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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 5 July 2024
             Biden heads into a make-or-break stretch for his imperiled

             presidential campaign

            By  COLLEEN  LONG  and                                                                                              strong showing on ABC. Dis-
            ZEKE MILLER                                                                                                         cussions that were once a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    whisper around who should
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            step  into  his  place  should
            dent Joe Biden on Thursday                                                                                          he  bow  out  are  growing
            opened  a  critical  stretch                                                                                        louder.
            in  his  effort  to  salvage  his                                                                                   For now, Biden is not ready
            imperiled  reelection  cam-                                                                                         to  walk  away  and  he  has
            paign,  arguing  the  stakes                                                                                        communicated that in con-
            extend  far  beyond  his                                                                                            versations with Democratic
            own  political  prospects  to                                                                                       governors,  close  allies  and
            the  future  of  the  country’s                                                                                     staffers from his campaign.
            economy and democracy                                                                                               But  time  is  short  for  a  pos-
            itself.                                                                                                             sible  change.  The  Demo-
            There  is  a  growing  sense                                                                                        cratic National Committee
            that  Biden  may  have  just                                                                                        announced  weeks  ago
            days to make a persuasive                                                                                           that it would hold a virtual
            case that he is fit for office                                                                                      roll  call  for  a  formal  nomi-
            before Democratic support                                                                                           nation  before  the  party’s
            for him completely evapo-                                                                                           national convention, which
            rates in the aftermath of his                                                                                       begins Aug. 19.
            disastrous  debate  perfor-                                                                                         “I’m proud to be running for
            mance  last  week  against   President Joe Biden arrives to speak in the Cross Hall of the White House Monday, July 1, 2024, in   reelection  as  a  president
            Republican Donald Trump.     Washington.                                                                            who’s  made  his  promises
            In  an  interview  with  a  Wis-                                                                   Associated Press  and I’ve kept them,” Biden
            consin  radio  station  that  The  interview  on  the  Earl  fundraisers,  according  to  terview with ABC’s George  said in the radio interview.
            aired Thursday, Biden said,  Ingram  Show  on  the  Civ-  a  person  familiar  with  the  Stephanopoulos  that  will  “I had a bad night. A bad
            “The stakes are really high.  ic  Media  Radio  Network,  plans who spoke to The As-   air as a prime-time special  night.  I  screwed  up,”  he
            I  know  you  know  this.  For  taped  Wednesday,  was  sociated Press on condition  that night.                    said of the debate, where
            democracy, for freedom ...  the  part  of  a  media  and  of anonymity to discuss pri-  He plans to be in Philadel-  he  gave  halting  and  con-
            our economy, they’re all on  public events blitz that the  vate discussions.           phia  on  Sunday  and  hold  voluted answers.
            the line.”                   Democratic  president  and  After  hosting  a  July  Fourth  a  full  news  conference  “But  90  minutes  on  stage
            He  added:  “The  president  his  staff  have  acknowl-   evening  barbecue  at  the  during the NATO summit in  does  not  erase  what  I’ve
            is  the  most  powerful  office  edged as a make-or-break  White  House  for  military  Washington next week.       done  for  3  1/2  years,”  he
            in  the  world.  But  we  need  moment.  Some  financial  families, Biden is scheduled  It is not a given that his cam-  said in a different interview,
            someone with wisdom and  backers  were  holding  off  to  campaign  in  Wisconsin  paign will survive even that  with        Philadelphia-area
            character.”                  or  canceling  upcoming  on Friday and sit for an in-     long if he does not deliver a  WURD Radio.q

            Virginia lawmakers strike deal to repeal restrictions on military

            tuition program

            Associated Press             turn to Richmond on July 18  will be $65 million per year  work on the issue.          unencumbered  by  any
            RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Af-     to vote on the agreement.    for  the  program  provides  Youngkin    praised    the  other  provisions,  is  great
            ter weeks of disagreement,  The new legislation will pro-  me  with  the  comfort  that  agreement.                 news for our military heroes,
            Virginia  lawmakers  have  pose an additional $90 mil-    we  will  not  place  the  bur-  “A  full,  clean  repeal  with  first  responders,  and  their
            reached  a  deal  to  repeal  lion in taxpayer funds to pay  den of the escalating cost  additional financial support  families,”  Youngkin  posted
            new  restrictions  on  a  pro-  for the program, in addition  of  the  program  on  other  for  the  VMSDEP  program,  on the social platform X.q
            gram  that  offers  free  col-  to  the  $40  million  already  students  through  their  tu-
            lege tuition at state schools  included in the budget. The  ition charges,” Lucas said in
            for families of military veter-  program’s costs have risen  a statement.
            ans who were killed or seri-  from $12 million to $65 mil-  To rein in the program’s ris-
            ously disabled while on ac-  lion in five years. Previously,  ing costs, the budget deal
            tive duty.                   state colleges and universi-  passed by the General As-
            Senate Finance Chair Lou-    ties have covered the costs  sembly  in  May  restricted
            ise  Lucas  and  House  Ap-  with state funds and tuition  eligibility  to  associate  and
            propriations     Chairman  from other students.           undergraduate     degrees,
            Luke  Torian  announced  Lucas  said  the  new  pro-      required  participants  to
            late Tuesday that they plan  posal  would  set  aside  $65  apply  for  other  forms  of  fi-
            to  introduce  identical  leg-  million  each  year  for  the  nancial aid and tightened
            islation  to  repeal  changes  program,  while  the  Joint  residency requirements.
            to  the  Virginia  Military  Sur-  Legislative  Audit  and  Re-  After  vehement  protests
            vivors   and   Dependents  view  Commission  studies  from  military  families,  the
            Education  Program  in  the  it,  along  with  a  task  force  House  of  Delegates  voted
            two-year budget that took  appointed  by  Gov.  Glenn  last week to repeal the new     Virginia Senate President Pro Tempore, Sen. Louise Lucas,
            effect  on  Monday.  Mem-    Youngkin  and  a  Senate  restrictions, but the Senate    D-Portsmouth, recognizes a visitor in the gallery as she presides
            bers of the Senate and the  work group. “This study and  took no action after meet-    over the Senate, Jan 27, 2020, at the state Capitol in Richmond,
            House of Delegates will re-  the allocation of what now  ing  twice  in  two  weeks  to                                         Associated Press
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