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                     Friday 16 august 2024

            U.S. colleges revise rules on free speech in hopes of containing

            anti-war demonstrations

            Continued from Front                                                                   The Ivy League school in up-  Shafik's  congressional  testi-
                                                                                                   per  Manhattan  was  roiled  mony in mid-April, when she
            Some  of  the  new  rules  im-                                                         earlier this year by student  denounced antisemitism but
            posed by universities include                                                          demonstrations, culminating  faced criticism for how she
            banning encampments, limit-                                                            in scenes of police officers  responded  to  faculty  and
            ing the duration of demon-                                                             with zip ties and riot shields  students accused of bias.
            strations,  allowing  protests                                                         storming a building occupied  The school sent in police to
            only  in  designated  spaces                                                           by pro-Palestinian protesters.  clear the tents the following
            and restricting campus ac-                                                             Similar  protests  swept  col-  day, only for the students to
            cess to those with university                                                          lege campuses nationwide,  return and inspire a wave of
            identification.  Critics  say                                                          with many leading to violent  similar protests at campuses
            some  of  the  measures  will                                                          clashes with police and more  across  the  country  as  stu-
            curtail free speech.                                                                   than 3,000 arrests. Many of  dents called for schools to
            The American Association of                                                            the  students  who  were  ar-  cut financial ties with Israel
            University Professors issued a                                                         rested during police crack-  and companies supporting
            statement Wednesday con-     Columbia University President Nemat (Minouche) Shafik testifies   downs have had their charg-  the war.
            demning  "overly  restrictive  before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce   es dismissed, but some are  The campus was mostly quiet
            policies" that could discour-  hearing on "Columbia in Crisis: Columbia University's Response   still  waiting  to  learn  what  this summer, but a conserv-
            age free expression. Many    to Antisemitism" on Capitol Hill in Washington, April 17, 2024.   prosecutors  decide.  Many  ative  news  outlet  in  June
            of the new policies require                                           Associated Press  have  faced  fallout  in  their  published  images  of  what
            protesters to register well in                                                         academic  careers,  includ-  it  said  were  text  messages
            advance  and  strictly  limit  displayed on university prop-  campus safety.           ing  suspensions,  withheld  exchanged  by  administra-
            the  locations  where  gath-  erty without prior approval.  Tensions  have  run  high  on  diplomas  and  other  forms  tors while attending a May 31
            erings can be held, as well  The University of South Florida  college campuses since Oct.  of discipline.           panel discussion titled "Jewish
            as setting new limits on the  now  requires  approval  for  7, when Hamas militants as-  Shafik was among the univer-  Life on Campus: Past, Present
            use of amplified sound and  tents,  canopies,  banners,  saulted southern Israel and  sity leaders who were called  and Future."
            signage.                     signs  and  amplifiers.  The  killed  1,200  people,  most  for questioning before Con-  The officials were removed
            "Our colleges and universi-  school's "speech, expression  of them civilians, and took  gress. She was heavily criti-  from their posts, with Shafik
            ties should encourage, not  and assembly" rules stipulate  about 250 hostages.         cized  by  Republicans  who  saying  in  a  July  8  letter  to
            suppress, open and vigorous  that no "activity," including  Many  student  protesters  in  accused  her  of  not  doing  the school community that
            dialogue and debate even  protests or demonstrations,  the U.S. vow to continue their  enough to combat concerns  the messages were unpro-
            on  the  most  deeply  held  is  allowed  after  5  p.m.  on  activism,  which  has  been  about  antisemitism  on  the  fessional  and  "disturbingly
            beliefs," said the statement,  weekdays  or  during  week-  fueled by Gaza's rising death  Columbia campus.         touched on ancient antise-
            adding  that  many  policies  ends and not allowed at all  toll, which surpassed 40,000  She  announced  her  resig-  mitic tropes."
            were imposed without fac-    during the last two weeks of  on  Thursday,  according  to  nation in an emailed letter  Other prominent Ivy League
            ulty input.                  a semester.                  the territory's Health Ministry.  to the university community  leaders have stepped down
            The University of Pennsylvania  A draft document obtained  About 50 Columbia students  just weeks before the start of  in  recent  months,  in  large
            has outlined new "temporary  over the summer by the stu-  still face discipline over last  classes on Sept. 3. The uni-  part  due  to  their  response
            guidelines" for student pro-  dent newspaper at Harvard  spring's  demonstrations  af-  versity  on  Monday  began  to  the  volatile  protests  on
            tests  that  include  bans  on  University showed the college  ter  a  mediation  process  restricting  campus  access  campus.
            encampments,  overnight  was considering prohibitions  that  began  earlier  in  the  to people with Columbia IDs  University  of  Pennsylvania
            demonstrations,  and  the  on overnight camping, chalk  summer  stalled,  according  and registered guests, saying  President Liz Magill resigned
            use of bullhorns and speak-  messages and unapproved  to Mahmoud Khalil, a lead  it wanted to curb "potential  in December after less than
            ers until after 5 p.m. on class  signs.                   negotiator working on behalf  disruptions"  as  the  new  se-  two  years  on  the  job.  She
            days. Penn also requires that  "I think right now we are see-  of Columbia student protest-  mester draws near.     faced pressure from donors
            posters and banners be re-   ing a resurgence of repres-  ers. He blamed the impasse  "This period has taken a con-  and criticism over testimony
            moved within two weeks of  sion on campuses that we  on Columbia administrators.       siderable toll on my family, as  at a congressional hearing
            going up. The university says  haven't seen since the late  "The university loves to ap-  it has for others in the com-  where she was unable to say
            it remains committed to free-  1960s," said Risa Lieberwitz, a  pear that they're in dialogue  munity," Shafik wrote in her  under repeated questioning
            dom of speech and lawful  Cornell University professor of  with the students. But these  letter.  "Over  the  summer,  I  that calls on campus for the
            assembly.                    labor and employment law  are all fake steps meant to  have  been  able  to  reflect  genocide of Jews would vi-
            At Indiana University, protests  who serves as general coun-  assure the donor community  and  have  decided  that  olate the school's conduct
            after 11 p.m. are forbidden  sel for the AAUP.            and their political class," said  my moving on at this point  policy.
            under a new "expressive ac-  Universities say they encour-  Khalil, a graduate student at  would best enable Columbia  And in January, Harvard Uni-
            tivities policy" that took effect  age free speech as long as it  Columbia's School of Inter-  to  traverse  the  challenges  versity  President  Claudine
            Aug 1. The policy says "camp-  doesn't interfere with learn-  national and Public Affairs.  ahead."                 Gay resigned amid plagia-
            ing" and erecting any type  ing, and they insist they are  The university did not imme-  Pro-Palestinian protesters first  rism accusations and similar
            of shelter are prohibited on  simply updating existing rules  diately respond to a request  set up tent encampments on  criticism over her testimony
            campus, and signs cannot be  for demonstrations to protect  for comment Thursday.      Columbia's campus during  before Congress.q
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