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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 16 august 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal visitor at Casa Del Mar Beach Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-  Emerald Ambassador
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of  Mr.  Joseph  Pellino  from  Carmel
            recognizing  a  Emerald  Ambas-     New York, United States.
            sador  of  Aruba.  The  honoree  was
            respectively  honored  with  a  cer-  Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing
            tificate for his years of visits, loyalty,  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and
            and love for the island of Aruba.   staff  members  of  Casa  Del  Mar
                                                Beach Resort bestowed the certifi-
            The  honorary  certification  is  pre-  cate upon the honoree, presented
            sented  on  behalf  of  the  Minister  him  with  gifts,  and  thanked  him
            of Tourism as a token of apprecia-  for  choosing  Aruba  as  his  favorite
            tion and to say “Masha Danki” to  vacation destination, as his home
            guests who have visited Aruba 10,  away from home.
            20,  or  35  years  or  more  consecu-
            tively.                             The top reasons for returning to Aru-
                                                ba provided by the honoree was:
            The three levels of honor are as fol-  •   Aruba’s people.
            lows:                               •      Aruba’s beaches & weath-
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-  er.
            secutively visiting Aruba)          •      Aruba’s culture & food.
            Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  •         “Arubans  makes  you  feel
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       as you are part of their family”
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  •          “Since  I  came  to  Aruba
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       with  my  parents  at  the  age  11,                                    sincere gratitude and appreciation
                                                we’ve made it our family vacation   On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-  to  the  honoree  for  his  continued
            The honoree was:                    spot for 4 generations”             thority, we would like to express our  visits to the “One Happy Island”.q

                                                Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our “Dorado”

                                                Drals, Drado, are some of them in  tion.  It  is  known  among  fishermen  Description:
                                                Papiamento.  In  English,  it  is  also  as an exciting catch and a fish that  Dorado has a distinctive body. It has
                                                called Mahi Mahi, Dolphinfish, or Do-  puts up a good fight. Its meat is very  a large tail and its long, flat body
                                                rado. It's a good example to reflect  good for consumption and it is also  ends in a large blunt head. Its color
                                                on why there can be many names.  commercially fished for that reason.   of yellow and green or blue makes
                                                The same fish becomes known by                                          it immediately recognizable, even
                                                different  common  names,  why?  They grow very fast, up to 2.7 inches  with small variations in these colors.
                                                Common names come only when  (almost 7 cm) per week. They can
                                                a group of people, to understand  live up to a maximum of 5 years al-   Dorado  has  clear  differences  be-
                                                each  other,  assign  a  name  to  a  though  very  few  reach  that  age.  tween adult females and males. The
                                                fish. Mahi Mahi, for example, comes  Most become adults within 1 year  male is larger and can easily reach
                                                from  Hawaii  and  means  "very  but many become reproductive af-       50 to 80 pounds and has a much
            (Oranjestad)—If  you’re  ever  plan-  strong". Dorado is based on Span-  ter just 5 or 6 months and reproduce  flatter  head  compared  to  the  fe-
            ning on snorkeling during your va-  ish and refers to the golden yellow  very quickly too.                  male. Therefore, male Dorados are
            cation on Aruba, you may spot fish  color that the fish shines with under                                   also called "bull Dorado".
            that  you  can’t  recognize.  One  of  the sun. Why it's called Dolphinfish in  They live in open water on the sur-
            these may be the “Dorado”, a com-   English is not well defined and while  face  most  of  the  time.  Many  fish  Dorado can be found in our waters
            mon fish that swims all year long in  there are several stories around this,  seek them around sushi lines or float-  around the island all year round, but
            the  waters  of  Aruba.  Here’s  some  none have been confirmed.        ing objects on the sea. Often you  there are periods when it is easier to
            information about the beloved Do-                                       will find a group landing together  find than others.
            rado.                               Dorado is found in all tropical to sub-  and if you keep a male on the line,
                                                tropical oceans around the world.  often  the  others  will  stay  close  or   Source: The Department of Agriculture,
            Dorado has many different names  Dorado is very popular both for rec-   can keep the group interested by     Livestock, and Fisheries (Santa Rosa).
            it can be referred to. Dral, Dorao,  reational fishing and for consump-  giving shrimp or squid.
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