Page 42 - MIN TTC 2 MARCH 2016
P. 42


U.S. NEWSWednesday 2 March 2016

Obama, congressional leaders talk Supreme Court vacancy

KATHLEEN HENNESSEY             to needle a GOP establish-       President Barack Obama meets with, from left, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ranking mem-
Associated Press               ment uncomfortable with          ber Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Senate Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid of Nev., Vice President Joe
WASHINGTON (AP) — Af-          the prospects of Trump           Biden, the president, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., and Senate Judiciary Com-
ter an Oval Office sit-down    presidency.                      mittee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washing-
on Tuesday did nothing to      The meeting — which also         ton, Tuesday, March 1, 2016, to discuss the vacancy in the Supreme Court.
move Republican Senate         included Vice President
leaders off their hard line    Joe Biden, Senate Minor-                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
against a Supreme Court        ity Leader Harry Reid, Sen.
nomination, Democrats          Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., the        wait and see what Presi-       as awkward White House       time for the people to
pulled out another weap-       ranking Democrat on the          dent Trump will do, I guess.”  meetings — dispensed         voice their opinion about
on in the heated election-     judiciary committee —            Reid’s comments were           with, the fight over the     the role of the Supreme
year fight: Donald Trump.      was the first time the lead-     aimed at riling up Demo-       court was largely a battle   Court in our constitutional
In a White House meet-         ers have met since Justice       crats, as well as moderate     for public opinion.          system of government.”
ing that lasted less than      Antonin Scalia’s death last      and establishment Repub-       “Whether everybody in the    At another time, the gath-
an hour, Senate Majority       month set off a high-stakes      licans who cringe at the       meeting today wanted to      ering might have been a
Leader Mitch McConnell,        clash over the Supreme           thought of the unpredict-      admit it, we all know that   nod to the tradition of at
R-Ky., and Judiciary Com-      Court vacancy.                   able celebrity candidate       considering a nomination     least limited cooperation in
mittee Chairman Chuck          While the men huddled at         controlling the future of the  in the middle of a heated    naming and confirming jus-
Grassley, R-Iowa, told Presi-  the White House, voters in       court. It was an early sign    presidential campaign is     tices to the nation’s highest
dent Barack Obama that         12 states were preparing         that with formalities — such   bad for the nominee, bad     court. The president might
any confirmation process       to weigh in on a presiden-                                      for the court, bad for the   have floated potential
during a presidential cam-     tial contest that has tanked                                    process, and ultimately      candidates; Senate op-
paign would politicize the     Obama’s chances of filling                                      bad for the nation,” Grass-  position might have come
court. They offered up no      the seat — but also given                                       ley said in his statement    armed with their own pre-
potential candidates that      Democrats a new line of                                         about the meeting. “It’s     ferred names.
would win their backing        attack. As they emerged
and no route to filling the    from the meeting, they
seat.                          quickly linked the GOP
“This vacancy will not be      strategy to the Republican
filled this year,” McCon-      front-runner poised to pick
nell told reporters after the  up significant momentum
meeting.                       Tuesday night.
Democrats accused Re-          “All we want them to do
publicans of trying to hold    is fulfill their Constitutional
the seat open so that a Re-    duty and do their job, and
publican president can fill    at this stage, they decided
it. That president could be    not to do that,” Reid said.
Trump, they noted, hoping      “They think that they can
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