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world news Diabierna 2 OctOber 2020
EU takes legal action against UK over planned Brexit bill
(AP) — The European commission has decided to
Union took legal action send a letter of formal notice
against Britain on Thursday to the U.K. government,”
over its plans to pass legisla- which augurs the start of a
tion that would breach parts protracted legal battle.
of the legally binding divorce
agreement the two sides “The commission will con-
reached late last year. tinue to work hard towards
a full and timely implemen-
The EU move underscored tation of the Withdrawal
the worsening relations with Agreement," she said. "We
Britain, which was a member stand by our commitment.”
of the bloc until Jan. 31. Both The bill must also be ap-
sides are trying to forge a ru- proved by the U.K.'s House
dimentary free trade agree- of Lords, where it is sure to
ment before the end of the meet strong opposition be-
year, but the fight over the cause it breaches interna-
controversial U.K. Internal tional law. Helena Kennedy,
Market bill has soured rela- an opposition Labour Party
tions this month. European member of the House of
Commission President Ur- Lords, said the bill was “a fla-
sula von der Leyen said that grant breach of international
the British plan "by its very law,” and Parliament’s upper
nature is a breach of the ob- chamber would try to stop it.
ligation of good faith laid
down in the Withdrawal “People come to the courts in
Agreement." the United Kingdom because
"If adopted as is, it will be in our judiciary is respected.
full contradiction to the pro- Our respect for the law is one
tocol of Ireland-Northern of our badges — a badge of peace accord and the Brexit both sides, especially in na- an Oct. 15-16 EU summit,
Ireland" in the withdrawal honor,” she told the BBC. withdrawal agreement, but tions close to Britain like which British Prime Min-
agreement," she said. “Well it’s gone down." The wants the law in case the France, Belgium and the ister Boris Johnson has set
British government stood EU makes unreasonable Netherlands. Dutch Prime as a deadline for a deal. The
EU leaders fear that if the its ground in an immediate demands after Brexit that Minister Mark Rutte sought EU said talks could continue
U.K. bill becomes law, it reaction to the EU move, could impede trade between to play down the significance right up to the end of the
could lead to the reimposi- saying “we need to create a Northern Ireland and the of the European Commis- month.
tion of a hard land border legal safety net to protect the rest of the U.K. sion's action, and instead fo-
between Northern Ireland, integrity of the U.K.’s inter- Prime Minister Boris John- cus on seeking a trade deal. Britain says it wants a free
which is part of Britain, and nal market, ensure ministers son’s large parliamentary ma- “Don't look for too much trade deal along the lines
EU member Ireland, and can always deliver on their jority ensured the bill passed behind this," Rutte said about of the one the EU has with
erode the stability that has obligations to Northern Ire- its final House of Commons the start of legal action. “It is Canada, allowing for goods
underpinned peace since the land and protect the gains vote on Tuesday night, de- normal procedure, more ad- to be traded with no tariffs or
1998 Good Friday accord. from the peace process.” If spite resistance from oppo- ministrative than political." quotas.
The EU had given London the Internal Market Bill be- sition parties and even some Time is short for the U.K. The EU says if the U.K.
until Wednesday to withdraw comes law, it will give Brit- members of the governing and the EU to mend fences. wants access to EU markets
the bill, but U.K. lawmak- ain the power to disregard Conservative Party. A transition period that fol- it must respect standards that
ers voted 340-256 Tuesday part of the Brexit withdrawal At the same time, EU and lowed Britain’s Brexit de- EU companies have to live by
to push the legislation past treaty dealing with trade to U.K. officials were continu- parture ends in less than 100 since Britain is just too close
its last major hurdle in the and from Northern Ireland, ing talks on a trade deal, go- days, on Dec. 31. to allow for undercutting
House of Commons. which shares a 300-mile ing into detailed negotiations rules that would allow for
Von der Leyen said “the (500-kilometer) border with over everything from fish- The EU-U.K. trade negoti- so-called “dumping” of U.K.
deadline lapsed yesterday. the Republic of Ireland. eries rights, state aid rules ating session is supposed to merchandise at prices lower
The problematic provi- and legal oversight in case of wrap up Friday but expecta- than in the EU.
sions haven't been removed. The U.K. government says disputes. Hundreds of thou- tions are that negotiations
Therefore this morning, the it respects the Good Friday sands of jobs are at stake on will continue right up to
Venezuelan opposition leader, EU urge delay in election
(AP) — A popular oppo- improvement in electoral opposition’s last hold power, election as an opportunity to ment released early Wednes-
sition politician in Ven- conditions. putting all branches of gov- rid Venezuela of opponents, day, the coalition of 27 Eu-
ezuela urged authorities on “If it’s postponed, does that ernment under who he said are dead-set on ropean nations said it won't
Wednesday to delay upcom- automatically mean there stirring violence and hand- send observers to Venezuela
ing congressional elections, will be the right condi- President Nicolás Maduro’s ing over Venezuela's vast oil unless the election is both
saying it's the only way to tions?” Capriles said in an control. wealth to what he calls the postponed and better condi-
create free and fair condi- online broadcast. “No, but it A month earlier, Capriles, imperialist United States. tions are guaranteed.
tions for the vote. allows for the possibility of 48, said he’d back candidates
an observation mission.” in the election, breaking “Come rain, thunder or “Beyond the immediate is-
The call by former presi- At stake in the vote now set with Guaidó, who maintains lightning, on December 6 sue of legislative elections,
dential candidate Henrique for Dec. 6 is control of the Maduro has already rigged will will hold the parliamen- the long-term objective re-
Capriles came hours after National Assembly. The leg- the election. Guadó also tary elections,” Maduro said mains the path to democra-
the European Union made a islative body is controlled claims presidential pow- in a recent TV address. cy,” the EU statement said.
similar plea, reiterating that by an opposition coalition ers as head of the National The EU recently sent two “It is the time for bold Ven-
it won't send observers to led by U.S.-backed politi- Assembly in a campaign to representatives to Caracas ezuelan-owned decisions in
Venezuela without postpon- cian Juan Guaidó. A loss of oust Maduro. to discuss the possibility of support of a peaceful and
ing the vote and seeing a vast the chamber could erase the For his part, Maduro sees the delaying the vote. In a state- democratic transition.”