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A30     world news
                  Diamars 8 December 2020

                               In Greece, political spat over lockdown turns personal

                                                                                                                                death  toll  reached  close  to
                                                                                                                                3,100 on Monday, with most
                                                                                                                                deaths occurring after Nov. 1.
                                                                                                                                The  government  Monday
                                                                                                                                said  it  will  maintain  core
                                                                                                                                lockdown measures  through
                                                                                                                                the  Christmas  holidays,  ac-
                                                                                                                                knowledging that monthlong
                                                                                                                                restrictions have not reduced
                                                                                                                                COVID-19  cases  to  the  ex-
                                                                                                                                tent it had hoped for.
                                                                                                                                Schools,  courts,  and  res-
                                                                                                                                taurants  will  remain  closed
                                                                                                                                through  Jan.  7,  Petsas  said,
                                                                                                                                while  non-essential  travel
                                                                                                                                between  Greece’s  adminis-
                                                                                                                                trative  regions  will  also  be
                                                                                                                                Stay-at-home  orders  nation-
                                                                                                                                wide  will  remain  in  effect
                                                                                                                                until  that  date,  with  move-
                                                                                                                                ment  outside  only  allowed
                                                                                                                                with  government  permis-
                                                                                                                                sion — which can be granted
                                                                                                                                by  SMS  text  message.  And
            (AP) — Holiday goodwill  empt  people  who’ve  gone  Alpha  TV,  adding:  “I  follow  lios Petsas said.             travelers  arriving  between
            during  the  coronavirus  outdoors for exercise, includ-  the  rules  religiously  and  it  Syriza described the response  Dec.  18  and  Jan.  7  will  be
            lockdown?  In  Greece,  it’s  ing cycling, from the obliga-  bothers me that a small mo-  as  a  “desperate  attempt  to  required  to  go  into  precau-
            been  in  short  supply  be-  tion to wear a mask.        ment  of  relaxation  or  care-  change   the   conversation  tionary  quarantine  for  10
            tween  the  nation’s  two  Government officials insisted  lessness was blown up out of  amid  the  public  outcry  over  days.  Restrictions  for  stores,
            leading politicians.         Mitsotakis  had  not  broken  proportion.”                the mishandling of the pan-  churches, and hair salons will
                                         the rules, but Syriza, the left-  The  government  hit  back  demic and the (prime minis-  be announced later this week.
            A spat has erupted over com-  wing  main  opposition  party,  against Syriza Monday, citing  ter’s) efforts to dodge public  The  number  of  daily  infec-
            peting claims that the prime  urged him to publicly apolo-  articles  in  pro-conservative  health restrictions.”   tions,  based  on  a  seven-day
            minister  and  his  main  rival  gize for displaying “arrogance  newspapers  reporting  that  Mitsotakis’ center-right New  rolling  average,  is  currently
            broke the spirit of pandemic  and a lack of empathy” for his  Alexis  Tsipras,  the  former  Democracy has maintained a  at 1,609 compared to 2,674 in
            restrictions  that  have  re-  fellow Greeks.             prime  minister  and  cur-   strong  lead  in  opinion  polls  mid-November, according to
            newed financial hardship for  Mitsotakis  on  Monday  con-  rent opposition leader, spent  since  taking  office  last  year  figures tallied by the Health
            many voters.                 ceded  he’d  been  wrong  to  much of his time in a rented  that increased through much  Ministry.
            Conservative  Prime  Minis-  agree  to  be  photographed  upscale seaside home.        of the pandemic, as infection  On Monday, 1,251 new con-
            ter  Kyriakos  Mitsotakis  was  without a mask when he met  “It’s  political  hypocrisy  for  rates  remained  much  lower  firmed  infections  were  re-
            photographed  last  weekend  the bikers on the trail.     the leader of the opposition.  than  many  other  European  ported, bringing the total so
            posing  with  his  mountain  “This  gave  me the  opportu-  He wants people to see him  countries.                  far to nearly 117,000.
            bike, without a mask, along-  nity  to  reflect  on  how  im-  as  the  boy  from  the  (blue-  The difference has narrowed  The  current  lockdown  was
            side five motocross riders on  portant the personal example  collar) neighborhood and not  slightly  in  recent  weeks  fol-  launched on Nov. 7 and ini-
            a hillside trail outside Athens.  that politicians set is,” he said  someone living the high life,”  lowing a post-summer surge  tially planned to last for three
            Greece’s lockdown rules ex-  in  an  interview  with  private  government  spokesman  Ste-  of  cases.  Greece’s  pandemic  weeks.

                        Erdogan calls for energy talks as EU considers Med sanctions

            (AP)  —  Turkish  President  Re-    reference to the maritime boundaries
            cep  Tayyip  Erdogan  on  Monday  that Turkey says other countries are
            called for negotiations over ener-  seeking to impose on it.
            gy exploration rights in the east-  At  a  summit  in  October,  European
            ern Mediterranean, days ahead of  leaders  warned  Turkey  to  withdraw
            a European Union summit where  its energy research ships or face puni-
            leaders  could  decide  to  impose  tive measures.
            sanctions on Turkey.                Late last month, the Turkish seismic
                                                survey vessel Oruc Reis returned to
            The  leaders  are  meeting  Thursday  port, as it had done before October’s
            in  Brussels  and  will  address  Turk-  EU  meeting.  However,  another  re-
            ish  missions  to  explore  gas  reserves  search ship, the Barbaros Hayreddin
            in  waters  claimed  by  EU  members  Pasa, remains off Cyprus’ southwest
            Greece and Cyprus.                  coast.  EU  foreign  ministers  agreed
            “We  believe  we  can  solve  the  prob-  Monday  that  Turkey’s  behavior  has
            lems  of  the  eastern  Mediterranean  not  improved  and  that  the  two-day
            by  not  excluding  each  other  but  summit  is  looming  as  a  “crucial”
            by  bringing  all  the  actors  together  meeting for EU-Turkey ties.
            around the same table,” Erdogan said  “All of them considered that we have
            in a video message to a university fo-  not seen a fundamental change of di-
            rum  on  the  eastern  Mediterranean  rection,” EU foreign policy chief Jo-  Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Den-  summer with a military build-up after
            Sea,  a  region  fraught  with  tensions  sep Borrell told reporters after chair-  dias  last  week  described  Turkish  ef-  Turkey sent the Oruc Reis, escorted
            this  year  between  rivals  Greece  and  ing their talks. “In several aspects the  forts to de-escalate the crisis as “un-  by navy frigates, into disputed waters.
            Turkey.                             situation has worsened.”            convincing” and demanded action to  The move prompted Greece to also
            However, he said Turkey would “not  Erdogan called for the EU to rid itself  rein in Ankara.                send its warships, and both countries
            accept  plans  and  maps  that  aim  to  of its “strategic blindness” and not be  Tensions between NATO allies Tur-  conducted military exercises to assert
            confine us to the shores of Antalya”, a  used as a tool of Greece and Cyprus.  key  and  Greece  escalated  over  the  their claims.
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