Page 1 - bon-dia-aruba-20200706
P. 1

Andres Hernandez
                                                                                                                      SNBA no ta asociacion

                                                                                                                          comercial so, sino
                                                                                                                        social pariba di brug
                                                                                                         Pag 5

                   Dialuna 6 di Juli 2020  Email:  Tel: 582-7800  Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin

                 Aruba ta habri frontera cu Merca                                                                             •  Prome

                                                                                                                                 turistanan di

                                         cu mas exigencia                                                                        Europa a yega

                                                                                                                                          Pagina 17

                                                                                                                              •  Abinader



                                                                                                                                           Pagina 7

                                                                                                                              •  Polis acusa di

                                                                                                                                 viola derecho

                                                                                                                                 di detenido

                                                                                                          Pagina 16                        Pagina 2

                                                                                                                            Fully restored

                                                                                       Monday                        128-year-old Lime Kiln
                                                                                       July 6, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                             Page 32
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Democrats, Biden look to accelerate Southern political shift

            ATLANTA (AP) — From Mis-     thern  Democrats  are  pai-
            sissippi retiring its state flag  ring  a  demographically
            to  local  governments    re-  diverse slate of candidates
            moving  Confederate  sta-    for state and congressional
            tues from public spaces, a  offices  with  presumptive
            bipartisan  push  across  the  presidential  nominee  Joe
            South  is  chipping  away  at  Biden,  a  77-year-old  white
            reminders  of  the  Civil  War  man they believe can ap-
            and Jim Crow segregation.  peal  to  what  remains  per-
            Now, during a national rec-  haps the nation’s most cul-
            koning  on  racism,  Demo-   turally conservative region.
            cratic  Party  leaders  want  “There’s so much opportu-
            those symbolic changes to  nity for everyone in this re-
            become  part  of  a  funda-  gion,” said Jaime Harrison,
            mental  shift  at  the  ballot  Democratic  challenger  to
            box.                         South Carolina Sen. Lindsey
            Many Southern electorates  Graham and a 44-year-old
            are  getting  younger,  less  Black  man.  Decades  of
            white and more urban, and  economic       development
            thus  less  likely  to  embrace  have  coaxed  new  resi-
            President  Donald  Trump’s  dents to the area.            A Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol honor guard folds the retired Mississippi state flag after it was
            white identity politics. Sou-                             raised over the Capitol grounds one final time in Jackson, Miss., on July 1, 2020.
                                                Continued on Page 25                                                                        Associated Press
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