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WORLD NEWS Friday 5 July 2024
Hezbollah fires over 200 rockets into Israel after killing of senior
By KAREEM CHEHAYEB Nasser was of great impor-
Associated Press tance to Hezbollah, which
BEIRUT (AP) — The Leba- said he took part in battles
nese Hezbollah group said in conflicts in Syria and
it launched over 200 rock- Iraq from 2011 until 2016
ets on Thursday at several and fought in the group’s
military bases in Israel in last war with Israel in 2006.
retaliation for a strike that Two other senior Hezbollah
killed one of its senior com- commanders have also
manders. been killed.
The attack by the Iran- The U.S. and France are
backed militant group was continuing to scramble
one of the largest in the to prevent the skirmishes
monthslong conflict along from spiraling into an all-out
the Lebanon-Israel border, war, which they fear could
with tensions escalating in spillover across the region.
recent weeks. Washington in its shuttle
The Israeli military said “nu- diplomatic efforts initially
merous projectiles and sus- hoped for calm along the
picious aerial targets” had Lebanon-Israel border in a
entered its territory from deal that is not linked to the
Lebanon, many of which war in Gaza.
it said were intercepted. Hezbollah fighters attend the funeral procession of their comrade, senior commander However, since the U.S. has
It confirmed the death of Mohammad Naameh Nasser, who was killed by an Israeli airstrike that hit his car in the southern called for Hamas to agree
one soldier in the barrage. costal town of Tyre, in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday, July 4, 2024. to a cease-fire proposal
Associated Press
It said about 200 “projec- presented by President
tiles” were launched to- tional News Agency re- Hours after the killing, Hez- jected by the international Joe Biden, it has said that
ward the Israeli-annexed ported that an Israeli drone bollah launched scores of community. an end to the war in Gaza
Golan Heights and over 20 strike of Houla killed at least Katyusha rockets and Falaq Hashem Safieddine, head would lead to calm in Leb-
drones into Israeli territory, one person. Israeli jets also rockets with heavy war- of Hezbollah’s Executive anon and northern Israel as
but that it had intercepted broke the sound barrier heads into northern Israel Council, vowed that the well.
some of them. over the Lebanese capital, and the Golan. It launched group will continue its retal- The relatively low-level con-
After Hezbollah’s attack, Beirut, and other areas in more rockets on Thursday iatory attacks, “targeting flict erupted shortly after
Israel struck various towns the country. and said it had also sent new sites they never imag- the outbreak of the war
in southern Lebanon. The Israel on Wednesday ac- exploding drones into sev- ined would be hit.” in Gaza. Hezbollah says it
Israeli military said it hit He- knowledged that it had eral bases. Israel captured “The enemy sometimes ac- is striking Israel in solidarity
zbollah’s “military struc- killed Mohammad Naameh the Golan, a strategic pla- knowledges these hits and with Hamas, another Iran-
tures” in the southern bor- Nasser, who headed one of teau, from Syria in the 1967 sometimes does not, but it allied group that ignited
der towns of Ramyeh and Hezbollah’s three regional Mideast war in a move that is certain that there have the war in Gaza with its
Houla. divisions in southern Leba- is recognized by the United been many casualties,” he Oct. 7 attack into southern
Lebanon’s state-run Na- non, a day earlier. States but otherwise re- said at Nasser’s funeral. Israel. q
U.S. citizen Woodland convicted of drug-related charges by
Moscow court. He’s sentenced to 12.5 years
MOSCOW (AP) — Robert hasn’t been proven. cited court officials as say- tenced by a Russian court partment, citing privacy is-
Woodland, a Russia-born Lawyer Stanislav Kshevitsky ing that Woodland also and that the embassy in sues, said it would have no
U.S. citizen, was convicted also said that Woodland holds Russian citizenship. Moscow was closely moni- further comment.q
of drug-related charges by has been suffering from un- Arrests of Americans in Rus- toring the case. The de-
a Moscow court and sen- specified mental health is- sia have become increas-
tenced to 12 1/2 years in sues. He didn’t provide any ingly common as relations
prison on Thursday, court details, but said that the between Moscow and
officials and his lawyers court didn’t take those is- Washington sink to Cold
said. sues into account. War lows. Washington ac-
He was found guilty of at- Russian media reported cuses Moscow of targeting
tempted trafficking of large that his name matches a its citizens and using them
amounts of illegal drugs U.S. citizen interviewed in as political bargaining
as part of an organized 2020 who said he was born chips, but Russian officials
group, according to an in the Perm region in 1991 insist they all broke the law.
online statement released and adopted by an Ameri- Some have been ex-
by court officials, and sen- can couple at age 2. He changed for Russians held
tenced to 12 1/2 years in a was arrested in January. in the U.S., while for others,
maxim security penal colo- He said he traveled to Rus- the prospects of being re-
ny. His lawyers told report- sia to find his mother and leased in a swap are less
ers after the verdict was eventually met her on a clear. U.S. citizen Robert Woodland is escorted to a court room prior
delivered Thursday that TV show before deciding The U.S. State Department to a court session on drug-related charges in Moscow, Russia,
they will appeal the ruling to move to Russia. Russian said Thursday it was aware Thursday, July 4, 2024.
because Woodland’s guilt news agency Interfax has that a U.S. citizen was sen- Associated Press