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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 4 april 2023
            After March Madness, women’s pro basketball options are slim

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                                                    tion in Dallas is an opportu-
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                nity for players to stay in the
            DALLAS  (AP)  —  March                                                                                              U.S.  during  the  offseason
            Madness  may  have  been                                                                                            and  make  up  to  $50,000
            the last time for fans to see                                                                                       during  the  five-week  sea-
            many  of  the  talented  col-                                                                                       son.
            lege  women  players  com-                                                                                          Staying  in  the  U.S.  is  be-
            pete.                                                                                                               coming  more  important
            Players’  options  for  profes-                                                                                     with the WNBA now requir-
            sional  basketball  careers                                                                                         ing players to be present at
            are limited, whether in the                                                                                         the  start  of  training  camp.
            U.S. or overseas the jobs just                                                                                      The  requirement  can  im-
            aren’t there.                                                                                                       pact  playing  opportunities
            “You  can  be  a  great  col-                                                                                       outside  of  the  league  for
            lege player and not make                                                                                            WNBA  players.  Their  over-
            a WNBA roster,” ESPN WNBA                                                                                           seas  contract  have  to  in-
            analyst  LaChina  Robinson                                                                                          clude provisions that allow
            said. “You’re not only com-                                                                                         players to return to the U.S.
            peting with players that are                                                                                        in the middle of a postsea-
            currently on roster, but also                                                                                       son run overseas.
            a  ton  of  women’s  basket-                                                                                        It  all  makes  the  path  to
            ball  players  overseas  that                                                                                       a  professional  basketball
            have  been  honing  their                                                                                           career  for  women  harder
            skills  and  waiting  for  op-                                                                                      than  ever.  Players  had  to
            portunity  to  break  into  the                                                                                     declare by March 26 if they
            WNBA.” The numbers paint     Minnesota Lynx’s Napheesa  Collier competes  in the  skills  challenge during the  WNBA All-Star   planned to enter the WNBA
            a challenging picture.       festivities Friday, July 26, 2019, in Las Vegas.                      Associated Press   draft  unless  they  were  still
              There  are  only  12  WNBA                                                                                        playing  in  the  NCAA  Tour-
            teams and 144 roster spots  reason why five of the first-  which  she  was  detained  players  few  years  ago  be-  nament.
            with  most  of  those  being  round picks in 2021 are no  when customs officials said  cause  of  the  coronavirus.  Those players had 48 hours
            filled by returning players.  longer in the league.       they  found  vape  canisters  Neither  has  started  again.  after their last game to de-
            Over  the  past  six  seasons,  There  has  been  talk  of  with cannabis oil in her lug-  That’s   roughly   another  clare.  South  Carolina’s  Zia
            64%  of  players  drafted  WNBA expansion, but noth-      gage,  then  later  arrested  three dozen jobs gone.      Cooke  and  Dorka  Juhasz
            made  WNBA  rosters  ac-     ing has come to fruition yet.  before  being  released  in  “In  Korea,  everyone  used  from  UConn  are  among
            cording    to    basketball  Players  often  turn  to  play-  a  high-level  prisoner  ex-  to  get  $25,000  a  month,”  players  headed  to  the
            website  ‘Beyond  Women’s  ing professionally overseas,  change  between  the  U.S.  Dyke said. “It’s a huge loss  draft.
            Sports’. The high mark was  working  on  their  games  and Russia.                     not  having  those  jobs  as  Others  like  6-foot-6  Eliza-
            28  of  the  36  draftees  in  and  looking  for  another  The lost jobs in Russia has a  those  are  two  of  the  big-  beth  Kitley  from  Virginia
            2019.  The  low  was  only  20  shot to play at home.     trickle down on openings in  gest markets.”               Tech are staying in college,
            the year before.             Now those jobs are also at  other countries as top play-  Dyke also said he wouldn’t  where  they  enjoy  various
            Even  if  a  player  does  get  a premium. Brittney Griner’s  ers who once played there  send some of his clients to  amenities  due  to  Title  IX,
            into the league, it’s a battle  nine-month  incarceration  are  looking  elsewhere  for  play in other countries be-  including  taking  charter
            for playing time.            in  Moscow  along  with  the  work.                       cause  of  the  political  cli-  flights vs flying commercial.
            Only  60%  of  players  draft-  war with Ukraine has led to  Longtime agent Brian Dyke  mate.                       Kitley, a senior, despite be-
            ed  got  on  the  court  to  the elimination of dozens of  said  that  there  a  fewer  Athletes Unlimited just com-  ing  a  possible  first-round
            play minutes their first year  potential jobs in Russia.  countries now that he can  pleted  its  second  season.  pick is one of many college
            since  2017  according  to  Griner is back in the WNBA  send  players  to.  Besides  Over a dozen WNBA play-        players who have an extra
            the basketball website ‘Her  after  her  nine-month  le-  Russia,  China  and  Korea  ers competed last month in  year  of  eligibility  because
            Hoop Stats.” It’s part of the  gal  fight  in  Russia,  during  stopped  signing  foreign  it.  The  four-team  competi-  of COVID. q

            Former Hoosiers coach Knight battling undisclosed illness

            By MICHAEL MAROT             an update on Knight’s con-   Texas  Tech  hired  Knight  in
            AP Sports Writer             dition on Monday.            2001, and he stayed there
            Former  Indiana  Hoosiers  The 82-year-old Knight won  until  retiring  in  2008  with  a
            coach Bob Knight was hos-    three  national  champion-   then-Division  I  record  902
            pitalized over the weekend  ships,  11  Big  Ten  titles  and  career wins.
            with  an  undisclosed  illness  662  games  at  Indiana  be-  Knight  was  succeeded  by
            but was not listed as a pa-  fore being fired in Septem-  his  son,  Pat,  at  Texas  Tech
            tient  on  Monday  at  two  ber 2000 after he allegedly  and moved back to Bloom-
            hospitals in Bloomington, In-  grabbed  a  student  by  the  ington  in  2019.  Then,  after
            diana, where he lives.       arm in a hallway. The inci-  vowing  never  to  return  to
            An  email  from  the  univer-  dent  violated  a  zero-toler-  an Indiana University event,
            sity  about  Knight’s  health  ance  policy  instituted  by  he  relented  on  that  prom-
            was sent to former Indiana  the  university  following  an  ise  by  attending  the  Hoo-
            basketball  players  on  Fri-  investigation  into  accusa-  siers’ game against Purdue
            day asking for prayers and  tions  of  physical  and  ver-  in February 2020, joined by   Former Indiana basketball head coach Bobby Knight makes an
            saying  the  former  coach  bal abuse made by former  dozens of his former players     appearance at Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind., Feb. 8,
            hoped to return home soon.   player Neil Reed, who died  and  former  Purdue  coach    2020.
            The university did not have  of a heart attack in 2012.   Gene Keady.q                                                         Associated Press
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