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Diabierna 2 OctOber 2020
Anderson shines, Braves shut out Reds again to sweep series
5 1/3 innings in his first post- Riley had no setback in the
season start. Bauer struck out series opener. That doesn’t
12 in 7 2/3 scoreless innings mean Riley is fully recovered.
in Game 1. “I think he’s sore,” Snitker
The Reds were shut out said. “I don’t think this is
in consecutive postseason something that is just going
games for the first time. The to go away. ... He’s just going
22 innings without a run is to have to manage it."
the longest postseason score-
less streak in franchise histo- Clinching win
ry. “No one feels worse than The Braves had been 0-7
the guys who put everything in their last seven poten-
they had on the line, and it tial clinching games in the
didn’t work out,” manager postseason, including 0-2 in
David Bell said. "We’ve got to last year's NL division series
learn from it and find a way against St. Louis.
to be better from it.” Duvall insisted the Braves
had no extra motivation to
Atlanta jumped in front in end any of their postseason
the fifth. With two outs, Aus- droughts.
tin Riley took off from first “Honestly I didn’t feel any
base on a pitch Acuña lined extra pressure that we have to
into the gap in left center. Ri- win this series,” Duvall said.
ley scored easily and Acuña “The thought is to win every
stood on second base, pump- series ... not so much that if
ing both fists in the air in we win the next round we’ll
celebration. Cincinnati left be further than we’ve been
13 runners on base Wednes- since ’01 or whatever.”
(AP) — It had been so long he was taking a selfie photo. “a controlled chaos.” day, and its scoring frustra-
since the Atlanta Braves won tions continued. Anderson’s Coming back
a postseason series, Marcell When Duvall added another “I told them we’re just check- second walk of the second, As soon as the game was
Ozuna wanted to make sure shot, Ozuna called him to the ing a box off in what we want to Freddy Galvis, loaded the over, the grounds crew be-
he captured the moment. end of the dugout for another to get done,” Snitker said. bases with two outs. Tucker gan preparing the field as if
Then Adam Duvall joined selfie. Just like in 2001, when Hall of Barnhart’s groundout to sec- there were more games to
the selfie bandwagon. Ian Duvall said Ozuna “kind of Famers Greg Maddux, Tom ond base ended the inning. be played at Truist Park. As it
Anderson dazzled in another put me in the spotlight right Glavine and John Smoltz It was the Reds' best scoring turns out, there are.
shutout performance for At- there. I was having fun with helped lead the way, Atlanta's chance. Snitker said the Braves would
lanta, and the Braves won it. That’s not really my forte. pitching staff delivered. The “It’s a tough game to play return to the park on Friday
a playoff series for the first I’m not, I guess, super flashy 22-year-old Anderson al- when you’re trying not to for a simulated game and
time in almost two decades or anything but we were hav- lowed two hits and walked give up any runs, when you workouts. The team is in a
by sweeping the light-hitting ing fun with it.” two in his playoff debut after know the offense is strug- postseason quarantine in its
Cincinnati Reds with a 5-0 It was definitely a fun day for six regular-season starts. Will gling,” Barnhart said. “When hotel, so Snitker said play-
victory Thursday. Ozuna and Co. Not so much Smith, Chris Martin and you feel like you can’t give up ers need to get out of their
for Joey Votto and the Reds. Mark Melancon each threw any runs, it’s a really damn rooms. “We’re going to let
Ronald Acuña Jr. had three Anderson struck out nine one perfect inning. Anderson tough game to play.” their minds rest,” Snitker
hits for the NL East cham- in six innings as the Braves said it was special to be part of said. “That’s the thing.”
pions, including a run-scor- snapped their record-tying two consecutive shutouts in Trainer’s room
ing double in the fifth. After string of losses in 10 con- the series. Max Fried started Reds: C Curt Casali, who Up next
winning Wednesday’s series secutive postseason rounds in the Game 1 win. normally starts with Cas- Reds: Will play the Cleveland
opener 1-0 in 13 innings, At- since their last playoff series “All the credit to Max for go- tillo, was held out due to a Indians in their 2021 spring
lanta broke open Game 2 on win in 2001. Atlanta will face ing out there yesterday pitch sore wrist before entering the training opener on Feb. 27 in
two-run homers by Ozuna Miami or the Chicago Cubs for pitch with (Trevor) Bauer game in the eighth. Barnhart, Goodyear, Ariz.
and Duvall off Raisel Iglesias in the NL Division Series in and setting the tone for us,” who has split playing time Braves: Will face Miami or
in the eighth. Houston. Anderson said. with Casali, was the starting the Chicago Cubs in Game
Following his drive to left- Manager Brian Snitker de- catcher. 1 of the NL division series in
center, Ozuna paused on his scribed the postgame cele- Cincinnati wasted a solid Braves: After sitting out the Houston on Tuesday.
jog down the first-base line to bration, somewhat limited by performance by Luis Cas- final two regular-season
hold up his hand and pretend the coronavirus pandemic, as tillo, who struck out seven in games with a sore quadriceps,
White Sox lose Jiménez, Crochet to injury in Game 3 vs A's
(AP) — The White Sox lost off double before signaling to Jiménez went through exten-
slugging outfielder Eloy Ji- the bench that he needed a sive baseball work Monday
ménez and hard-throwing pinch-runner. and still experienced sore-
left-hander Garrett Crochet ness, keeping him out the
to injury during a deciding Manager Rick Renteria was initial two in the best-of-
Game 3 of a wild-card se- late writing his lineup wait- three round.
ries against the Athletics on ing to see whether Jiménez
Thursday. could play. Renteria watched the pre-
Crochet — the 11th over- game work Thursday.
Jiménez returned to Chica- all pick in this year's ama- “We’ve got to get a win today.
go's lineup for the first time teur draft — relieved fellow We’ve got to buy him some
since Sept. 24 but left in the rookie starter Dane Dunning time,” teammate Tim Ander-
third inning with renewed in the first. He exited in the son said. “That’s another big
discomfort in his sprained second with tightness in his bat that we’re missing right
right foot. Jiménez hit a lead- left forearm. now.”