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P. 6

                     Friday 16 august 2024
            Venezuelan opposition leader rejects Brazil’s idea of redoing

            Venezuela’s presidential vote

            By GABRIELA SÁ PESSOA                                                                                               ing,  Amorim  said  that  a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    new  election  would  need
            SAO  PAULO  (AP)  —  Ven-                                                                                           to be verified in a solid and
            ezuelan  opposition  leader                                                                                         robust manner.
            María Corina Machado on                                                                                             Venezuelan  law  allows  for
            Thursday  rejected  a  pro-                                                                                         another vote whenever the
            posal from Brazil’s president                                                                                       National  Electoral  Council
            that Venezuela hold a new                                                                                           or  judicial  authorities  an-
            presidential election follow-                                                                                       nul  an  election  found  to
            ing the contested results of                                                                                        be  fraudulent  or  whose
            last month’s vote.                                                                                                  outcome was impossible to
            Her comments came short-                                                                                            determine.
            ly  after  Brazilian  President                                                                                     The  new  election  must
            Luiz  Inácio  Lula  da  Silva                                                                                       take  place  within  six  to  12
            said  that  he  still  doesn’t                                                                                      months  under  the  same
            recognize  Nicolás  Mad-                                                                                            conditions  as  the  annulled
            uro  as  the  winner  of  last                                                                                      vote and the same candi-
            month’s  presidential  elec-                                                                                        dates must appear on the
            tion in Venezuela, and that                                                                                         ballot.
            his  counterpart  could  call                                                                                       Logistics,  laws  and  costs
            for  a  new  vote  “if  he  has                                                                                     aside,  a  new  election
            good sense.” U.S. President                                                                                         would  be  a  risky  gamble
            Joe  Biden  also  expressed   Opposition presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, right, and opposition leader Maria Corina   for Maduro and his allies as
            support for new elections.   Machado join hands during a press conference the day after the election in Caracas, Venezuela,   July’s vote and subsequent
            Lula  said  that  Maduro  still   Monday, July 29, 2024.                                           Associated Press  protests showed they have
            owes  an  explanation  to                                                                                           lost  support  across  the
            Brazilians and the rest of the  many  other  nations  that  sense,  he  could  call  upon  been an important media-  country and can no longer
            world.                       have  either  recognized  the  people  of  Venezuela,  tor, including the Barbados  bank  on  a  cadre  of  die-
            Machado said during a vir-   Maduro or González as the  perhaps even call for new  Agreement         reached    in  hard  supporters,  known  as
            tual press conference with  winner,  the  governments  elections,  create  an  elec-   October,  when  Maduro’s  “Chavistas,” as well as pub-
            Argentine media that redo-   of  Brazil,  Colombia  and  toral committee and allow  administration  and  politi-    lic  employees  and  others
            ing  the  election  would  be  Mexico have taken a more  observers  from  around  the  cal opposition reached an  whose  businesses  or  em-
            “an  insult”  to  the  people,  neutral  stance  by  neither  world to monitor,” Lula said  agreement on a new elec-  ployment  depend  on  the
            and  she  asked  if  second  rejecting  nor  accepting  it  in an interview with Radio T.  tion  that  triggered  relief  state  to  comfortably  beat
            election  were  held  and  when  Venezuela’s  elec-       In  a  joint  statement,  the  from U.S. sanctions.       opponents.
            Maduro  still  didn’t  accept  toral  authorities  declared  three  countries  called  on  Celso  Amorim,  Lula’s  clos-  Although electoral authori-
            the results, “do we go for a  Maduro  the  winner  at  the  Venezuela’s electoral body  est  international  adviser  ties  declared  Maduro  the
            third one?”                  ballot box.                  to release tens of thousands  and former foreign relations  winner of the highly antici-
            Brazil is by far South Amer-  “Maduro still has six months  of vote tally sheets, consid-  minister,  went  to  Caracas  pated  election,  they  have
            ica’s  largest  nation  and  left  in  his  term.  He  is  the  ered  the  ultimate  proof  of  in July to monitor the elec-  yet  to  produce  detailed
            shares  one  of  Venezuela’s  president regardless of the  results.                    tion. Speaking to a Senate  voting  tallies  to  back  up
            longest land borders. Unlike  election.  If  he  has  good  Under Lula, the country has  committee Thursday morn-   their claim. q

            Sweden reports 1st case of more infectious form of mpox first

            identified in Congo

                                                                      LONDON  (AP)  —  Swedish  health  officials  to be “very low.” They said, however, that
                                                                      said Thursday they have identified the first  occasional imported cases may continue
                                                                      case of a person with the more infectious  to occur.
                                                                      form of mpox first seen in eastern Congo,  Earlier  this  year,  scientists  reported  the
                                                                      a day after the World Health Organization  emergence  of  a  new  form  of  the  dead-
                                                                      declared  the  outbreaks  there  and  else-  lier form of mpox, which can kill up to 10%
                                                                      where in Africa to be a global emergency.  of  people,  in  a  Congolese  mining  town
                                                                      The Swedish public health agency said in  that they feared might spread more eas-
                                                                      a  statement  the  patient  recently  sought  ily. Mpox mostly spreads via close contact
                                                                      health care in Stockholm.                  with  infected  people,  including  through
                                                                      “In this case a person has been infected  sex.
                                                                      during a stay in the part of Africa where  WHO  said  there  have  been  more  than
                                                                      there is a major outbreak of (the more in-  14,000 cases and 524 deaths in more than
                                                                      fectious mpox),” the agency said.          a dozen countries across Africa this year,
                                                                      Magnus  Gisslen,  a  state  epidemiologist  which already exceed last year’s figures.
                                                                      with the Swedish health agency, said the  So  far,  more  than  96%  of  all  cases  and
                                                                      person had been treated and given “rules  deaths are in a single country  Congo.
            State  epidemiologist Magnus  Gisslén,  from left,  Olivia  Wigzell,   of conduct.”                  Given the resources in Sweden and other
            acting director general of the Public Health Agency and Social
            minister  Jakob  Forssmed  give  a  press  conference  to  inform   “The fact that a patient with mpox is treat-  rich countries to stop mpox, scientists sus-
            about  the  situation  regarding  mpox,  in  Stockholm,  Sweden,   ed in the country does not affect the risk to  pect that if new outbreaks linked to Con-
            Thursday Aug. 15, 2024.                                   the general population,” Swedish officials  go are to be identified, transmission could
                                                     Associated Press  said, adding that experts estimate that risk  be stopped relatively quickly.q
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