Page 43 - MIN TTC 2 MARCH 2016
P. 43

                                                                                                                       Wednesday 2 March 2016

The 16th Annual Soul Beach Music Festival Aruba To Headline Miguel,
Fantasia & The Isley Brothers on Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-30!

ORANJESTAD - Let your soul     The Isley Brothers, sure to    Grammy-nominated third          Music Festival in addition     day time parties to the ulti-
glow with the 16th Annual      mesmerize festival goers       studio album, ‘Wildheart,’      to experiencing Aruba’s        mate cool down, featuring
Soul Beach Music Festival      with their timeless musical    speaks to the velocity of       award-winning, pristine        celebrity DJs spinning on
hosted by Aruba, featur-       repertoire, are Inductees to   heart pounding vocals he        white sand beaches, lively     the ones and twos till dawn
ing award-winning pow-         the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,  brings, to culminate the        island-style culture and       with exclusive nightclub
erhouses such as The Isley                                    Soul Beach Harbor Arena         world-renowned culinary        entertainment. Get ready
Brothers, featuring Ronald     winners of countless music     concerts. Fantasia’s third                                     for the time of your life
and Ernest Isley, Miguel and   and lifetime achievement       album, Back to Me, fea-         scene.                         in Aruba, the epitome of
singer-songwriter Fanta-       awards and remain the          tured the Grammy-winning        “The Soul Beach Music          splendor, where island cul-
sia delivering breathtaking    only group to have chart-      single, “Bittersweet”, and      Festival is one of our most    ture, expansive adventure
main stage concert perfor-     ed hit records in five dif-    to date, she’s sold nearly      popular annual extrava-        and culinary extravagance
mances this Memorial Day       ferent decades. Claiming       three million records and       ganzas,” says Ronella Tjin     meet smiling faces.
weekend, May 25-30.            the #1 spot on Billboard’s     1.5 million digital tracks do-  Asjoe-Croes, CEO of Aruba      The 2016 Soul Beach Mu-
Aruba’s annual Soul Beach      R&B Albums chart for the       mestically, which signifies     Tourism Authority. “Travelers  sic Festival will roll out
Music Festival, previously     second time and debut-         her place in the heart of       looking for more than a ba-    more highly anticipated
named #4 by USA Today          ing at #2 on the Billboard     main stage attendees. “No       sic beach getaway this Me-     announcements of main
readers’ choice “10 Best       200 Album Chart, Miguel’s      Time For It”, the first single  morial Day Weekend will        stage performing artists
Caribbean Celebrations”        critically acclaimed and       from her new album, was         find their paradise in Aruba   in the weeks to come. For
and #1 “Caribbean Sum-                                        just released in January        while enjoying electrifying    information about ticket
mer Festival” by Jetsetter                                    and is already climbing the     entertainment and inter-       sales, accommodations
Magazine, boasts a cross-                                     Billboard Charts.               national culinary influenc-    and the latest updates sign
section of visitors and ce-                                   “This year’s multi-genera-      es on some of the world’s      up for CLUB SOUL BEACH,
lebrities who attend this                                     tional artists represent some   most famous beaches.”          by visiting http://www.
renowned three-in-one ex-                                     of the best performers and      Whether joining this unpar- Join the
perience featuring live mu-                                   greatest voices in the music    alleled production by air,     Soul Beach Music Festival
sic performances, comedy                                      industry,” said Mark Adkins,    land or sea, we’ve got you     community: follow us on
shows and beach parties.                                      Executive Producer of Soul      covered from the hottest       Twitter and Instagram @
“It’s an honor to host such                                   Beach Festival Produc-                                         SoulBeachMusic and be-
                                                              tions. “Join us in Aruba and
talented and dynamic art-                                     enjoy the stellar Comedy                                       come a fan of the 2016
ists on our One Happy Is-                                     and Music performances                                         Soul Beach Music Festival
land,” says Otmar Oduber,                                     combined with 30 events                                        on
Minister of Tourism, Primary                                  over 5 days plus a lifetime                          
Sector and Culture. “Visitors                                 of sensational memories.                                       The 2016 Soul Beach Music
not only experience top-                                      There will be more exciting                                    Festival is primarily spon-
notch performances during                                     performances announced                                         sored by Aruba Tourism
Soul Beach Music Festival,                                    soon!”                                                         Authority; sponsor Ebony
but are also welcomed to                                      Visitors and performers alike                                  Magazine; additional spon-
enjoy Aruba’s signature ex-                                   are invited to participate in                                  sors include Aruba Hotel
periences and culture dur-                                    the excitement and festivi-                                    and Tourism Association,
ing their stay.”                                              ties of this year’s Soul Beach                                 Renaissance Aruba Resort
                                                                                                                             & Casino, Divi Resorts, Mar-
                                                                                                                             riott Aruba Resort & Stel-
                                                                                                                             laris Casino, Hyatt Regency
                                                                                                                             Aruba Resort Spa & Casino,
                                                                                                                             Tropicana Aruba Resort
                                                                                                                             & Casino, The Mill Resort
                                                                                                                             & Suites Aruba, De Palm
                                                                                                                             Tours, Econo Car Rental.
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