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A30    world news
                  Diamars 19 OctOber 2021

                                  EU mulling ways to end jet lease to Belarus’ airline

                                                                      Lukashenko’s   government                                 tinction  between  sanctions
                                                                      over  the  August  2020  presi-  Landsbergis  asked  for  sanc-  that  would  involve  no  fur-
                                                                      dential  election,  which  the  tions on Lukashenko for ex-  ther,  or  future,  aircraft  leas-
                                                                      West views as rigged, and the  ploiting  vulnerable  people,  ing to Belavia, in contrast to
                                                                      security  crackdown  on  the  and  against  Belavia.  He  also  existing contracts that are in
                                                                      Belarusian  opposition  and  urged the bloc to send a clear  place  where  there  are  legal
                                                                      peaceful  protesters  that  fol-  message  to  companies  car-  obligations.”
                                                                      lowed.                       rying people to Belarus who
                                                                                                   have the intention to migrate  German  Foreign  Minister
                                                                      “Even  though  the  situation  that they are on the EU’s ra-  Heiko Maas said Lukashenko
                                                                      seems  under  control,  the  dar.                         “is  nothing  other  than  the
                                                                      flows are actually not dimin-                             boss  of  a  state-run  people-
                                                                      ishing,”  Lithuanian  foreign  Borrell  said  there  “is  a  long  smuggling  ring,  and  we  are
                                                                      affairs  minister  Gabrielius  list of countries” from where  no longer prepared to watch
                                                                      Landsbergis said. “What tools  people  are  transported  to  as  companies,  such  as  air-
                                                                      do  countries  like  Lithuania,  Minsk via other airlines than  lines, also make money from
                                                                      Latvia  and  Poland  need  to  Belavia. He said the EU will  bringing refugees to Germa-
                                                                      use,  or  can  use,  in  order  to  contact  them  all  in  a  bid  to  ny or other European coun-
                                                                      stop  the  weaponized  migra-  cut the numbers.           tries.”
            (AP)  —  European  Union  encouraged to cross into Po-    tion  that  is  being  forced  on
            foreign  ministers  looked  land, Lithuania and to a lesser  the European Union?”      Irish  Foreign  Affairs  Minis-  German  Chancellor  Angela
            at ways on Monday to stop  extent  Latvia  —  all  three  of                           ter  Simon  Coveney,  whose  Merkel’s spokesperson, Stef-
            the  illegal  migration  into  which  are  EU  nations  that  Landsbergis  said  the  EU  country  is  a  hub  for  aircraft  fen  Seibert,  said  separately
            the  27-nation  bloc  from  border Belarus.               needs  to  find  an  efficient  leasing,  said  he  is  open  to  a  in  Berlin  that  Germany  has
            neighboring  Belarus,  in-                                way to stop new flights from  new  round  of  sanctions  tar-  noticed an increase of illegal
            cluding  stopping  compa-    EU foreign policy chief Josep  North  Africa  and  Middle  geting individuals in Belarus.  entries  along  the  German-
            nies  from  leasing  jets  to  Borrell said after the meeting  East from flying to Minsk.  Coveney,  however,  insisted  Polish  border  since  August
            Belarusian airline Belavia.  that the bloc is ready to adopt                           that  ending  existing  leasing  and  that  the  country’s  in-
                                         sanctions against Belavia.   “The  European  Union  did  contracts  could  be  difficult  terior  minister  will  present
            The EU has accused the gov-                               take  some  steps  that  proved  from a legal standpoint.  various options to respond to
            ernment of Belarusian Presi-  “Using migrants for political  to  be  quite  useful:  stopping                       this  at  Wednesday’s  Cabinet
            dent  Alexander  Lukashenko  purposes  is  not  acceptable,”  the  flights  from  Iraq,  and  “How  we  actually  increase  meeting. A spokesperson for
            of  facilitating  migration  into  Borrell said.          stopping the flights from Jor-  the  pressure  through  sanc-  Germany’s Interior Ministry,
            the  bloc  in  retaliation  for                           dan and Lebanon. But there  tions  is  something  that  Ire-  Alina  Vick,  said  about  4,500
            EU sanctions. Thousands of  The  migration  numbers  be-  are a number new flights that  land is very much open to,”  illegal  entries  from  Poland
            migrants have been lured to  gan increasing a year ago after  are being opened up to fly to  Coveney  said.  “But  I  think  have  been  registered  since
            Belarus  on  tourist  visas  and  the EU slapped sanctions on  Minsk.”                 we  would  also  make  a  dis-  August.

                            Top German tabloid editor ousted over misconduct claims

            (AP) — The powerful chief editor  from publishing their findings.       never  included  allegations  of  sexual
            of  Germany’s  best-selling  news-                                      harassment or abuse against Reichelt,  It  separately  announced  legal  steps
            paper  has  been  removed  from  In a letter dated Friday, four senior re-  but  rather  centered  around  “con-  against  “third  parties”  for  releasing
            his  post  following  revelations  of  porters at the Ippen media group ac-  sensual  romantic  relationships  with  confidential  business  information
            misconduct, publishing company  cused their company and its publish-    Bild staffers and evidence of abuse of  and private communication with the
            Axel Springer SE said Monday.       er, Dirk Ippen, of a “breach of trust”  power in connection with this.”  aim  of  trying  to  harm  the  company
                                                for deciding to halt the report, which                                  and having Reichelt removed.
            Julian  Reichelt  was  axed  from  the  had been months in the making and  At the time, the company said, a deci-
            helm  of  the  Bild  tabloid  “with  im-  was due to be published Sunday.  sion was made to give Reichelt a sec-  Axel  Springer  has  successfully  ex-
            mediate  effect,”  the  company  said                                   ond chance.                         panded  its  business  in  the  United
            in a statement. The 41-year-old was  The  Ippen  media  group  said  it  had                                States in recent years. It owns online
            suspended  earlier  this  year  as  part  nixed the story to “avoid the impres-  “In the context of the latest media re-  media company Insider and the busi-
            of  company-ordered  probe  into  his  sion we might want to economically  port, the company has obtained fur-  ness-oriented Morning Brew, and in
            management style, but later reinstat-  harm  a  competitor.”  It  denied  that  ther indications of ongoing miscon-  August it announced a deal to buy the
            ed.                                 there  had  been  any  pressure  from  duct by Julian Reichelt,” it said. “That  U.S.-based  political  news  company
                                                Axel  Springer  executives  over  the  is why the board now considers it un-  Politico and the tech news site Pro-
            Axel Springer said it had gained new  matter.                           avoidable to end (Reichelt’s) role.”  tocol.
            information about Reichelt’s current
            behavior “as a result of press reports”  Reichelt,  one  of  the  mightiest  fig-
            that it had followed up on, revealing  ures  in  German  media,  was  briefly
            that he had failed to “clearly separate  suspended  earlier  this  year  amid  an
            personal and private matters” even af-  investigation into allegations that in-
            ter being required to do so following  cluded bullying and abusing his posi-
            the internal investigation.         tion of power toward female staff. He
                                                was later reinstated after the company
            Reichelt  had  also  lied  to  the  board  said  his  actions  didn’t  warrant  dis-
            about this, the company added.      missal.

            Axel  Springer  said  it  would  appoint  While Ippen held back on its story, the
            Johannes Boie, 37, as the new chair of  New York Times published a report
            Bild’s three-member editorial board.  Sunday containing new details from
                                                the internal probe into Reichelt’s al-
            The  announcement  came  after  it  leged affair with a trainee.
            emerged over the weekend that jour-
            nalists at a rival German media group  In  its  statement,  Axel  Springer  said
            had  been  investigating  allegations  the internal investigation, which was
            against  Reichelt  but  were  prevented  handled by an independent law firm,
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