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                   Wednesday 19 July 2023

            Trump is notified he’s a target of the U.S. criminal probe

            Continued from Front                                                                   GOP field. The indictments  “But  to  try  to  criminalize
                                                                                                   also have helped his cam-    that, that’s a different issue
            Trump  disclosed  the  exist-                                                          paign  raise  millions  of  dol-  entirely.”  House  speaker
            ence of a target letter in a                                                           lars from supporters, though  Kevin  McCarthy,  who  had
            post on his Truth Social plat-                                                         he raised less after the sec-  previously  criticized  Trump
            form, saying he received it                                                            ond  than  the  first,  raising  for  his  actions  that  day,
            Sunday  night  and  that  he                                                           questions  about  whether  accused      Democrats    of
            anticipates being indicted.                                                            subsequent  charges  will  trying  to  “weaponize  gov-
            Such  a  letter  often  pre-                                                           have the same impact.        ernment  to  go  after  their
            cedes  an  indictment  and                                                             A  fundraising  committee  number one opponent.”
            is  used  to  advise  individu-                                                        backing  Trump’s  candida-   Trump, since leaving office,
            als under investigation that                                                           cy  began  soliciting  contri-  has   increasingly   down-
            prosecutors have gathered                                                              butions  just  hours  after  he  played the events of Jan. 6,
            evidence  linking  them  to                                                            revealed  the  new  letter,  describing the rally he held
            a  crime;  Trump  himself  re-                                                         casting  the  investigation  that day as a “lovefest” and
            ceived  one  soon  before    Special counsel Jack Smith speaks to reporters Friday, June 9,   as “just another vicious act  “a beautiful thing.” He has
            being  charged  last  month   2023, in Washington.                                     of Election Interference on  also embraced defendants
            in a separate investigation                                           Associated Press   behalf of the Deep State to  jailed for their alleged roles
            into the illegal retention of                                                          try and stop the Silent Ma-  in  the  insurrection,  includ-
            classified documents.        on a broad range of efforts  campaign  from  the  then-   jority from having a voice in  ing  promising  to  pardon  a
            A  spokesman  for  special  by Trump and allies to keep  president to overturn elec-   your own country.”           “large portion” and to issue
            counsel Jack Smith, whose  him in office, including the  tion  results  in  their  states.  Trump  was  traveling  to  an official apology to them
            office  is  leading  the  inves-  role  played  by  lawyers  in  A  lawyer  for  Giuliani,  who  Iowa  Tuesday,  where  he  if he is reelected.
            tigation,  declined  to  com-  pressing for the overturning  participated in a voluntary  was taping a town hall with  In June, he spoke at a fun-
            ment.  Legal  experts  have  of  results  as  well  as  plans  interview, said Tuesday that  Fox  News  host  Sean  Han-  draiser  for  the  defendants
            said   potential   charges  for  slates  of  fake  electors  he did not receive a target  nity.                     and  earlier  this  year  col-
            could  include  conspira-    in  multiple  battleground  letter.                       The   Trump    indictments  laborated on a song called
            cy  to  defraud  the  United  states won by Biden to sub-  Trump  has  consistently  de-  have   proven   politically  “Justice for All,” a version of
            States  and  obstruction  of  mit  false  electoral  certifi-  nied  wrongdoing  and  did  challenging  for  some  of  the  Star-Spangled  Banner
            an  official  proceeding,  in  cates to Congress.         so  again  in  his  Tuesday  Trump’s rivals, who must be  sung  by  a  choir  of  Jan.  6
            this  case  Congress’  certifi-  Prosecutors  have  ques-  post,  writing,  “Under  the  mindful of his deep support  defendants  and  recorded
            cation  of  President  Joe  Bi-  tioned  multiple  Trump  ad-  United States Constitution, I  among many of the party’s  over  a  prison  phone  line
            den’s electoral victory.     ministration  officials  before  have the right to protest an  primary voters.         that  is  overlaid  with  Trump
            Smith’s  team  has  cast  a  a  grand  jury  in  Washing-  Election that I am fully con-  Asked about the letter dur-  reciting the Pledge of Alle-
            broad  net  in  its  investiga-  ton,  including  former  Vice  vinced  was  Rigged  and  ing  a  press  conference  giance.
            tion into attempts by Trump  President Mike Pence, who  Stolen,  just  as  the  Demo-  in  South  Carolina,  Florida  One  purpose  of  a  target
            and  his  allies  to  block  the  was  repeatedly  pressured  crats  have  done  against  Gov. Ron DeSantis, Trump’s  letter is to advise a poten-
            transfer  of  power  to  Biden  by Trump to ignore his con-  me in 2016, and many oth-  most  serious  challenger,  tial  defendant  that  he  or
            in  the  days  leading  up  to  stitutional  duty  and  block  ers  have  done  over  the  said he hadn’t seen it, but  she  has  a  right  to  appear
            the  Jan.  6  riot  at  the  U.S.  the counting in Congress of  ages.”                 delivered  his  most  forceful  before  the  grand  jury.
            Capitol, when Trump loyal-   electoral votes on Jan. 6.   Trump remains the Republi-   critique to date of Trump’s  Trump  said  in  his  post  that
            ists stormed the building in  They’ve  also  interviewed  can party’s dominant front-  inaction on Jan. 6.          he has been given “a very
            a  bid  to  disrupt  the  certifi-  other  Trump  advisers,  in-  runner, despite indictments  “I  think  it  was  shown  how  short 4 days to report to the
            cation  of  state  electoral  cluding  former  Trump  law-  in  New  York  arising  from  he was in the White House  Grand  Jury,  which  almost
            votes  in  Congress.  More  yer  Rudy  Giuliani,  as  well  hush money payments dur-   and  didn’t  do  anything  always  means  an  Arrest
            than 1,000 people accused  as  local  election  officials  ing his 2016 campaign, and  while things were going on.  and indictment.” Aides did
            of  participating  in  the  riot  in  states  including  Michi-  in Florida, which appear to  He  should  have  come  out  not  immediately  respond
            have been charged.           gan and New Mexico who  have  had  little  impact  on  more  forcefully,”  DeSantis  to questions seeking further
            Smith’s probe has centered  were  targets  of  a  pressure  his standing in the crowded  said.  However,  he  added,  information.q

                                                                      Michigan charges 16 fake electors for

                                                                      Donald Trump with felonies

                                                                      eral  filed  felony  charges  which  is  a  14-year  felony.  election,”  Nessel  said  in  a
                                                                      Tuesday against 16 Repub-    The group includes Repub-    statement.
                                                                      licans  who  acted  as  fake  lican  National  Committee-  There  was  no  immediate
                                                                      electors  for  then-President  woman  Kathy  Berden  and  reaction  from  the  White
                                                                      Donald  Trump  in  2020,  ac-  Meshawn  Maddock,  for-    House  after  the  charges
                                                                      cusing  them  of  submitting  mer  co-chair  of  the  Michi-  were announced.
                                                                      false certificates confirming  gan Republican Party.      The  group  is  alleged  to
                                                                      they  were  legitimate  elec-  “It  would  be  malfeasance  have  met  on  December
                                                                      tors despite Joe Biden’s vic-  of the greatest magnitude  14,  2020,  and  signed  their
            A  protester  waves  a  Trump  flag  during  rally  organized  by  a   tory in the state.  if  my  department  failed  names  to  multiple  cer-
            group called Election Integrity Fund and Force at the Michigan   Attorney  General  Dana  to  act  here  in  the  face  of  tificates  stating  they  were
            State Capitol, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021, in Lansing, Mich.   Nessel,  a  Democrat,  an-  overwhelming evidence of  the  qualified  electors  for
                                                     Associated Press   nounced Tuesday that all 16  an  organized  effort  to  cir-  Trump.  These  false  docu-
                                                                      individuals would get eight  cumvent  the  lawfully  cast  ments  were  then  transmit-
            By JOEY CAPPELLETTI          LANSING,  Mich.  (AP)  —  criminal  charges,  includ-     ballots  of  millions  of  Michi-  ted to the U.S. Senate and
            Associated Press             Michigan’s  attorney  gen-   ing  two  counts  of  forgery,  gan voters in a presidential  National Archives.q
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