, Dolly!” so, go hiking again in the Krakowski are Kristin Che- tremendously larger. And, there.” Paul said he was
and “Seven Brides for Seven woods hoping to find it. noweth, Dove Cameron, of course, because we already playing with ideas
Brothers,” the new one has Instead, they find Schmica- Alan Cumming, Ariana move into this next group of and casting for the second
fun with “Chicago,” “Pip- go and are met by sneer- DeBose, Ann Harada and musicals in the ‘60s and ‘70, season while they were
pin,” “Cabaret,” “Annie” ing dancers in bowler hats, Martin Short. Newcomers the subject matter of those filming the first.
and “Hair” before moving fishnets and garters, leather include Titus Burgess and is a bit darker, a bit more “I really liked the idea of this
into Stephen Sondheim ter- gloves and lederhosen, Patrick Page. adult.” There are blink-and- company of actors com-
ritory with riffs on “Sweeney moving in a very Bob Fosse- Cameron, in a bowl cut you’ll-miss-’em physical ing back in a new show.
Todd.” “I think season two like libidinous style while and dark eyelashes, plays a nods to musical theater gi- They’re all playing new
lives on even a smarter and dragging wooden chairs. fun-loving sort of “Cabaret” ants, like a family portrait characters, and I thought
more intricate level,” says “Women brimming with Sally Bowles, while Burgess is shop named after Stephen that would be really fun.”q
‘Indiana Jones’ to premiere at Cannes with tribute to Ford
By JAKE COYLE 15 years after 2008’s “Indi- Martin Scorsese’s much-
AP Film Writer ana Jones and the King- anticipated “Killers of the
Indiana Jones is swinging dom of the Crystal Skull” Flower Moon,” an adapta-
into the French Riviera. premiered at the French tion for Apple TV+ of David
“Indiana Jones and the Dial festival. “Dial of Destiny,” Grann’s bestseller about
of Destiny,” the fifth film in billed as the final chapter a series of murders of the
the Harrison Ford adventure in the franchise, will open in Osage Nation in 1920s
series, will make its world U.S. theaters June 28. Oklahoma. Its cast includes
premiere at the Cannes “Dial of Destiny,” which Leonardo DiCaprio and
Film Festival on May 18, fes- had been rumored to be Robert De Niro. The film’s
tival organizers announced heading to Cannes, adds premiere, set for May 20,
Monday. Cannes will also a second megawatt pre- will mark Scorsese’s first
pay a tribute to Ford for miere to this year’s festival, film in Cannes since “Af-
his career.The premiere of which kicks off May 16. ter Hours” in 1986. The full
Harrison Ford attends the premiere of “The Call of the Wild” in Los “Dial of Destiny,” directed On Friday, Cannes an- Cannes lineup will be an-
Angeles on Feb. 13, 2020.
Associated Press by James Mangold, comes nounced the premiere of nounced April 13.q